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Forums » Smalltalk » Colored Cloak Trades Anyone? (Closed)

I’m in the middle of a major project where I need more character slots. Normally I’d just pull a dragons tooth out of a dragons’ mouth, but I still have issues with the taxman so available fundage for such an expedition is still limited.

Now I know many of you like to collect the various colored cloaks, so my offer is this. I’ll trade any solid-color cloak for a blue cloak. I prefer not using the non-blue colors for character slots, so am putting this out there to see if there is any interest.

I have the following quantities of colors to trade:

2x White Cloaks
2x Black Cloaks
1x Green Cloak

I’ll take one blue cloak for any one of the above, or if you have a dragon tooth to trade, it can be traded for all five of the above.

Post your interest here and we can arrange the deal.


27 July 2024 - I’m opening this again for any colored cloak collectors who want the somewhat rare white or black cloaks. I have a spare green one to throw in as well. I will trade one-off cloak-for-cloak for a blue one, or will take a dragons tooth for all five. I don’t like burning special cloaks for character slots so I’m offering these to collectors first before I do.
I have a dragon's tooth! I'd love to trade for one of each color of the cloaks you have.
Archivalist Topic Starter

Lucretire wrote:
I have a dragon's tooth! I'd love to trade for one of each color of the cloaks you have.
Deal! I’ll send the silks over…
And the Dragon's Tooth has been sent! Thank you very much~!
Archivalist Topic Starter

A dragons tooth for 3 White and 2 black cloaks anyone?
A blue for a black or white?
Would really hate to burn these wardrobe-only cloak colors for characters…
I do have a spare blue cloak -- you say that if we are still interested in one of the other colors you could look in a group treasury. I was wondering if you had a purple mayhap?
Archivalist Topic Starter

Purple swapped for a blue from Atheist…. ✅
Archivalist Topic Starter

I’m reopening this for trade if anyone is interested in black, white, or green cloaks to decorate their profiles with.

2x White Cloaks
2x Black Cloaks
1x Green Cloak

Will trade 1x1 for blue cloaks, or all five for a dragons tooth.
Archivalist Topic Starter

Archivalist wrote:
I’m reopening this for trade if anyone is interested in black, white, or green cloaks to decorate their profiles with.

2x White Cloaks
2x Black Cloaks
1x Green Cloak

Will trade 1x1 for blue cloaks, or all five for a dragons tooth.

Ok, no interest. Guess I'll burn the black and whites then.

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