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Forums » General Roleplay » Sip & Nibble Cafe (Closed)

He stood up and started sweeping the peanut shells.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Thor grabbed a mop between his teeth trying to help clean. It was obvious that the dog had the right idea.
Bob wrote:
The unidentified peanut thing starts releasing peanuts at high speeds everywhere. It starts out slow but the firerate is slowly increasing... A window can be heard shattering. Something must be done about this... (Bob is still asleep)

He reached his hand out and his massive blade flew to his hand. He grabbed the peanut thing and put it into the pocket universe within the blade before he resumed cleaning.
"That takes care of that." Fumizuki pulled out a tiny brush and began sweeping the floor.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Thor kept dragging the mop around as he learned by watching Fumizuki. He still wasn't doing much, but he still had the right idea
Umi Mamizuka (played by randomentity777)

Umi notices Eleanor. "Oh, you must be the owner of this place. Nice to meet you. I'm Umi Mamizuka, and these are my sons Takuma and Kazuma."
Takuma Mamizuka (played by randomentity777)

Takuma waves at Eleanor, and gives Kazuma a quick glance to indicate he should do the same.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Thor followed Takuma's example and looked at Elanor and did a bit of a happy shuffle with his front paws and wagged his tail.
MOVED TO OTHER CHARACTERS (played anonymously)

Kazuma looked at Takuma, confused at first, then realized, and quickly waved at Eleanor.
Bob (played anonymously)

Bob wakes up. "WHERE IN GOD'S NAME ARE MY €-@-€#ING PEANUTS?!? I DIDN'T EVEN SEE WHAT THEY DID! God, can't have @#€& here!!! I'll be back..." Bob stands up very straight in an evil pose and does a salute as the floor magically opens to insert Bob inside and then closes right after... albeit struggling to close for a bit.
*confused floof*
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He growled at Bob before he vanished. Once the floor closed, he went over to Takuma and Kazuma wagging his tail.
Fumizuki resumes enjoying her meal with Drael at the cafe.
He smiled at his daughter and took a bite of his muffin
Joot (played by Jooters)

Jooters ran up to the counter with a party hat on, purchasing a piece of cake and taking it to a table to eat.
He pointed at Joot "you know my brother...."
"Joot is fwend."
Isaac noticed the cafe sign. He didn't have an umbrella with him, and didn't like staying in the rain. He quickly ran up to the building, taking shelter underneath the overhang above the door. He was quietly sitting there, tears running down his face, as always.
Fumizuki notices Isaac outside, and opens the door. "Come on in. We all fwendwy here."
Isaac nods, cautiously walking in. He was nervous, since he hadn't really talked to anyone in a while.

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