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Forums » Epic Week 2024 » Epic Week 2024 Chat

night Kim :3
Oh dear, that Grabbing Symbol is definitely some kind of sandworm thing. Probably Dune, since that's been popular again, but Star Wars is always possible, and it made me think of the critters from Tremors. But that thread isn't even open yet.
Dragonfire Moderator

I'm looking forward to the Lower symbol. :D
Ngl i tend to just do walruses and combat I help unlock symbol clues if I can. I'm terrible at riddle things.
That sure is likely to be Star Trek.
Dragonfire Moderator

And likely related to the lower decks, somehow, which is always a good time.
No worries, FrostWolf! It's assumed that people will have certain areas they focus on and not really do much in others.
Yeah...I help when I can though
Dragonfire wrote:
And likely related to the lower decks, somehow, which is always a good time.
Oh yeah, probably!
Question how do you increase walruss health?
Survive the trip back to camp. ^^;
I think you can also re-kit them when they're there to be a little more tanky?
Okay thank you!
There are random events that can happen that restore small quantitites of health, but the best and fastest way to heal your company is to send them back to base camp where they can be seen in the veterinary hospital tent.
-- Walrus Game Guide 2024
My company is at 4% health. @_@
You guys remember to break the pots in the Doubutt game if you wanna get spacescrap 😁
Thanks, Shiny!
this handball monster just about dead
Mm, my walrus company scattered... and they were carrying 7 tusks that are now lost...

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus