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Forums » Forum Games » What would the character above's username be?


hopefully this hasnt been done already

self explanatory, this is supposed 2 be kinda a joke so go wild with assigning be as goofy with it as you want

wait 3 people b4 going again! 1st gets 1 free
BL00DF4NG (played by Jooters)

H3LL0 M0RT4LS!!!
The Pharaoh (played anonymously)

Blanche (played anonymously)

Altiuiri (played by Jooters)

Jadzia Dax, because you are simultaneously in your 30s and several hundreds of years old and everyone knows old people just use their names as usernames.
"grumpyscales_27" He said laughing
Adrian Hawthorne (played anonymously)

"old_fart99" He said with a grin
Dr. Todd Swordson (played anonymously)

"crayonmuncherdreams_89" He said flatly
Red Hood (played anonymously)

Adrian Hawthorne (played anonymously)

Red Hood (played anonymously)

Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

Vincent Jones (played by Chaotic)


(I also love the trope of screen names having semi-random numbers bashed at the end, which, aside from birth years, still feels very cinematic-screen-name for me)
Haarlep (played by Halstarion)


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