Opps my bad
No more smash - you all won!

I didn't proof read. And great work everyone!
time to hang Svetlana up on the axe rack for another year
I threw everything into the armory
so NOW can we make slushies out of the snowman?
If you can find what's left of him, you are welcome to try

we sent my dinner to rehab last year so I guess I'm making gelatos out of the remains of this year's enemies

Shave ice!
Congrats everyone, I'm so proud of you

My first epic week! That was fun!
Does this mean we can't captain our Walri anymore q.q
Great work everyone! So happy to participate once again

The walrii are going home now, sorry

I'm so glad you had fun!
I'm glad I did too!
That was so much fun!!
Thank you again Kim! Thank you staff/creative teams, and the community

Have a good one all! See you next year

This was fun! Thank you Kim and everyone who was involved in bringing us another Epic Epic Week!
I really hope captaining walrii is a part of next year, too. That was surprisingly interesting.

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