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Forums » General Roleplay » rv pick fun

Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max was driving from state to state in his new RV and he was beginning to get an awkward silence since it was just himself so he decided to stop in a town and see if he could find any new friends who want to go on a road trip * max: alright now I think ill try the bars first to try and find someone * so he did as he said he checked any bars for people looking to get out of the state *
Cassandra Goth (played by Jaws)

A tall woman with a witch hat walked in circles around the bar. In her hand was a EMF reader with a large screen and a blocky black plastic shell. "Come on, come," she muttered to herself as she stared at the dashes on the screen. Her long dress caught on a fallen branch.

With a groan, she reached to release her dress from its captor.
Agent English (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Being on the lookout, this man, whos life remains a mystery to the public,

He was looking for any criminals to take down, it’s not because of the rewards he do it,

It’s the adrenaline, the action, the quick-thinking of it.

Driving his good old DB7 vantage, well.. 'Old', not so..

He checked on his GPS, althought, it’s a very confusing thing, leading him to the bad roads, and even, getting lost on it.

Seeing a bar, he went in and started to drink a glass of bourbon with some iced cubes in it, he stay there, at the counter, enjoying it by himself.
Cassandra Goth (played by Jaws)

With a sigh, she gave up and went inside the bar. Cassandra went to cozy up in one of the booths and ordered a cheeseburger with fries and a glass of water. She jotted down her small findings on a napkin while waiting for her order.
Agent English (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

He heard his phone ringing and he picked it up,

"Yes? Ah, it’s you.. No, no i have not find the explanations for this, a supposed haunted manor where some people disappeared to.

Right now, i might be close to the place.. Even if this GPS was a nightmare.."

He took a sip of his drink.

"Anyone else failed to find the clues, i will handle it, and if needed, you’ll join me.
Alright, over."

He cut the conversation and ordered a steak for himself, the road was probably long, he was starving.

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