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Forums » Introductions » im new

hey im new, i love roleplaying and have about 5 or so years of experience, i match the theme and the writing details of the rp too
<3 Welcome to RPR! <3
I hope you'll enjoy it here and have a lot of fun!
Hello! Welcome to RP Repository! :)

All aboard the welcome train!

Welcome to RPR! <3 I hope you enjoy it here on this site. Everyone within this community is always so friendly, don’t worry. Remember: never be afraid to ask questions!
Welcome to RP Repository!
Welcome, Welcome! Hope you find lots of people to Rp with!
Hiya! Nice to meet ya and welcome to RPR! :D

Hello and welcome to RP Repository! I'm very much like you when it comes to role-playing. I match energy which means post lengths, genres, and what have you. It motivates me when my writing partners help to set the pace! I hope you enjoy it here at RPR and find the types of RPs you enjoy. There's a lot to offer and with the forums, you may even find fellow writing chums to world-build with! :)

Hello, welcome to RPR

Hi :) I'm pretty new too lol
Welcome to RP Repository :)
May you have fun here!
Welcome to RPR!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » im new

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