The orc takes a wound and drops a level since it is at half its hit points. It must now make a morale check.
Garutt, Orc Reaver Boss
Level 5
Life: 2/5
2 attacks, double damage to character on a natural 1 defense roll
+1 Morale
+2 treasure
Clues: 3/3
XP: 0/10
Rings recovered: 2/3
Keyword: Wolves (20 wolves are left in the forest)
Garutt, Orc Reaver Boss
Level 5
Life: 2/5
2 attacks, double damage to character on a natural 1 defense roll
+1 Morale
+2 treasure
Clues: 3/3
XP: 0/10
Rings recovered: 2/3
Keyword: Wolves (20 wolves are left in the forest)
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 1. After the modifier of +1, got
Note: Morale check for orc
A natural 1! The cowardly orc flees dropping its treasure. On a roll of 1, it also had the last ring which it also drops. Additinoally, Dru gets a level up roll if she gets a 5 or 6.
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 5. After the modifier of +1, got
Note: Treasure
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 3.
Note: Ring on a 1
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 6.
Note: Level up for Dru
Unfortunately, the orc does not the ring. Dru gets to level 5. Roll d6 on the magic treasure table.
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 1.
Note: magic treasure table
It's a wand of sleep, which LL adds to her inventory.
Clues: 0/3
XP: 0/10
Rings recovered: 2/3
Keyword: Wolves (20 wolves are left in the forest)
Clues: 0/3
XP: 0/10
Rings recovered: 2/3
Keyword: Wolves (20 wolves are left in the forest)
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