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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The World's Biggest Sleepover!!! - Wholesome RP!

Cole and Axel (played by Jooters)

"Is the spell thingy ready??" Axel asked Joot as he kicked his legs in boredom. He seems to be setting up a table covered in large bottles of soda, chips, cakes, cookies, pizza, and pretty much anything someone would want at some sort of elementary school slumber party. The ground of the entire world seems to be one giant matress lined with the fluffiest pillows and the softest blankets.
"Almoooost..." Joot replies as he writes something down on what is possibly several hundred pieces of lined notebook paper with a whiteboard marker. "DONE!" He exclaims, causing Axel's large ears to shoot up.

The two run over to a big pillow stage as Joot begins swirling his staff in the air, a magic sigil appearing above and below him.

Suddenly, all the papers go flying into the portal, sending them all across the multiverse. All one needs to do is accept the invite, even subconsciously, and they should appear in this dimension.

Joot stood proud as Axel beamed over his cool magic... Shortly before Joot falls to the ground, tuckered out already with that giant spell.
Midnight (played by the.astral.system.25)

(Don't mind this)
Cole and Axel (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

((yeah I think that is a bit much-))
Midnight (played by the.astral.system.25)

(Shit okay, I shall just not join ig- aaaa)
Dr. Todd Swordson (played anonymously)

He would walk up with his son Luke carrying Luke's sleeping bag, and Luke carried his overnight bag. The doctor looked at the portal before stepping in ahead of Luke to ensure safety followed by the excited six year old. He went to a knee and he spoke to his son

"Make sure you are on your best behavior and if you decide you want to come home, just go through the portal and call me to come pick you up. Be sure to mind any adults in charge, and you know not to do anything you wouldn't do in front of me"

Luke smiled "okay dad! I love you!"

Todd smiled and hugged his son and kissed him on the head before he left.
*arrives* Hello?
Tenebris Fraus (played anonymously)

"You're kidding me.. O' Neil, I'm not going." Tenebris crossed his arms.
"Oh, stop being a stick in the mud." O' Neil handed Tenebris his backpack. "It'll be fun, you need some time where you're not thinking about work." He said.

Tenebris grabbed the backpack and sighed. "Don't go to any trials without me." He said before leaving through the portal..

The portal spilled out some Hellish Ink* and Tenebris stepped out of it. The imp found himself in the sleepover.
There was a cat, a fox-cat thing (an eevee, but he didn't know that) and a six-year-old boy there.

He sighed, putting his backpack down. "Hi. I'm Tenebris." He said.

*There is information on Hellish Ink on his profile!
Cole and Axel (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Joot and Axel stand there surprised.
"One sec..." Axel says before pulling a blanket over him and Joot.

"I thought it would only be kids like us!" Asked Axel. "These big guys are scary..."
"I thought so too!" Replied Joot.
"What if they're boring?! Or mean?!" Axel asks.
The two kids continue having a discussion under the blanket, whispering loudly.
Tenebris Fraus (played anonymously)

Tenebris, being an imp, had better hearing than the average person. He stepped a bit closer to the blankets and smirked, his fangs showing.
"Boring or mean, huh? That's no way to treat a guest you invited." He said, poking at the two lumps in the blanket gently with his boot.
Man, I feel out of place here...
Cole and Axel (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

"AAAAA-" The two kids shout in surprise
"Hey! You can't hear us! We're whispering!" Joot exclaims, throwing off the blanket.
"Yeah!" Says Axel.
Tenebris Fraus (played anonymously)

Tenebris tapped his ear with his finger, "I'm an imp, I have better hearing than most." He winked.
"And you're whispering very loudly." Tenebris noted, stifling a laugh.
Cole and Axel (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

"But we're still whispering! That means you can't hear us!" Axel exclaims.
"Stop being a meanie, meanie!" Joot says.
"Yeah, meanie!" Axel adds.
Tenebris Fraus (played anonymously)

Tenebris rolled his eyes. "Okay, okay, sorry, sorry.. I didn't hear a word you said." He held his hands up, finding this whole thing funny.
If this was to be used in a court record.. Tenebris stopped himself from thinking about work. This whole trip was to avoid thinking about work.

Tenebris quickly grabbed the blanket and pulled it over the two, snickering and then he walked off, sitting down near a fluffy pillow, opening up his backpack to pull out his Nintendo DS.
Cole and Axel (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

The duo of kiddos went back to whispering in each other's ears, making sure to be quieter this time... Although only slightly.

"There is one kid here..." Joot said.
"What if he's a grown up in disguise?!" Axel asks.
"Hm... Maybe... But what if he isn't?"

The two throw off the blanket once again and ran up to Luke.
"Hi!" Axel exclaims.
"What's your name?" Joot asks. "I'm Joot! I'm 6!"
"And I'm Axel! I'm 5!"
Fumizuki arrives. "Mind if I join in?"
Huh? Sure.
Tenebris Fraus (played anonymously)

Tenebris flipped open his DS and began playing Ace Attorney, which honestly defeated the purpose of not thinking about work, because that game was literally about his line of work. Being a lawyer.
Cole and Axel (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

"Of course you can!" Says Joot. "BUUUUT it's Axels sleepover... So it's up to him!"
"Yeah! But you can join!" Axel says. "I don't think I've ever had a girl come to my sleepovers!"
"Well you hardly ever have sleepovers!" Joot points out.
"Okie." Fumizuki smiles as she sets up her sleeping bag.

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