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Forums » Forum Games » 🗡️Pick one character. The rest are coming! 🏃

Uh, oh! You've managed to tick off the cast and crew of the person above... but there may be hope, yet!
Pick one character to be your guardian. The rest are coming to get you.

To keep things manageable, offer around 3 characters to choose from.
When responding, tell us why you chose that character!
CrystalDisc Topic Starter

I'm offering up Azura'ellys, Harrison Graves, and Jack Hatchett!
Claine Moderator

I'm picking Azura. Why? Because she can turn into an enormous dragon?? Even if that weren't enough to defeat the other two, we could easily escape :D

I will submit Barame West and to mix things up cross-genre Beatrice

No Adael. He's so overpowered it makes things easy :3c

I'm choosing West to protect me. Maybe, it's my bias towards short people 'cuz I'm short as well. He also has skills for combat and retreating if needed. Lock picking is always for breaking into houses to hide.

I'm throwing Percy, Keiko, and Enjou into the ring.
I'm choosing Enjou to protect me, because his true form could maybe intimidate whoever is coming after me!

I'm offering.. Nine, Dominick and Caedis.
Imma have to go with nine, as guns beat both swords and ghost fans

throws joot, BloodFang, and Gekiyaku at you
I'm going for Gekiyaku, given that she will be likely able to put Bloodfang in his place.

You may now select either Tensai, Theo, or Nicki (for the sake of reason, I'm choosing the characters I have that are OCs)
I pick Theo.

1. He's Iron Man
2. He might put me in a suit
3. Relatable

Your choices:



I'm picking Oniyan because Wholesome oblivious Saiyan friendo :D

I wish I had added the others of my new characters, but right now you can choose between Astoria, Tori, or Nauyta.
Claine Moderator

I'm going to pick Astoria. To be honest I don't think the other two stand a chance against a goddess ;)

Overpowered character edition!

Adael, Jacob, and Azereus
Jacob, his endurance and the fact he has traits to mitigate the powers of the others made it an obvious choice.

I nominate Kael'anar, Aedgar and Istiana.
CrystalDisc Topic Starter

This might be a bit of a more unconventional choice, but I pick Istiana Komenenos. I feel like she has the means to not only hide and defend my location, but also the guile to take down the other two - a powerful warrior and cunning tactician - off the proverbial board most discreetly.

I nominate a few of my same fellows from before, only this time, I've replaced Azura with someone less... well, dragon-y!

Harrison Graves, Jack Hatchett, and Oscar Morales.
A fine selection you've got there, CD!

Though, after carefully considering all three, I think I'm gonna have to go with the Lynx himself!

Jack's got it all. Healing factor? Check. Strong physical prowess and a high pain tolerance? Check. Natural weaponry in the forms of venom and fire? Check. An alchemist who could easily whip up a healing potion if things get dire? Check.

He's a manticore pit fighter who's talented at healing. If that's not a good choice for a guardian, then I don't know what is.

Now, I volunteer Bailey, Mixie, and Haku as tribute!
Hmmmm.... Seeing as it is in fact extremly late, I'm going to choose Haku because I like his name, plus he seems to be a wolf dude. Thats cool. I just hope I live.

I offer forth, Fumiko Zenin, The One Restricted By Heaven, and the second coming of Toji Zenin, Nayuta Kazekage, the Kazekage of Sunagakure, Jinchuuriki of the 1 Tails, Shuukaku, and creator of Sun Style Ninjutsu, and Zoe Kojima, who has no cool nick names.

You are on: Forums » Forum Games » 🗡️Pick one character. The rest are coming! 🏃

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus