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Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for a Tony Stark (Canon x OC) (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Hi there!

If you're stumbling across this ad, hello hello! My name is Solaris, but feel free to call me Sol!

As the title states, I am desperately craving some content between Tony and my OC, Adalia. Adalia has been under construction and unused for a long while now, and I think that's time to fix that!

So what exactly am I looking for? I'm going to touch slightly on Adalia's profile, before moving onto some prompts I've had in mind. Fair warning that I am a Marvel fanatic, and Adalia has been a long-term project of mine, so there will be high amounts of rambling and long paragraphs in this ad.

Adalia is one of my first ever Marvel OC's, as I'm usually the one playing Canon characters. She's existed for a while, but I've rarely put her out there, so here I am doing exactly that! I'm touching on her backstory real quickly so a general idea can be formed of her timeline and such.

Adalia was taken when she was younger (about 4-5 years old) and raised in the Red Room. Once she was 20 years old amd a fully fledged Widow, she was submitted to a joint project with HYDRA while the organization had possession of the tesseract and Loki's scepter. This joint project ultimately gave Adalia the powers of plant manipulation (extremely strong chlorokiniesis). During the base raid that took place during Age of Ultron, Adalia was sent out with only one mission engraved into her mind-controlled brain- kill the Avengers. And while she nearly succeeded, Natasha prevented the team from trying to kill her. Instead, they found a way to capture her, and transport her to Tony's lab, where she was kept in a cell similar to Loki's in the first Avengers movie. She resides there as Tony tries to find a cure for her mind control, with many partly successful and failed attempts. Eventually she is abandoned in the lab when the snap happens, slipping the mind of Tony and everyone else as the large event takes major precedence. This does also open the opportunity for some other Canon characters or OC's to find her after the plot of Endgame.

Now that I've rambled your ear off about her backstory, let's get into some plots, woo-hoo! I have several plots in mind, most of them center around Tony, but can be adjusted if you wish to play another Canon character or OC (although playing Tony is preferred).

Plot One: Raid of The Mind

After the base raid, where Adalia is found (and discovered to be under mind control), she is transported to the lab. When she regains control of herself by however means they transported her, it's safe to say the person controlling her isn't happy. This can feature many attempts for Adalia to escape/present hostility to members such as Tony. And while Adalia cannot escape the strong Hulk-like cell, it won't stop her from trying and completing her mission- eliminate them all.

Plot Two: Trial and Error

Tony begins to work on a 'cure', a way for Adalia to be freed from the mind control. With many attempts, this can feature moments where she is able to escape the control for a few minutes before being taken over again- and these can potentially feature scenes where Tony and Adalia start to get acquainted with one another and share details of their lives/experiences while she isn't under the control. This cure realistically could take several In-Game years, so this will be a longer prompt where I might switch between playing Adalia and J.A.R.V.I.S, just to fill the gaps where I am not writing Adalia's repeated actions over and over.

Plot Three: Breakthroughs

Eventually, layer down Adalia's timeline, a cure is found where most of the mind control is gone, but a small part remains and can take over under certain circumstances (such as her using her power too much, feeling strong emotions, or seeing one of her triggers from her days spent in a research lab where she first gained her powers). Due to this, she will still be kept in the cell, even if she doesn't like it. This scenario can feature scenes where Tony and Adalia really get to know each other, and have some tender moments of understanding. (I also feel the need to state this now- none of these scenes will feature romance due to the large age gap between these two characters. If you wish to double, and play a character for Adalia's love interest, than romance can be discussed.)

Plot Four: Opacalypse (yes I know that's not how you spell it, but it a title, not a term so I prefer this spelling)

After Endgame, Tony is suddenly swamped to find some way to end the snap and bring everything back to normal. He slowly forgets Adalia and the lab as years pass and he accepts he can't fix the snap- settling to build his own family. However, while Tony is gaining his 'American Dream', Adalia is still trapped in the cell in some sort of homeostasis keeping her alive as the dark lab wing rots around her. What happens when Tony realizes she's still alive and in the lab? (This can also be adjusted to another branch where Adalia escapes and that is how Tony realizes she was still alive). When Adalia awakens from the stasis, I do intend for the mind control to be present. This can be written with another character such as an OC finding her, but again, I really prefer a Tony as I feel this scene will be a funny 'oh shit' moment for him.

Plot Five: Reconnections

After Tony realizes Adalia is alive, he is determined with his advanced technology to solve her mind control problem once and for all- he did figure out time travel, so this should be a piece of cake, right? But when Tony administers the cure and tries to introduce Adalia back into society by giving her a home at the compound, he doesn't expect to be thrown into a 'time heist', and end up sacrificing himself to save the world. So what happens when Adalia finds out Stark is dead, or Natasha- who she has had a few previous moments with in her rehabilitation, the woman who truly understood the amount of her previous pain? This scenario will feature some heavy scenes, and a supporting character will have to be played by my partner.

Speaking of my partner, I guess it's time to stop my plot rambling, huh? So what am I looking for in my partner? I'm so super glad you asked!

As stated many times, my character is widely preferred to play Tony Stark. I know Canon characters are tricky, but I prefer someone who knows and plays his character well, without a bias. If you need help figuring out how to do that, I don't mind helping! Please don't be discouraged if this is your first time playing a fandom-canon character.

Secondly, my partner must have some excellent communication. I find this to sometimes be the most important part of a roleplay scene. My partner must be willing to communicate frequently, not be scared to ask questions, or not be scared to list some concerns! There are a few heavy topics in these scenes, and I want to make sure me and my partner are safe and okay discussing and playing these themes out!

I am also looking for a semi-literate writer. Nothing outrageous, I am just looking for someone who is willing to write a few paragraphs per response. These scenes are not open to one-liners!

Someone who is timely! I have been craving these scenes for a while, and have put a ton of thought and effort into them. All I ask is a few replies a week. I know life is busy, but as long as you communicate with me and let me know, we can build some sort of response schedule! I may respond in a matter of hours after you, but please do not feel pressured to reply right away if you are busy or do not have the time at the moment.

Someone who is willing to use occasional dice rolls! I sometimes use dice to determine Adalia's actions, and may use them to determine some of Tony's actions- for example, how long a 'cure' keeps me out of mind control, or the effectiveness of a cure may be determined using dice rolls. Rolls will not be frequent and only used when needed.

And lastly, someone who takes this serious! With the heavy themes, I will not tolerate a partner who makes jokes or offensive comments about these matters. Doing so will result in an immediate block and ending of the roleplay.

And that's it! I know this has been super duper long, and I've done a ton of rambling, but this is it for now! If I think to add something else, I will add edits and edit tags so you know where they are.

You can play out one of these scenes, or all of them! One-offs and long-terms are both acceptable.

So, if you think you'd be a good fit, and interested in playing- please send me a DM!
Magic 40%
Magic is rare. Some of the players might have it. There may be sages or other magical figures that could be sought out for tutelage.
Technology 70%
Further future, perhaps visit mars or upload your brain
Combat 40%
Unrest may be part of the setting, but any scenes that happen to involve combat may be summarized.
Romance 10%
Romantic themes are possible, but won't pan out. For example: unrequited love.

Details: Occasional dice use, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.

Adalia Romanova (played by solaris_light) Topic Starter

Adalia Romanova (played by solaris_light) Topic Starter

Adalia Romanova (played by solaris_light) Topic Starter

Adalia Romanova (played by solaris_light) Topic Starter

Adalia Romanova (played by solaris_light) Topic Starter

Adalia Romanova (played by solaris_light) Topic Starter

Adalia Romanova (played by solaris_light) Topic Starter

Adalia Romanova (played by solaris_light) Topic Starter

Adalia Romanova (played by solaris_light) Topic Starter

Adalia Romanova (played by solaris_light) Topic Starter

Adalia Romanova (played by solaris_light) Topic Starter

Adalia Romanova (played by solaris_light) Topic Starter

Adalia Romanova (played by solaris_light) Topic Starter

Adalia Romanova (played by solaris_light) Topic Starter


You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for a Tony Stark (Canon x OC) (closed)

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