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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » A Stream to a Different Era

Jooters Blaccat (played by Jooters)



A small cat looking roughly 5-6 years of age appears on screen.

"I found this thing in the headmistress' room! It's some sort of... Orb... She says it can send a... 'Live Stream' to a different time... I think she said the future... I dunno I wasn't paying attention... And it's on something called the 'Inter Net'... AND I THINK IT WORKS!"

"She said we can receive money this way... And Imma use it all to buy candy! And it is supposed to be on this weird... Chat... Thing... Over here! I think... She has a guide book but its too hard for me to read..."
Ciel (played anonymously)

QueensGuarddog1875 donated:
What's your favorite type of candy? 🤔🧐
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 3.

Note: Donation 🪙

Jooters Blaccat (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Joot's eyes light up as he sees the donation appear in the orb as a few gold coins fall towards him from seemingly nowhere.

"AH! I'VE GOT THE FIRST PERSON! Uh- Uhm- Hi Queen's Guard Dog one thousand seventy five! That is a long number... I'm guessing you're a canine? The headmistress has a big wolf guy that protects her! And she's kinda like the queen of this place! So now I know 2 queen's guard dogs! Although I have never talked to the guy here... He's scary... Oh! Uh- There is this one old lady that sells handmade berry candies at the academy gate town! They taste really really good! Those are probably my favorites, but I haven't had them in a bit... I hope she's okay..."
Kazehiki (played anonymously)

do u like any songs?????
also god bless you 🙏
Jooters Blaccat (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Kazehiki wrote:
do u like any songs?????
also god bless you 🙏

Joot's face turned into one of anger.
"I've never liked any of the gods... Landorians are mean and a god tried to hurt my brain once... But I do like songs! I can't think of any in particular though... OH! THAT ONE SONG ALL THE SOLDIERS MARCH TO! I don't know the words but it goes something like this!" He says before doing an exaggerated march and humming the song until he forgets the rest and sits back down.

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