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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: The Snake’s Den

Salamandra (played anonymously)

It’s a beautiful night, the sky dark and the moon full. It serves as an impressive backdrop for the home/shop that sits beyond a wrought iron fence. The gates are open invitingly, and the path leading to the porch and door is decorated for the festive night that is Halloween. It’s ghosts, zombies, and skeletons that frame the walkway. Beyond, in a vast section of the yard, the Headless Horseman on a black steed looms in the pose of giving chase to his prey. The porch is filled with lit pumpkins carved with spooky faces, and black cats by all the large windows.

The front door is open in the same inviting manner as the gate. The foyer is the first stop. The path directly ahead is closed, but two others are open. To the right is a shop, one that houses everything from candles to crystals to incense, and so much more. There’s no bad time for business, not even Halloween. As for the left, it leads to a vast sitting room/living room. Flames flicker in the fireplace and candles spread all around the room offer warm lighting. There are tables all around that are filled with hand-crafted treat bags for those young and old alike. There’s even a wide range of refreshments on offer.

The man who put all of this together is seated casually, almost lazily, at another table in the far corner, face lit by the flames of more candles. There’s no human disguise for him tonight. It didn’t seem necessary with it being Halloween, the night when many dress up as all manner of fantastical things. Besides, the colorful tail wrapped around the table surely must be a prop. Right? And his eyes can’t possibly glow with the same light as the flames dancing in the fireplace, hm?

Oh, it hardly matters. This is a night for mystery and intrigue, a night where he means no harm to anyone. His only goal tonight is to await each guest and be sure they leave with Halloween treats. And, who knows, maybe there will even be some fascinating twists and turns before the night is over.
Nadia Wilson (played by V3rbot3n)

Even before the change many years ago, Nadia had always had a deep love for Halloween. It only seemed more appropriate now, and she felt much more comfortable showing herself to the world as she was without fear of 'breaking the rules' or 'getting her head chopped off by a justiciar.' She strolled along the walk towards this place that she had heard of, be it through word of mouth or in passing as the community chatted about it. Even only mulling about in the night time, she could always get the deets on where fun and interesting things to do are.

The shop looked enticing, housing just what she might need in order to do some of the work she'd tasked herself with. On the other hand, she saw a room full of elegant and creative ambiance, almost as if the walls were oozing spooky and spectacular. She'd have to fake it if she wanted a taste of any of the treats, as tempting as they were. Still, She moved towards the vast living room and as she entered, she spotted the aforementioned individual. A bit taken aback, she shook her head and recentered herself. No, it wasn't the derangement, this man was sporting a really well made costume!

"Oh...! My apologies. I would have missed you if I had been in deeper thought. By chance are you the proprietor of this establishment?"
Salamandra (played anonymously) Topic Starter

The sound of footsteps reaches him long before the individual they belong to. Keen ears are a boon. He rests his chin against one palm and leans forward, for a moment just watching the woman. Exploration of the areas left open is wholly welcome and it would be rude to disrupt. He'll allow her to discover his lurking presence on her own. In truth, he's simply glad that someone stopped by. There are certainly more interesting places than this humble little shop.

Then, the discovery. He smiles and bows his head by way of greeting. "You owe me no apology. You did seem taken by your thoughts and I didn't want to interrupt." He straightens in his seat. A bit of his tail uncoils from the table as he moves. "I am. You can call me Salamandra. A peculiar name, I know, yet mine all the same." He motions over toward the shop. It's lit with more than simple candles. It's much easier to peruse the various wares that rest on shelves and tables, with ever more tucked away in the back. "Is there something I can help you find? Perhaps things more fascinating than bags of confections, hm?"
Nadia Wilson (played by V3rbot3n)

Nadia gives him a bow, raising back up with a smile. She'd chosen a cheeky little costume, something that would make her look like if little red riding hood wore black instead. "You can call me Nadia, or Nadi for short." She smiled, Looking around the room before his question captured her attention again.

"Nothing in particular, if anything... I just need to stock up on supplies. But at this time of year it is always nice to obtain new divination tools, spell components, that sort of thing. But I shan't mind a taste of the confectionaries you have at your disposal."

She browsed the tables in front of her, more impressed by the wrappings of each bag rather than what would be inside of them. She would likely hold on to them to give to her underlings, as they were the ones able to actually consume them without the assistance of a sort of glamour.

In that moment, something of note changes upon Nadia's face. The once pale complexion was a little bit more flush, as if a black and white movie had been remastered in color.

"Anything with a lemon flavoring?" She asks, flashing Salamandra a smile.
Salamandra (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Such a pretty name. I'm honored to have you as my first guest of the evening." This is better than he could have expected, in truth. He knows what this home mixed with a shop looks like to most that pass it: creepy. It calls to a few from time to time, but for the most part visits are rare. It works out for the most part. However, on a night like this one? The company is nice.

"Aha, well versed in magic? You have that aura about you." It's both familiar and nostalgic. It's a combination he finds quite warming. "I don't mean to brag, but I'm certain I have anything one with a love for magic could want. And--" He makes another gesture, now toward the different treat bags. He really went all out, at least to the best of his ability. The bags are colorful and shimmer when hit with light, and they've been decorated with the motif of a snake. He really couldn't help himself. "The expected treats, of course. Take several. I insist." He likes Halloween. It leaves him feeling generous.

"Lemon?" Oh, no. The change doesn't go unnoticed. It's rather cute. It makes him forget himself and he unwinds his tail from the table to rise. There's no other way to describe how he crosses the room to the table of refreshments than slither. It's fluid as if this is a natural and daily occurrence. "I believe..." He hums, browsing the table before he picks up two plates. His claws click upon their surface as he turns. "Do lemon bars and cookies satisfy?" That smile is returned, especially long canines peeking out.
Nadia Wilson (played by V3rbot3n)

Nadia's cheeks turn a bit more red, one could assume that it was at Salamandra's kind words but that is only what she would choose to portray in the moment. She'd had called the power of the blood to give life to her cold, pale skin. It was clear that she had indeed her own aura of creepy, and thus she felt quite at home in this festive abode.

"Oh, I am the first? What a privilege." She cooed, Shaking her head in reply to his question of her affinity with magic.

"You could certainly say as much, my own life force has been imbued with it since my second birth" She said rather flippantly, wondering if Salamandra would assume if she was playing a character, or if she was trying to live as honestly as she could on a night that would allow her as much.

"We can take a look at your wares shortly, in the mean time..." She pauses, gently placing a hand over one of the lemon bars mentioned. "I'd like to give this a try."

She put the bar to her lips, her mouth opening slightly so she could get a bite of it. Her sharp canines showing prominently as they sunk into the soft pastry. She'd chew and swallow. Keenly aware that she'd have about an hour or so before she couldn't hold it down any longer. Her body was simply no longer made for normal nourishment.

"Oh, how heavenly." She sighed, eyes closed as she slowly chewed another bite, savoring the rare chance at flavors such as this.
Salamandra (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"The first, and potentially the only guest. You see, people believe that something dangerous dwells within these walls." He winks at her. It would appear that the rumors don't bother him and that he, in fact, finds them to be very amusing. "Nothing worth being upset by. I find myself in fine company now. What more could I ask for?"

Second birth? Curious words, and one he can sort the meaning of quite quickly. "A vampire? You're making me nostalgic, in ways that are most fond, for days gone by." It's like being given a gift. This is an occasion where it's expected of a host to be offering gifts, and so this is a pleasant surprise. "Any areas of magic that you consider your specialty, if that's not too bold a question for a first meeting?" People inclined toward magic can vary vastly from open to fiercely secretive. These may just be his own personal experiences, of course.

"No, no, no. Don't feel rushed. The night is young and my wares aren't going anywhere. Enjoy at your leisure." He sets the two plates down neatly within Nadia's reach. He didn't taste any of the food prior. He takes her reaction as a good guess that they must be of decent quality and flavor. "It looks like I never needed to worry about the quality of the goods from the local bakery. I don't bake or even really cook. You see, I have a terrible penchant for burning things." Or making them tasteless in the opinion of other people. It's not his fault. Really. He's just not picky about food. "Fire is my thing."
Aluel Deng (played by Samiakki)

It was perhaps an unwelcome place for an exorcist, but not for an individual in general who utilized the Dark Arts. For example, the very same Arts Aluel used to keep her identity unmemorable and hidden through a magical veil this holiday season. After all, it was the most dangerous time of all for those of her ilk.

Appreciative of the decorations but suspicious of the open entrance, her pace into the grand foyer was slow. Her kitten heels clicked against the tile as she observed that the main path was closed, but two more were open. Uncertain of where she would be led, Aluel opted to go where she heard voices. That had to be the safest route, as well as the one where there might be candy.

She found two beings there; a naga and some being of a species she couldn't identify. The alternate version of her realm presented creatures that didn't exactly match their names' traditions, after all. Thus, she - in a patterned, lacy outfit of a traditionally Western concept of a vampire - head forward to introduce herself to the duo.

"Blessed Samhain," she offered. "I hope I'm not interrupting too much."

The use of Dark Arts emanated off of her, but it didn't seem malicious. Just as lightness wasn't inherently good, the dark wasn't inherently bad. That's what she and many others of the alternate realm believed anyway.
Salamandra (played anonymously) Topic Starter

His sharp ears again pick up on the sounds of movement well before he actually detects any with his eyes. Well, well. Another guest? That's more than he'd been expecting and is a pleasant surprise. He turns his head toward the door, not leaving his previous guest or their ongoing conversation. His ability to multi-task isn't lacking, thankfully.

As the new guest finally comes into view and announces their arrival accordingly, he smiles. "Blessed Samhain." That does roll off the tongue much nicer, and it leaves his with a very distinct hiss. "You aren't interrupting at all, I assure you. My door has been left open in invitation and I'm most pleased to have another visitor." And, yet another visitor that has a curious presence, aura and scent around them, one that he likes. It's the familiarity, again, or that's what he chalks it up to. It isn't always bad to be haunted by the past.

"While introductions may not be customary on this night of tricks and treats, I am Salamandra and I bid you welcome." He's up now rather than seated, and thus this time he goes a step further by offering a bow. "There are bags of treats and refreshments alike. You're free to help yourself to both."
Mr. Sweets the father of the family held the hand of his small daughter.
She was still wobbly as she walked, a sweet little toddler.

Mr. Sweets dressed in his usual trick or treats outfit to appease his daughter.
He was a knight! Well maybe a cardboard knight, since he let his daughter make the outfit.

And Jade was dressed as a Unicorn.

The two would walk along the path, Mr. Sweets noticed the split in the paths to the two options ahead.
He decided he'd take the path to the visiting rooms. Since he was a bit afraid Jade might touch something in the shop.
So the big man lead his daughter to the rooms on the left.
Quickly he'd pick up his little unicorn princess.
Looking around, he smiled when she pointed out the many bags of goodies and food.

"Alright alright" he chuckled.
And Jade of course would happily call out "twick-r-tweat!"
Clapping her hands happily, even if her unicorn hoodie piece fell over her face.
Salamandra (played anonymously) Topic Starter

The serpent twists around just in time to see the new guests arrive. This is officially the most activity his humble home and shop has ever seen at one time. Well, well. Perhaps this night really does have more in store for him than he'd planned on and he counts himself fortunate to have made an overabundance of treats.

The happy words of the child prompt a smile. He plucks up two brightly colored bags from one table, and then a third from a different table. Their surfaces shimmer when light from the candles hit them as he slithers his way over to the pair. Those first two bags are held in his right palm and extended out toward the small girl. "Happy Halloween, little one. You've had the best costume yet, and so an extra treat."

The third bag, now dangled from the claw-tipped fingers of his left hand, is held out to the gentleman. "And for you. No one gets to leave here empty-handed, not on such a festive day. In fact, if you're not in a hurry, you're both welcome to refreshments." There are several tables still mostly full, the variety plentiful.
Finn Cadeyrn Raibert (played anonymously)

This would be his very first Halloween on the Earth. It was certain to be something truly exciting! He had been spending dozens of hours on the internet to make sure he was ready and prepared for all sorts of fun activities.

He had ordered a costume, got candy to set out, and a bag. Sure, Halloween seemed to be geared more toward the younger but he'd never been to Halloween before and he was going to go to every house on the street he lived and anywhere else that seemed exciting until he was tired and his candy bag was full.

Walking up to the next house, Finn was dressed as a pirate. A long flowy black overcoat with bright red and white striped pants. A billowing white shirt and a belt with a fake gun at his hip. Shifting his bag to his left hand, Finn knocked on the door. "Trick or treat!"
Salamandra (played anonymously) Topic Starter

There's so much happening this Halloween night. It's remarkable. He has guests, he's only just finished handing out a few treat bags, and now it's time to gather more. Two more, in fact, plucked up with care so that he can slither his way out into the foyer and to the main door. He takes up quite a lot of the entrance thanks to his size and he can't help but be a looming presence once raised up on a few of his colorful coils.

"Happy Halloween." By now he's seen several costumes, the man before him dressed as a pirate the latest of them. He's starting to feel almost as if he's missed out by not taking a human guise and going all out. Ah, no matter. "Didn't want to venture inside and partake in refreshments like the other guests?" Hm, hm. Perhaps he should have put a sign out with all of the decorations, one indicating that there even are refreshments. "There are many."

But, too each their own, of course. He can imagine many souls this night in particular have better things to do than linger around the den of a snake, unwittingly or otherwise. He shouldn't forget himself, either, and both of the bags of treats he'd gathered are offered to the man before him.
The toddler giggled and happily accepted the bags.
"Uuk daddy, tweats tweats!!" She clapped the bags together as if attempting to clap herself.

This left Mr. Sweets smiling as he found his daughters amusement to precious not to watch.
Though he did nod in approval to the man that had given them the treats.
"Thank you, I think we'll stick around for a small bit, right my Jadeling."
Though the child was to busy staring at the colorful bags and making faces at the pictures on them.
This left Mr. Sweets chuckling.
He then again gave the home owner a gracious nod and walked over to the tables of food and drinks carrying his daughter.
Nadia Wilson (played by V3rbot3n)

Salamandra wrote:
"The first, and potentially the only guest. You see, people believe that something dangerous dwells within these walls." He winks at her. It would appear that the rumors don't bother him and that he, in fact, finds them to be very amusing. "Nothing worth being upset by. I find myself in fine company now. What more could I ask for?"

Second birth? Curious words, and one he can sort the meaning of quite quickly. "A vampire? You're making me nostalgic, in ways that are most fond, for days gone by." It's like being given a gift. This is an occasion where it's expected of a host to be offering gifts, and so this is a pleasant surprise. "Any areas of magic that you consider your specialty, if that's not too bold a question for a first meeting?" People inclined toward magic can vary vastly from open to fiercely secretive. These may just be his own personal experiences, of course.

"No, no, no. Don't feel rushed. The night is young and my wares aren't going anywhere. Enjoy at your leisure." He sets the two plates down neatly within Nadia's reach. He didn't taste any of the food prior. He takes her reaction as a good guess that they must be of decent quality and flavor. "It looks like I never needed to worry about the quality of the goods from the local bakery. I don't bake or even really cook. You see, I have a terrible penchant for burning things." Or making them tasteless in the opinion of other people. It's not his fault. Really. He's just not picky about food. "Fire is my thing."

"I could imagine so..." She said with a smile, just after wiping her face clean of crumbs. It would not be but a moment later that someone else had entered the establishment and Nadia continued to mind her own, enjoying the treats that had been offered thus far. It had seemed her presence brought the crowd, or so she would joke within her own mind to herself. She'd smile as she observed the other patrons perusing the wares her newest friend had to offer.

Nadia would have polished off her plate, stacking them in her hands as she moved to gently tap Salamandra upon the shoulder, hopefully not interrupting too much into the conversation.

"I hope you and your adorable little guest and her doting father here don't mind the interruption, but would you be so kind as to point me in the direction where I can place these plates? I do not want to have to make more work for you since you seem to have attracted quite the clientele!"
Salamandra (played anonymously) Topic Starter

The serpent-man rarely puts for this much interest or care toward others, and now he can't help but wonder if he merely spends too much time keeping himself mostly isolated. This is nice. Having company is nice. It's pleasant to hear the sound of voices, voices that aren't distant echoes from the past. He could possibly get used to this. He knows better than to get ahead of himself, however.

"Of course, of course. You and your little one are welcome to stay as long as you like." It's good to take a break during outings such as these, isn't it? From what he understands there's a lot of walking involved, for the trick-or-treating part, at least. He's never been much of an active participant until this year, as much as participation as a host counts for.

"Hm?" The dishes. He hadn't even thought of what would become of them. "I'd be a terrible host if I were to make my guest do work, eh? It's through this door just over here." It's near where he'd originally been seated, in fact, and pointed out with a wave of his hand. "Your help is most certainly appreciated and you won't go unrewarded." Supplies for magic. He hasn't forgotten them.
Aluel Deng (played by Samiakki)

Aluel, for one, didn't trust getting supplies for magic elsewhere. The Exorcists' Guild usually supplied whatever she needed. Besides, most enactments of the Arts didn't require supplies, save for specific rituals involving spirits. The elementals could not be summoned, but the ghosts certainly could be. And what better way to draw out a spirit than to invite it yourself?

However, this didn't mean Aluel was suspicious of any other offerings. If anything, she eyed over the table of treats with much interest, picking up a bag of goodies that she deemed her own to inspect it.

"Oh, wow," she muttered, though she sounded thoroughly impressed. "Are these macarons?"

She was aware of how difficult they were to bake, though it was entirely possible she'd misidentified them. Most of her own macarons were supplied by boba tea shops and Parisian-themed cafés she'd visited in London. When she could afford them, of course. It felt almost overwhelming to be presented a favorite treat for free!
Salamandra (played anonymously) Topic Starter

His offerings are varied for the sake of catering to the many; even if he hadn't expected to see that many faces this night it was best to be well prepared, and that has certainly paid off. It may still be too many treats and other various offerings, but that just means the guests that did wander into his den will get to leave with more. He won't really be needing them, least of all the confectionaries. While he does enjoy partaking in such things from time to time, indeed, he'd much rather have meat.

He dips his head in a nod to Aluel. "Indeed, they are. Not made by my hand, I confess. Are they a favorite of yours?" He's tasked himself with finding a new place to settle as he speaks, longing to again sink into the laziest of sprawls; a snake with the mannerisms of a cat, really. "I don't imagine that there will be many more guests now. It's grown late. I bid you to take as many as you wish. In fact, all that have graced me with their presence this night should do the same. I'd hate to see what still remains go to waste, and I can certainly provide bags."

This is the greatest extension of generosity he can recall offering in centuries. It's remarkable what a handful of pleasant company can do for one's mood.
Aluel Deng (played by Samiakki)

She not only received the gracious gift of macarons - chocolate, pistachio, and rosewater, it looked like - but she could take as many as she liked? Aluel felt it was too good to be true. She was definitely going to beat Yanfeng at this rate! Contently, she picked up two bags of treats to set into her bucket, next to some peanut candies she had acquired earlier.

"These look delicious," she remarked, smiling warmly. Though her heart was sometimes cold, this holiday always seemed to thaw it. "Thank you. You're very generous. Here."

So the generosity wouldn't go unnoticed, she reached into a fold of her vampiric robe to present a slip of parchment to the naga. No address or number upon it, but a symbol, painted in blood. What kind? Irrelevant, though it smelled distinctly of having belonged to an ape. In any case, the result was the same; a banishing seal against ghosts, marked with ley lines.

"I don't know if it's of actual use to you, but it should keep you safe during the season. Especially tonight."
Salamandra (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"I'd argue that I'm far from generous, but I suppose actions speak louder than words this time. It's this night. There's something about it that puts me in a more pleasant mood." It's the magic, the thinning of the veils between different worlds, and even the knowledge that other non-human beings like himself can roam more easily. To some, it may seem like a few simple pleasures, but often those are some of the best kind. "That I've had company this year has certainly made me more agreeable, as well."

There's a moment of genuine surprise in those eyes of fire as he's given something in return. He hadn't anticipated that. He takes the bit of parchment most delicately, mindful of his claws. The scent of it is certainly something, but it seems he more than understands the meaning. This is a very thoughtful gesture, indeed.

"I believe it may prove very useful." He may be a naga, but that doesn't render him immune to other supernatural beings. To call this gift useful is an understatement. "It seems I'm not the only generous soul here tonight. You have my thanks, and this is a kindness that I will remember."

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