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Forums » Forum Games » A single honest random thought about the user abov



post one random thought about the person above you.

13+ thread so no nsfw
The patterns on your pfp, behind the character, reminds me of Lisa Frank coloring books :)
You're a really cool person and one of my best friends!
Funny, fun, and, cute (first impression during the Winter Masquerade After Party) and the name I always see (besides Vee's) in KarmaPlayz's status. 😆
Mina Moderator

You have good taste in colors. :>
Kim Site Admin

You are thorough, detail oriented and care so much.
I'm not convinced you're real. (jk) You bring so much joy to people, it's almost unbelievable!
You vanished for a time and I honestly thought I made you up for a long time, but I am glad you're back now. <3
You always have long posts and I'm so jealous, I wish I could write paragraphs of RP posts all the time. I can do 1-2 and I just progressively get shorter and shorter. :') I would love to RP with you sometime, but since you like mostly medieval fantasy, from what I've gathered, I don't think we could come up with a plot. (But do PM me if you'd like to try! My PMs are open! <_<)

(Also the new stained glass Marcus pfp is beautiful btw)
Claine Moderator

All your character profiles are so pretty, really laid out well and full of information :) And they don't all look the same either - you don't just have a template you reuse for each character. I'm really jealous of your skills and creativity in making great profiles :)
A single random thought is going to be so difficult when Claine is so amazing! Not only is she a super talented artist, she has always had this warm and welcoming personality that makes you feel right at home. Even before being a moderator, Claine had become a true unmissable staple in our community and we are very lucky to have her! <3
I love how creative and cool your profile is..! Also, you’ve mentioned that the art is yours….just wow !!
your username makes me think of yellow starbursts (like, the candy)
(this is a good thing btw)
Sunflavour wrote:
I love how creative and cool your profile is..! Also, you’ve mentioned that the art is yours….just wow !!

I felt inclined to get back to you on your nice compliment. Thank you very much!
I think I would probably have to change my profile a little bit to clarify a part though, as while I do own the art (they're commissioned pieces that I paid for), I certainly did not make it! I'm very sorry that it read that way!

The two big depictions on my profile were by the amazing Angel Flores (@lichelart)! Credit definitely goes her way!

Now, on topic and about the wonderful Ultimate.Gaymer: I think your profile is very cute and I love the different category options with collapse tags. Very clever use of them! I also love that you have an interest in Astronomy! When I was a teenager and pre-teen I spent my saturdays learning (and later teaching) everything about our solar system, the constellations and space! <3
Claude de Alger Obelia (played by Alliyus)

"Some people are flawed and interesting. Some are just flawed. You're both flawed and interesting."
--Claude De Alger Obellia. Father of Athanasia.
Alliyus is nice. I love the passion Alliyus puts into these characters.
Our paths always cross whether we're looking for items, just want to do some kinda trade, talking about our favorite Victorian Era characters, gabbing about random things we've meshed over in DMs, and/or always just seemingly finding a common ground. It's a wonder we haven't done more or taken the initiative to harass one another for more li'l chats or even role-plays, but I'm such a busy stinkin' bee and we end up traveling separate directions only to meet again somewhere in the middle. It's destiny! It has to be! :D

I witness how friendly you are, how amazing your profiles turn out to be, how you and I are so much alike with our fandoms ever changing and the depth you put into your well-loved characters. It's really admirable how you take care to write them. I can tell you put your whole heart into your personas. Licensed characters need love too as much as OCs are amazing. It's pretty cool to have someone else who enjoys role-playing canons out there.

Anyhoo! I'll stop gushing, but I just had to put that out there and I hope we can continue to intertwine over the things we cherish and the hobbies we enjoy. Keep on being the talented li'l writer you are! <3
Where do I even begin? I don't pester you nearly as much as I should, which is criminal, because your well-thought responses and amazing hot takes when it comes to characters, whether you write them or someone else does, are always such a treat! Like, seriously. How does this one guy always come up with the most interesting things to say and do when in the bleak face of mediocrity, small talk, and one-liners?

You know what? I'm going to fix this. I'm sliding into your DMs again right now!

You are on: Forums » Forum Games » A single honest random thought about the user abov

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