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Forums » Forum Games » Count too twenty before a Forum mod posts!


The game is simple, as a group we all have to try and count to twenty before a Forum mod posts, otherwise we have to start over!


1. Only one number per post.
2. You dont just have to post the number, you can do it in creative ways! (same for the mods sending us back)
3. You have to wait two posts before postig again (EX. I post 1, and someome posts 2, I still cannot post until someone posts 3, this is so two people dont obliterate this game)
And thats it! I guess I will start

1. Peice of super crumble banna bread ^_^
2 turtle doves
3 unibears pooping butterflies

4 dancing rabbits
Chris_Pike Topic Starter

6 cats a meowing

XD the 20 days of RPR song!
Sheogorath (played anonymously)

Kim Site Admin

So the game is posting meaningless messages until the mods break it up? Let's not play this game anymore, please.

You are on: Forums » Forum Games » Count too twenty before a Forum mod posts!

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus