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Forums » General Roleplay » Sip & Nibble Cafe (Closed)

Irene McReary (played by Jaws) Topic Starter

Click-clack. Irene walked through the doors in a uniform strut. She pushed up her glasses and walked over to the counter. "Large coffee with four cream and sugar. To go." Irene said. She handed Eleanor a crisp five dollar bill.
Eleanor Martin (played by Jaws) Topic Starter

Eleanor handed the mysterious man a cup of hot cocoa with many marshmallows. She took Irene's dollar bill and placed it in the register drawer. Handing back her change, Eleanor started brewing another pot of coffee.
Agent English (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"Thank you very much."

He took his cup and took some marshmallows with his spoon,

It feels nice, delicately flavored, even the chocolate was good.

He sighed a little here, he observed the other customers shortly, before turning his head back to his own drink.
Irene McReary (played by Jaws) Topic Starter

She grabbed her coffee in a insulated paper cup. Irene took a sip of it and sighed out of relief. "Thank you," she murmured to Eleanor.
Fumizuki relaxes by the window, waiting to help her friend Eleanor if she needs it.
Agent English (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

He searched in his coat and patted his pockets, he thought for a moment and searched again, he took a little notebook out, he noted something and hide it, as if he was doing a test in a classroom.

Then, he closed it, he coughed a little and he took a sip of his chocolate.

It’s so calm in here, but you never know..
He would quietly make his way into the café. It seemed as if the muscular man was hiding from someone. In order to hide in plain sight, he got in line. He decided to order a roast beef and turkey sandwich and a drink.
Agent English (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

He enjoyed his drink slowly and ate some little marshmallows, but then.

"How is the food in this cafe? I’d like to order a sandwich."

He asked as he adjusted his tie a little.

Nothing wrong happened so far.

Not yet..
*walks in, looking around before spotting an unoccupied table confined in the corner of the room as he walks to sit down and wait to be served*
Agent English (played by Okiwaru-Napp)


He kept his attention on everyone, sooner or later, someone will expose themselves, and he’ll be here to stop this.

For the moment, everything looked.. A bit boring, but you never know..
Mr No (played by Saijilaruc)

A new guest arrives a man yawning lightly as they look around with relaxed yet dazed eyes , they proceed to sit in a chair with a slight smile and nap well at a table
"Lot of people coming in." Fumizuki says to Eleanor. "If you need an extra hand, I can help with stuff."
Jaws Topic Starter

((I'll be moving Sip & Nibble to a new location. I would like to thank everyone who posted in this forum.))

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