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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Attor's Abode [CLOSED]

Attor (played by DigitalDevil)

The outside of the bookish dragon's cabin is a quaint and charming sight, nestled in the heart of a dense, enchanted forest. The cabin itself is built from weathered, dark oak wood with a sloping, moss-covered thatched roof. The exterior walls are adorned with ivy, which has taken on various shades of autumnal red and orange, creating a stunning contrast against the rustic brown of the cabin.

A cobblestone pathway, partly hidden beneath a carpet of fallen leaves, leads up to the cabin's front door. The path meanders through a beautifully landscaped garden that seems to have been plucked from the pages of a fairy tale. Small, intricately designed wrought-iron lanterns on either side of the path cast a warm, inviting purple glow in the evening, guiding visitors to the dragon's lair.

The garden is a vibrant mix of wildflowers and carefully cultivated blooms. There are dainty snapdragons, marigolds, and sunflowers, which bloom in a kaleidoscope of autumn hues. The scent of lavender and roses permeates the air, creating a delightful, almost magical ambiance. Gnarled old trees with leaves in varying shades of red, yellow, and orange tower above the cabin, their branches forming a natural canopy, dappled with sunlight that filters through the colorful foliage.

Small, whimsical Halloween decorations adorned the exterior of the cabin. A friendly scarecrow stands guard by the garden gate, its tattered clothes and straw hat giving it a slightly mischievous appearance. A series of glowing jack-o'-lanterns, each with a unique expression, are placed on the cabin's front steps, welcoming visitors with their flickering, warm light. A woven spiderweb, adorned with sparkling dewdrops, stretches between two branches of an old oak tree. Crafted from silk thread and glimmering beads, it adds an eerie yet enchanting touch to the scene.

Attor waited inside by the door, anticipating visitors excitedly as he held a rather large bowl of candies he may or may not have taken pieces out of to snack on. This was his first time celebrating Halloween this way, it seemed like a rather fun holiday.
Aluel Deng (played by Samiakki)

Knowing Yanfeng already had a head start since he left on his quests early, Aluel couldn't possibly have that. How else were they supposed to satiate the hunger of the resident ghosts of the exorcists' guild hall? Granted, she did find it a little stupid; having to make pacts to keep their weapons cursed in exchange for their ability to banish evil spirits in the first place. It was what it was. And at this time of year, their were sated by candies - albeit, they were treated more like currency than food this time around.

Thus, she got into a competition with Yanfeng. A friendly one, but one she matched with fierce rivalry nonetheless. That's why she was eager when she approached the cobblestone pathway this rift brought her to, cautious of her surroundings for any ghosts that might be lingering. Still, she found some beauty in the presentation, finding peace in the friendly-looking decorations. It wasn't overly scary, which painted her fondness for more theatrically spooky things. She'd dealt with enough scary things already.

Finally, she approached Attor. She was dressed as a traditional vampire, even her usually-circular eyepatch swapped out for a bat-shaped one. Her simple bat basket had wings sticking out of the sides as she held it out, a pleasant smile on her features.

"Trick or treat!"
Attor (played by DigitalDevil) Topic Starter

Before Aluel could finish her exclamation, the door opened to reveal a smiling purple dragon holding a bowl of candy. Instead of silver, his jewelry was black iron, a more festive choice.

"Why, hello!" Attor said cheerfully, "Why, isn't your costume amazing! Wherever did you get it?"
Aluel Deng (played by Samiakki)

Aluel couldn't help but feel a little silly, considering nobody was there yet when she said the traditional call. It seemed her sight was indeed failing her! She raised a hand to rub her eye a little bit before looking towards the dragon. Huh, apparently those aren't airships in this dimension.

"Oh, my costume?" Her voice carried an accent that was possibly unfamiliar to Attor, being typical of Dinka from South Sudan. "I, uh. I actually had this custom-made. There is a tailor who works for the guild I am a part of. She works wonders, don't you think?"

She swirled a little in place, showing off the differences in the angled layer of her dress. The front was up to her knees as the back was long, but not training too much behind her so that it got dirty. The interior of the skirt was deep red and adorned with black lace. It matched the front of her dress, where she further accessorized by wearing red flowers in an afro puff-ponytail.

"I thank you! I am glad you like it." She almost sounded embarrassed by this, if a bit shy, but she recovered quickly enough. "I like your jewelry. Is that iron? That's good for protection, especially tonight."

(( Oops, I misread your post at first. It's late but I wanted to reply to some threads! Haha, sorry! ))
Attor (played by DigitalDevil) Topic Starter

The dragon nodded along as she spoke, keeping a mental note to visit the tailor when he traveled to where she spoke of. "Ooooh! It's very pretty. Uh- yes, I've heard of the protective properties of iron, but I thought it'd be a nice festive twist, I usually wear silver.."

"Um, anyways, you probably don't want to talk about that, people find that kind of thing.. rather boring. Usually, during this holiday, I give you sweets. Please, take as many as you'd like, I made them myself." He offered the bowl to her. It was filled with candies that radiated positive spirit of the autumn holiday.
Aluel Deng (played by Samiakki)

Aluel's lips pursed in thought for a second. She would have protested that she didn't think of it as a boring topic, but he didn't seem like he wanted to go down that route in the conversation. Regardless, when he offered her candy, she offered a small smile.

"Oh, you're too kind," she said, even though it was a tradition of this holiday.

She was used to people handing her things, but not offering that she pick some out. Then again, she wasn't entirely sure how this holiday worked all the time. She didn't go trick-or-treating when she was little. It wasn't a big thing in South Sudan nor England, so she never went. Some people might take offense to the fact she never had Halloween as a child, but it was the way it was. At least she got to participate in it as an adult!

Promptly, she leaned forward and sifted through the bucket to find any peanut-y treats. Satisfied with picking out three - two wasn't enough to beat Yanfeng and four made her feel greedy - she put them in her bucket gently.

"I thank you," she repeated. "You made these yourself? That's very nice. I'll definitely enjoy these, especially since they're handmade. There's something about home-cooked things that cannot be beat, you know?"
Attor (played by DigitalDevil) Topic Starter

“Yes, I did.” He replied with a small nod. “I found a few recipes for candies in one of my books. I must say, they turned out rather well..” To keep himself from rambling, he decided to start to dismiss her.

“Anyway, you’ve probably got a lot more people to visit, so I won’t keep you here. Have a good night, and best of luck to you tonight!”
Aluel Deng (played by Samiakki)

Aluel took the hint that it was time for her to go. It was probably for the best, or else she'd anxiously ramble herself. At least this was a good outcome for her.

"Right, right," she replied, rolling her R's somewhat. "Thank you so much for this! I appreciate your time and gifts. Be safe tonight, okay? Please take care."

With that, she turned to head on her merry way. There were so many more candies she had to collect if she was to be successful in her competition. Quest aside!
Attor (played by DigitalDevil) Topic Starter

With a small wave, the dragon grinned and watched her leave. As she walked away, he closed the door and anxiously waited for his next guest.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi loved halloween. The fox spirit also loved wearing kimonos. She enjoyed those two together so much that she even had a kimono colored purple and green to, in her words, look like "a classical cartoon witch".

Ever since Ren was little, he and his mother, Azumi, would often go together in every house to trick or treat and when it was their turn to trick or treat, Azumi would use her shapeshifting to turn herself into various monsters before calming her victims by turning into a more human appearance before giving them the scrumptious sweets that they endured to earn.

Now was obviously much different. Ren had just turned twenty four years old, an age that was much too old to participate in such childlike merrymaking. However, the only thing stopping Ren from avoiding halloween entirely was his mother. She pleaded and begged her son to come with her for another spot of trick or treating. "Just like old times", she said, but her son was a full grown man. She did not understand that for some reason.

In any case, the two went off their usual route, away from their neighborhood. It was here they were able to stumble upon a cabin and a garden. It was a beautiful sight indeed, however this place seemed more vacant than showing any sign of anyone residing in it. Still, Azumi was stubborn, never listening to a word that Ren said.

"It shall be fine!", Azumi smiled, "If there are any evil spirits I can ward them off!"

"I swear...", Ren trailed off

They walked at a snail's pace. Ren especially so as he was very reluctant to do all of this in the first place.

"Trick or...", She paused to look at her son, whom she expected to say the rest.

"...treat", Ren said.
Attor (played by DigitalDevil) Topic Starter

Excitedly opening the door, the purple dragon looked at the two. "Oh, you two are the cutest!" He squeaked, trying not to pay attention to the son's awkwardness. Holding out the candy, he smiled. "Please, take as much as you like. I made them myself."
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

*"A... tatsu?!", Azumi squealed in glee. Unfortunately, Ren was quick to dismiss her excitement.

"He looks like a western dragon, mom", Ren said, "Nothing related to japan"

"You always like ruining my fun, sweetie!", Azumi pouted, "It's not everyday you see a mythical creature!"

"You ARE a mythical creature and I've always been with you every second of my life because you're my familiar..."

She turned her back on her son before hugging him and giggled.

"But it still warms my heart you decided to join me"

"Because you pestered me over it..."

"Oh nonsense! Look, the nice dragon has given us candy!

The pair took 3 pieces for each of them. Then Azumi gave Attus something special. Inarizushi. Ren always loved eating his mother's cooking and he hoped that someone would be delighted to enjoy what Azumi made.

She then transformed herself into a Tatsu. Her fur morphed into green scales yet her eyes remained green.

"Whoo!", She said, "It has been awhile since I transformed into such a giant form! I'll have you know, mister dragon, Kitsune can shapeshift into almost anything!"

(*The Tatsu is a japanese dragon. It's kinda more serpentine and has no wings, well, based on the illustration of the website lol. They are said to have multiple limbs too.)
Fox (played by Wolfie9753)

Attor wrote:
The outside of the bookish dragon's cabin is a quaint and charming sight, nestled in the heart of a dense, enchanted forest. The cabin itself is built from weathered, dark oak wood with a sloping, moss-covered thatched roof. The exterior walls are adorned with ivy, which has taken on various shades of autumnal red and orange, creating a stunning contrast against the rustic brown of the cabin.

A cobblestone pathway, partly hidden beneath a carpet of fallen leaves, leads up to the cabin's front door. The path meanders through a beautifully landscaped garden that seems to have been plucked from the pages of a fairy tale. Small, intricately designed wrought-iron lanterns on either side of the path cast a warm, inviting purple glow in the evening, guiding visitors to the dragon's lair.

The garden is a vibrant mix of wildflowers and carefully cultivated blooms. There are dainty snapdragons, marigolds, and sunflowers, which bloom in a kaleidoscope of autumn hues. The scent of lavender and roses permeates the air, creating a delightful, almost magical ambiance. Gnarled old trees with leaves in varying shades of red, yellow, and orange tower above the cabin, their branches forming a natural canopy, dappled with sunlight that filters through the colorful foliage.

Small, whimsical Halloween decorations adorned the exterior of the cabin. A friendly scarecrow stands guard by the garden gate, its tattered clothes and straw hat giving it a slightly mischievous appearance. A series of glowing jack-o'-lanterns, each with a unique expression, are placed on the cabin's front steps, welcoming visitors with their flickering, warm light. A woven spiderweb, adorned with sparkling dewdrops, stretches between two branches of an old oak tree. Crafted from silk thread and glimmering beads, it adds an eerie yet enchanting touch to the scene.

Attor waited inside by the door, anticipating visitors excitedly as he held a rather large bowl of candies he may or may not have taken pieces out of to snack on. This was his first time celebrating Halloween this way, it seemed like a rather fun holiday.

Fox approached the cabin, dodging a few low hanging branches that attempted to deter him from his goal. He took slow steps while looking around in awe at the beautiful sight before him, trying to commit every leaf and shadow to memory.
Fox would spot the house up ahead and carefully pick his way across the cobblestone steps, opening the garden gate which made a loud squeak, shattering the calm aura of silence.
He'd step up onto the front porch of the cabin, brandishing a little pumpkin shaped basket. "Trick or treat!" Fox grinned at the dragon. "I like your garden and decorations, by the way!"
Attor (played by DigitalDevil) Topic Starter

((Sorry, I've got quite a lot going on right now... I'll have to close this.))

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