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Think I'll at least wait for my walruses to get to a decent rotation spot.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Zelphyr wrote:
Mm... went to bed too late, woke up too early. Might try to sleep a little more...

Aaaand the path is clear! Yeet!! Jus call meh pengy slayer ;3
XD Well of course, it's the opening day of Epic Week, when you forget what sleep is!
Dragonfire Moderator

Sleep? I don't know her.
I just realized that rpr was a thing in 2011 and now I would jump through some serious hoops to have a tote with the mascot jumble from 2011 on it °~°;
Dragonfire Moderator

Y'know, I'm not sure there was a mascot jumble in 2011?
Dragonfire Moderator

That would've been the first Epic Week, and while there were a couple of contests, I don't think the art jumble was one!
Dragonfire Moderator

Oh, no, I stand corrected: that was the first user-created art jumble! genre-jumble-may-2011-contest.png
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Those were some amazing days :D

Doubutt game is back up and confirmed working, I just put some ray guns into orbit :D
"Dense fog, extra haunted, threat" XD
Dragonfire Moderator

Dragonfire Moderator

The Corps of Orps have made it over to the jellyfish bloom. They report the presence of jellyfish. XD
The walri are such good bois.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Dragonfire wrote:
The Corps of Orps have made it over to the jellyfish bloom. They report the presence of jellyfish. XD

Whaaat? XD
The RNG seems to be in my favor so, I'll hop in on the fight!
Do I have to 'drop' my items at camp? (In the walrus game)
I thought I remembered them dropping automatically before, but my memory may be faulty!
Last year we had to go back I think 🤔

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