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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Four Against Darkness (Private Game)

Olaf the Ogre (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

The party gets a scroll of protection. LL does not have this spell and pauses to copy it into her spellbook. She then memorizes the spell escape since she has a new slot. The party take time to rest before continuing on. Slappy will lead the exploration with a new event next round.
Slappy the halfling (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

After a brief rest, the party continues on. Time for a new event.

Clues: 0
XP: 9/10
Rings recovered: 1/3
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 6.

Note: Tens

rolled 1d6 and got a natural 3.

Note: Ones

Slappy the halfling (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Not far down the road, Slappy sees a large oak tree (1 of 3). The tree has a gnarled appearance, and the grass within a two foot radius of the roots seems withered and dried. Slappy decides to inspect the tree. Roll 1d6.
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 6.

Note: Checking the tree

Slappy the halfling (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

There is an orc's arm, gnawed and covered with fungal growth. On a roll of 1 or 2, one of the fingers has one of the 3 rings belonging to Davanzu.
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 2.

Note: Ring?

Slappy the halfling (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Slappy removes the ring carefully. He inspects it. "Everyone! I think I found a ring!" Laralute approaches. She pulls out the one she found earlier and they fit together! The second ring has been found!

Clues: 0
XP: 9/10
Rings recovered: 2/3
Laralute (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

"Good job, halfling," Laralute says. She takes the first ring and puts it away. "Only one to go. I have a feeling we're getting close. Let's get moving."

Time for a new event.
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 3.

Note: Tens

rolled 1d6 and got a natural 3.

Note: Ones

Laralute (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

A short while later, the party meets a halfling coming down the path. "Gradus, is the name," He tells them as he approaches.

"A fellow halfling! Glad to make your acquaintance," Slappy replies.

Laralute explains their quest. "Have you any information," the elf asks.

"Oh, perhaps. I am a teller of stories. For 5 gold, I'd be happy to tell one," Gladus answers.

LL hands over 5 gp.

Roll 1d6
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 2.

Note: The halfling's tale

Laralute (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

The jolly halfling tells the party that he saw some orcs escape on an old path in the woods not far from where they are now. Laralute asks him to show the party the path he is referring to and he gladly leads the party to the trail. They gain a clue. As they set off again, the halfling waves and departs.

Clues: 1/3
XP: 9/10
Rings recovered: 2/3

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus