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Forums » Epic Week 2024 » Epic Week 2024 Chat

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Oho, what's this I spy, on day one? The beginnings of a build-up of blue baddies?
Vampiric Chill Shadow jump-scares PK-Lucas.

i'm not even playing FNAF and i still get jumpscared XD
Dragonfire Moderator

Yeah, uh
Dragonfire Moderator

They kind of exploded out of nowhere
Dragonfire Moderator

Hah, space scrap is back in Doubutt.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Ya'll started solving symbols at a pretty impressive pace, I think you attracted some attention
Dragonfire Moderator

The ghosts were like "well, we can't have that, brainy folks need to be put on ice". :P
I have hardly any ideas of what any of these symbols could be LOL
Last year I had my Sundrop Flower thing so it was easier LMAO /jk
I really loved watching everyone try to solve that one aaaaaa
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

It can be fun to watch! Also sometimes very frustrating XD
Y'all ready for this? *about to dump a big load of repaired guns into the Armory, along with rockets, canons, dynamite, stims, and herbs*
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Aalto loves me. XD
My 2nd epic week! I'm so excited
Same here! My 2nd Epic Week!
I had other ones I could've done but this is the second one that I'm apart of it. Still exciting though.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I'm gonna take a quick nap now that most things are working as planned, is there a monster you'd like me to empty my stamina on first? :)
There, shipment sent! I'ma say that's my big load for the year, and try to refrain from hoarding hats this time.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

*presses X to doubt*

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