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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Four Against Darkness (Private Game)

Olaf the Ogre (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Cultists 1d6+4
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 3. After the modifier of +4, got 7

Note: Number of cultists

Olaf the Ogre (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

There are 7 cult members. LL will start the combat and use the wand of sleep next post.
Laralute (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Laralute steps forward and uses the wand of sleep and uses it on the cult members. (7 cultists, level 3) 1d6+2

Laralute Level 2 elf
Life: 5/5
Treasure: 56 gp
Long sword, bow +1
Spells: Sleep (x0), Fireball (x0)
Wand of sleep (x2)
holy water
+2 to attack and spell rolls, +2 when fighting orcs +3 when using her bow
Sword +3 for demons and undead, bonus lost if a natural 1 is rolled.
Defense 1d6+1
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 3. After the modifier of +2, got 5

Note: Sleep wand

Laralute (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

2 cultists remain. Level 3, morale +1

Party XP: 6/10
Drusilla (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Cultists morale:

There are 2 left (level 3 mininos)

1-2: Flee
3-4: Fight (check again next round)
5-6- Fight to death
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 4.

Note: cult member morale check

Drusilla (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Dru will attack with her mace.

Drusilla Level 2 cleric
Life: 5/6
Treasure: 31gp
Healing: 3/3
Blessings: 3/3
Defense: 1d6+1
Adds +1 for attacks to normal creatures, +2 if undead (level bonus)
Armor: light, shield
Weapons: Mace
Spells: Healing x3, Blessing x3
Other items: Bandage x2
Holy water x1
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 2. After the modifier of +1, got 3

Note: Attack

Drusilla (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

There is 1 cult member left (level 3 mininos)
Roll for morale
Party XP: 6/10
Olaf the Ogre (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Cultist morale check:

1-2: Flee
3-4: Fight (check again next round)
5-6- Fight to death

Minion, level 3 (morale +1)
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 6.

Note: morale check

Olaf the Ogre (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

The final cultist resolves to fight to the death. He attacks Olaf.
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 4. After the modifier of +3, got 7

Note: cult member

Olaf the Ogre (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

"That wasn't very nice," Olaf scolds the cult member. "You could have hurt Teddy! He is much smaller than you." Olaf attacks the last cult member. 1d6+3.

Olaf Level 3 Barbarian
Life: 10/10
Treasure: 4 gp
+3 for level to attacks, +1 for a 2 handed weapon (+3 total)
No magic allowed (can accept healing spells and use holy water)
Rage once per game (roll 3 attacks, use best) Rage does 2 wounds on a boss -USED
Defense roll= 1d6+1
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 6. After the modifier of +3, got 9

Note: Attack

Olaf the Ogre (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

He takes the cultist's head clean off of his shoulders! All of the cult members are dead.

Party XP: 7/10

Roll for treasure: 1d6
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 6.

Note: Treasure

Olaf the Ogre (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Magic item: 1d6
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 4.

Note: Magic item type

Olaf the Ogre (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Type: 1d6
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 5.

Note: Magic item type

Slappy the halfling (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Slappy gets a dagger +1

Slappy Level 2 Halfling
Life: 5/5
Treasure: 42 gp
Attack: 1d6-1 (1d6 with his magic dagger)
Dagger: +1
Defense: 1d6+2 (+3 against ogres, giants, trolls)
Luck: 3/3
Olaf the Ogre (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

New Room

1d6: Tens
1d6: ones
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 2.

Note: tens

rolled 1d6 and got a natural 6.

Note: Ones

Olaf the Ogre (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

The new room is a hallway with another door leading south.

Contents: 2d6
rolled 2d6 and got a natural 3.
2 1

Note: Contents

Olaf the Ogre (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Treasure (protected by a trap!)

Roll for who finds it:

rolled 1d4 and got a natural 3.

Note: Who?

Laralute (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Laralute finds...

rolled 1d6 and got a natural 4.

Note: treasure type

Laralute (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

A gem worth 2d6x 5 gp
rolled 2d6 and got a natural 8.
3 5

Note: x5

Laralute (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

The gem is worth 40 gp. Save Vs. Traps!
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 4.

Note: Save

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Ben, Darth_Angelus