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Forums » General Roleplay » Sophia's Kitchen (Closed)

Margaret Nearl (played by Alliyus)

"Want some help?" She tilted her head.
Esmeryle (played by Noah-Bear95)

Quietly curled up in a corner of the little cafe, a tiny Dragonborn had hidden herself underneath a baggy coat, a flatcap and a pile of books, trying to look inconspicuous. Her claws gently type on the keyboard, all the while mumbling a series of words; ' in conclusion, I accept this resignation with a heavy but unbothered heart. Thank you for teaching me to the best of my abilities. Signed Esmeryle Pyreburne. P.S, Thanks for nothing, whoever cast this spell'. She then hits the 'send' key, before she hears commotion going on at the other end.

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