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Forums » Smalltalk » favorite video game?

I don't have a lot of video gaming time anymore unfortunately; it's one of the things I definitely miss about when I was younger and had less going on in life, lol. I sneak some in from time to time however. It also doesn't help that I tend to be a fan of very story-driven games as opposed to online play. I'm also a bit behind on what's new so my list here is going to be slightly older games.

I just finished Werewolf the Apocalypse: Earthblood. It was fun, if a bit repetitive. I don't think I'd play it again because of that but I enjoyed the ride while it lasted. It was... partially inspired by the source setting but the RPG has much greater depth. Turning into a big werebeast and just smashing enemies left and right while the hard rock music blared was still fun.

I'm currently playing Vampyr. I got it a couple years ago but was too busy to really get into it, and by the time I tried to restart, I kind of forgot where I was and how the controls worked, so I just started anew. The combat system is a little clunky but on the whole I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I wish there were some more customization options.

I liked Dishonored 1 quite a bit. I have Dishonored 2 but I haven't played it yet. Same for Witcher 3.

I'll always love Skyrim and exploring the world there. I'm also a fan of the older Final Fantasy games (7, 8, 9) and played 7 for several years straight. I still love it. I haven't gotten to try the remakes though.

All the Mass Effects were also awesome.
Torag1000 wrote:
In my childhood, the old first Crash Bandicoot that was made by Naughty Dog, including Crash Team Racing. For some reason I never played the rest of the trilogy. I prefer the first Crash Bandicoot game because of how difficult it was with timing your jumps and how intentionally glitchy and small some platforms were. That was some difficulty that I somewhat like that is pretty much non-existent now with how refined most games in the recent years are.

Oh my gosh yes, I got the trilogy release on ps4 last summer for like 15 bucks. 10/10 Nostalgia.
So many...

Final Fantasy VII(OG and Remake)
Blaster Master Zero 2
Wild ARMs 2
Lunar series (Not Dragon Song)
Mega Man X2
Mega Man 4

To name a few.
Massive fan of Hades, the persona series as a whole, and multiplayer games such as SoT or Helldivers 2

Although, I have an ungodly amount of hours into Destiny 2. I hate it. 10/10 game.
Its been almost 10 years, but I gotta stick with Undertale.
Mina Moderator

.the.MILK.theef. wrote:
Mina wrote:
.the.MILK.theef. wrote:
Mina wrote:
Since February, I've been very into Fallout 76. I've been an avid fan of the games since right before New Vegas and didn't like the idea of sharing my introvert escape universe with others. IDK, it's a franchise that has always been very special to me for a lot of reasons and the idea of it becoming an MMO wasn't one I liked.

It's been out for 5 ish years, and after two long years of sitting untouched on my desktop, I finally cracked it open, oops- I love it? The issues I heard about at launch were all fixed, and much to my surprise the community was so kind. I have made tons of new friends there, and the type of friends who nuke camps if someone on area chat is being unkind/using slurs. It's pretty awesome!

I can't believe it's been 5 years!? I tried it recently and was enjoying, especially pairing it with the TV series and revisiting my fallout shelter app. :-)

I knoooow! If you're playing 76 on pc and need anything- help, ammo, junk, help with weapons, w/e, lmk! I'm always down to clown.

Oh awesome! Maybe yes! I think i was going to get it on steammmmmm bc I don't have the console subscriptions. I spend my money on other dumb stuff!

Oh maaaan~ You missed it when it was free in April on Steam and Windows! D:
This is a really tough question to answer!

I guess my top 3 are Volcano Princess, Dark Souls III (I got it when it was half off on steam this month! I lost the game disc for PlayStation but now I have it once more!) and the fnaf trilogy have to be some of my favorites because I always go back to the games and never get tired of playing them! :D

Fire Emblem Three Houses, because Jeritza is there

I also enjoy Fear & Hunger, been diving into the Dragon Quest series on the switch, and I like passing time with Honkai Star Rail and Genshin Impact. Pokémon will always be an old favorite too.
Stardew Valley and Plateup are some of my favorites! (:
definitely Detroit: Become Human! I don't play myself but used to watch a lot of youtube playthroughs when I was younger and this game really stuck with me! The plot, the characters' depth and journeys, and the different endings were so cool
My current go to is called supermarket simulator. It's like Sims but basic and specific. I like making up stories about the Npcs that come in.
InkWren wrote:
My current go to is called supermarket simulator. It's like Sims but basic and specific. I like making up stories about the Npcs that come in.

This sounds like my jammmmm

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