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Forums » Smalltalk » Sweet Pet Message

I was going through my pets, and I got a very sweet message that... y'know... is kinda one I need right now. And have been needing for awhile, even though it's hard to accept.

Thanks, Candle.

Now that is very sweet. Sometimes it takes an outside look in with a surprising kind message to make us realize we really are doing the best we can and that's all we can do. I'm glad Candle's got your back. <3
Absolutely true, you can only ever do your best. My boss always says "only worry about the things you can control", and even then as long as you're doing your best that's all that matters! I hope you're doing okay :)
Kim Site Admin

I'm so happy to know that it reached you at the right time <3 The phoenixes really are a supportive bunch!

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