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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » "I'm RETIRED, for magic's sake!"

Jonathan Eris (played by Pengolodh) Topic Starter

Maddox lets out a huge sigh of relief. If Ari was just discussing names with Gable, that would explain this whole business with a baby… hopefully a theoretical one. There is, of course, still a chance that she could be pregnant, but that chance feels smaller now. He’ll have to ask her later. Gently, of course.

He’ll have to do some thinking about how to word that question.

“I think that’s a lovely idea, Lee.” He says with a genuine, relaxed smile. “Let’s put all this talk of babies behind us and go play.”

“Who’s talking about babies?” The wizard croaks from his nest of blankets in the bed. He stopped snoring shortly after Lee left him, and has been gradually creeping towards wakefulness ever since. His eyes are still shut, and he hasn’t moved much, but he’s getting there. Slowly.

“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.” The redhead says hastily as his uncle reluctantly opens his sunken eyes and sits up. “I brought supper. You feeling alright? I can bring the tray over if you want to eat in bed.”

“Tired.” Jonathan nods, rubbing some of the gunk out of his eyes as his nephew dutifully removes Lee’s serving of stew and juice from the tray and brings it over, toting the child on his hip the whole way. He settles the tray on a vacant patch of the bed, nudging an emerald green dragon out of the way when she approaches to stick her nose in her master’s supper. “Stress of the past few days is catching up to me. Didn’t sleep much with Allerick around. And he kept feeding off of me—“

“You let him bite you again?” Maddox’s shocked interruption draws a tired look from his uncle, who explains after a long sigh.

“Yes. And I offered a third time, but he turned me down. I knew he needed to feed, but I didn’t want him preying on innocents if I could prevent it. So I offered to be his source of sustenance for as long as I could. He didn’t take much, he couldn’t take much, but I still feel… hollow.”

“Food might help with that. I imagine you probably didn’t eat much while you were gone.” The redhead says softly, patting Lee’s back and readjusting his hold on the boy while Jon picks up his spoon and stirs his bowl of sludge. “What do you say, Lee? Do you want to go downstairs and play, or do you want to eat dinner first?”

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