I recently played these two games where you write letters and they both made me realize just how fun writing letters are. I'd love to see how your OCs would go about writing encouraging/kind words to strangers. Do what feels natural to your character's personality.

By the grace of the Archon's court, unto you, from the Quaestor Arminius Galvan of Cornaeth
En Deus Voluntate,
It has come to our attention, that not but a fortnight ago, you arrived from outside our borders with a baggage train hailing from Ortongard, as part of the caravan that was under the custodianship of Anthal Tulvo. Therein you made your acquaintance with Pagarios from the village of Endaros whereupon you made a trade of 12 copper ingots for the payment of 4 heads of good cornaethian sheep. A complaint was lodged against you thus that the ingots you had provided to Pagarios were indeed of an insufficient quality as that promised under the treatise of your barter and to that end you have committed an offense against the law and people of Cornaeth by means of fradulence and adulteration of trade goods. As the sum total of the goods traded is less that 300 Sestertii, we have deigned rightful after the conference of the party against which you made offense and our own judges that you should be made to pay the remainder of the value in currency.
We deigned in your favor for Pagarios had this to say; How have you treated me for that copper? You have withheld my money from me; it is now up to you to restore my money to me in full. Take cognizance that from now on I will not accept here any copper from you that is not of fine quality. I shall from now on select and take the ingots individually in my own yard, and I shall exercise against you my right of rejection because you have treated me with contempt.
We shall give you a fortnight to make the payments of the debts lest it incur interest and should the interest incurred exceed the lawful amounts and there be no proof of payments we shall be forced to exercise the law upon you.
Dear Mr. Marcus Leocadus
We would like to formally thank you for attending the annual United States Marine Corps Ball as our guest of honor.
Your presence proved to do wonders for all of the Marines in attendance. Corporal Adrian Hawthorne was the Marine that nominated you for the position, and all of the other Marines of 3rd Division were all too happy to concur.
You brought your battle mount, as well as your warhound, and they also proved to bring great entertainment and boosted the morale of all Marines present.
The 3rd Marine Division would like to thank you for attending.
If you have any questions, you may call my desk directly.
MSgt William Locklear
3rd Marines Division
United States Marine Corps
Semper Fidelis
We would like to formally thank you for attending the annual United States Marine Corps Ball as our guest of honor.
Your presence proved to do wonders for all of the Marines in attendance. Corporal Adrian Hawthorne was the Marine that nominated you for the position, and all of the other Marines of 3rd Division were all too happy to concur.
You brought your battle mount, as well as your warhound, and they also proved to bring great entertainment and boosted the morale of all Marines present.
The 3rd Marine Division would like to thank you for attending.
If you have any questions, you may call my desk directly.
MSgt William Locklear
3rd Marines Division
United States Marine Corps
Semper Fidelis

I think you're a nice guy based on the few times I met you with Jane Harper. I think Jane likes you, and I just want you to know that Jane is a beautiful flower that deserves the best. I heard Marines were the best, so I hope you and her enjoy each other's company. I will try not to be around you two all the time being my annoying self, but she is my best friend and I love her, so I will always look out for her.
Sophia Quinn
Dear Sophia,
How are you?
I'm taking the liberty of writing to you because you ordered a pendant and, through a delivery error, it ended up on sale in the store where I work,
Would you like to come and collect it?
I can reserve it for you, but I doubt my superiors would like it.
Selfridge's, Oxford Street, London.
I look forward to seeing you there,
Ask for the assistant salesman, Rufus.
How are you?
I'm taking the liberty of writing to you because you ordered a pendant and, through a delivery error, it ended up on sale in the store where I work,
Would you like to come and collect it?
I can reserve it for you, but I doubt my superiors would like it.
Selfridge's, Oxford Street, London.
I look forward to seeing you there,
Ask for the assistant salesman, Rufus.
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