"We cannot do that! Right Teddy," The ogre says swinging his ax.
If the chain breaks the goblin then:
1) Flees
2) sticks around
If the chain breaks the goblin then:
1) Flees
2) sticks around
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 5.
Note: chain break
rolled 1d2 and got a natural 2.
Note: goblin reaction
Once freed, Drusilla checks the goblin over and suggests that it go in the middle of the group both for protection and to make sure it doesn't sneak away. Olaf and Slappy are the front line, then the goblin and then Dru and Laralute bringing up the rear. The party walks in an "X" formation. They head back into the hallway and Slappy uses his lantern to check the hallway before crossing the hallway to the entrance across from the passage they are leaving.
As the party head back out of the cave with the goblin in tow, Laralute waits when they go into the next passage. She's watching the main hall with her infravision, but also ready in case the goblin tries to escape. Her bow is ready as she glances in all directions every few seconds.
The halfling raises his lantern and opens the hood as they enter the next passage leading to a small circular room. He glances over to make sure the ogre is beside him and he has his ax ready. The room appears empty except for a pool of water in the center. Panning the light around, there doesn't seem to be any immediate threats. "I don't like the look of that water and don't want to get near it," Slappy says.
The ogre looks around. "Look Teddy! We can take a bath or fill our water skins!" He points at the large pool in the center of the chamber. His ax is still out but not raised since there does not appear to be any threat.
"That pool could be magic even if there is nothing in it," the cleric says. "It is hard to say what kind it would be. I suggest we revisit this place and check it if we need healing or run short on water and then we can evaluate whether or not we should drink from it then. In the meantime, let's move on."
Laralute retakes her position in the back as the goblin and the rest of the party emerge. She keeps a close watch on the goblin who so far seems quiet and is keeping to itself.
Random encounter check. A roll of 1 means a group of wandering monsters is found.
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 2.
Note: Random encounter
A short way down the hall, the group comes to a door on either side of the passage. This time, both have closed doors. Olaf kicks in the one on the left without hesitation (Since this is a low-level dungeon, none are locked unless noted, so no roll is needed). The halflings lantern illuminates a small, square room. There is a chest along the back wall that is closed.
Olaf enters the room to investigate on a roll of 1.
Olaf enters the room to investigate on a roll of 1.
rolled 1d2 and got a natural 1.
Note: Does Olaf enter?
Olaf proceeds in toward the chest, triggering a trap. A noose drops from the ceiling. This is a level 3 trap. He must roll equal to or higher than the trap's level, however, he's at -1 due to his light armor. That means he must get a 4 or higher to avoid the trap.
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 6.
Note: trap check
Olaf avoids the noose. Once it falls he yanks it down so it will not harm anyone else. "That was close, Teddy," The ogre says aloud and moves toward the chest, his nerves now on edge.
Slappy had been holding the lantern up when the noose attempted to strangle the ogre. Fortunately, Olaf had made short work of the trap., which wasn't set for someone so large. As soon as the danger passed and the halfling was sure he was okay, he quickly panned the lantern around from the doorway. Along the back wall of the small room was a chest. The halfling hurried over to it. He didn't know anything about traps or how to pick a lock, so he simply lifted the lid. To Slappy's delight, the chest was filled with gold coins. "Gold," he exclaimed turning back to the others.
The party have 50 gp.
The party have 50 gp.
Dru moves in and helps the halfling collect the gold from the chest. She will carry 25 gp and Olaf will carry the other 25 for now.
The elf waited outside, again watching the hallway for signs of trouble. She also kept her eyes on the goblin who so far had made no attempt to escape. It stood nervously inside the door as the rest of the party gathered up their treasure. Once the gold was collected, the others stepped back into the hallway. There was another door across the hall from it.
Check for random encounters- 1 means there are wandering monsters.
Check for random encounters- 1 means there are wandering monsters.
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 5.
Note: wandering encounter
Olaf kicks in the next door. There are no immediate threats, but there is something lining the walls. Until Slappy moves in to shine his lantern around, it is hard to tell much about the details. It is a small, square room similar in size and shape to the one they just left.
The halfling enters a moment later behind the ogre. He shines his lantern around. "Oh! Books! It looks like we've found a library of some sort," he announces. There are shelves along the walls with books and scrolls on them.
Upon hearing that the room contained books and scrolls, Laralute eagerly entered it. She momentarily forgot her guard duty in the hallway and keeping an eye on the goblin that they had freed. She quickly scanned the shelves for anything of interest.
Searching 1d6
Searching 1d6
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 4.
Note: searching for books
After spending several minutes going through the shelves and flipping through the books, the elf gives up. "Nothing," she sighed in defeat. "None of these books or scrolls contain spells. Let's go."
When the elf moved into the room, Drusilla immediately stepped to the door to stand watch. Although she couldn't see into the dark hallway because she lacked infravision, she listened for any signs of trouble. Dru was less concerned about the goblin who didn't appear to make any attempt to flee. It stood off to the side watching the others.
Random monster check: 1
Random monster check: 1
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 6.
Note: random encounter
Once the party is done in the library, Olaf leads the group back down the hall. They encounter a door on the left. Olaf glances back to make sure the group is with him and kicks it in. A hallway curves to the right leading to a larger rectangular chamber. A monster with the body of a lion, a human head and large bat-like wings turns to face the ogre. It has a menacing barbed stinger on its tail.
"Who dares intrude on my lair," It demands.
"I am Olaf and this is my friend teddy," The ogre says raising the bear up. "We're looking for our friend. Elvyn."
"I am in a good mood. Pay me 50 gold and I'll let you live. Otherwise, you die," the beast says.
"I don't think we have 50 gold, do we? How much did we find in the chest," The ogre asks.
"We're not giving that monstrosity our gold," The halfling says.
"Then die it is," The monster replies.
On a roll of 6, the monster will fight to the death and will not run away.
"Who dares intrude on my lair," It demands.
"I am Olaf and this is my friend teddy," The ogre says raising the bear up. "We're looking for our friend. Elvyn."
"I am in a good mood. Pay me 50 gold and I'll let you live. Otherwise, you die," the beast says.
"I don't think we have 50 gold, do we? How much did we find in the chest," The ogre asks.
"We're not giving that monstrosity our gold," The halfling says.
"Then die it is," The monster replies.
On a roll of 6, the monster will fight to the death and will not run away.
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 1.
Note: manticore
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