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Altiuiri (played by Jooters)

"Why hello there~" Said the dragon in an almost sultry feminine voice. "My name is Altiuiri. I am the closest thing you mortals would ever see to a god in your short, short lifetimes. Now, what does- RAAAAAAAAA-!!!"

A kobold suddenly stepped on Altiuiri's tail suddenly, causing their voice to suddenly deepen to something similar to an enraged orc's and let out a roaring, guttural shout of pain as they whip the small minion with their long tail, sending them flying into a cave wall at high speeds and leaving a cartoonish crater.

"... Sorry about that, where was I?" Altuiri says, their voice rising back to the soft feminine voice they were using before. "Ah, right. As a mortal, you should serve and worship a god like me, should you not? Come and enter my cave and take refuge from this painfully cold weather and stay for a few... Decades, and help me rise to my deserved place among the pantheon, one claw filing at a time!"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi was an ever so strange creature. She loved to visit many worlds thanks to her abilities as a kitsune, to the point that her overenthusiastic and happy-go-lucky wanderlust led her into a dragon's den. Of course, being rather unaware of the fact that she was in one, she decided to take a nap deep into the cave for the time being.

That is until a sultry, feminine voice aroused her from her adorable slumber. She talked about how the fox spirit in question was a mortal and how she must enter servitude for the Dragon. At first, she was alarmed, her eyes widening in response to such a declaration. That is until Azumi remembered one thing: She already served a master.

"Excuse me, dear friend!" Azumi said, her tiny hands on her hips "I am already worshipping a deity of agriculture hailing from a land named Japan! I cannot simply be your slave, being a benevolent fox spirit of five hundred years of age who already serves a mortal master! I'll have you know, my adopted son, who happens to also be my master, is a kind and sweet boy who deserves me!"

To those who know her, she treats everyone as a child because of her age and motherly nature. Even if that person was several centuries older, it would not matter to her as long as they disrespect her in some manner. To those that don't know how she behaves however, especially to this dragon, she was simply a puny nuisance that could get herself into more trouble for her insolence.
Altiuiri (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

"Oh, you already have a god and master? You fool~ Don't you know I am far more powerful than both?" Altiuiri says, their voice sing song in an almost smug and insulting way. "A little agriculture spirit is nothing against me, and a mortal boy? Don't make me laugh. I am sure I can tear the very souls from their bodies. Maybe put them in crystals for a fine decoration, no?" Altiuiri says with a slight excited chuckle. "Come on, you can do a chore or two, can you not? I may be evil, but I am not heartless."
"I would treat the kitsune with respect if I were you. That's my brother's friend, dragon, and I assure you that you are no match for me"

He hoisted the large blade up onto his shoulder as he approached and stood in front of Azumi. He rolled his shoulder a bit and moved a stand on golden blond hair from his face.
Altiuiri (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Altiuiri lets out a loud cackle at the attitude of the comparatively puny human who just entered their cave. Who does this man think he is?

"Hah! You think that oversized toothpick scares me? Look me in the eyes and say that again. Go on, I dare you." They say, lowering their head closer to Drael. Their purple eyes gaining a slight swirl in the center and their reptile slit pupils disappearing.
Tiamat (played by Drake_Lie)

Tiamat would enter, growling a bit and looking at the dragon. Her wings spread to show she is larger than the other dragon. "You seem to claim you are stronger than the queen of dragons?"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Altiuiri wrote:
Altiuiri lets out a loud cackle at the attitude of the comparatively puny human who just entered their cave. Who does this man think he is?

"Hah! You think that oversized toothpick scares me? Look me in the eyes and say that again. Go on, I dare you." They say, lowering their head closer to Drael. Their purple eyes gaining a slight swirl in the center and their reptile slit pupils disappearing.

"Alright, alright! Both of you, please do not act too rashly!" Azumi said then looked at Drael "This dragon merely asked me to do their chores. Why not hear them out?"

Deep down, however, there was more to it. Azumi, much like her forebears were the type of benevolent entities to convert an evil being into a one much like herself. She wanted to take a chance at helping the dragon see the good in the mortal plane. This was the case everytime she encountered the likes of the Oni or even malevolent dragons such as Altiuiri.

Then, Tiamat came. T-the queen of all dragons? the fox spirit thought to herself. Whimpered slightly in fear before regaining her composure. As of yet, she did not seem to show any hostility just now. She did not know if Tiamat was ever called a "bad guy" in her legend. So, she exhaled and introduced herself to the Queen of Dragons.

"Excuse me, miss!" Azumi said loudly in an attempt to be heard "I am Azumi, a messenger fox of the deity Inari and a spirit familiar to my adopted son! I seek no harm when it comes to anyone. Frankly, I desire us to all be good friends! Please do not let the dragon before you offend you! I only wish for us to get along!"
Altiuiri wrote:
Altiuiri lets out a loud cackle at the attitude of the comparatively puny human who just entered their cave. Who does this man think he is?

"Hah! You think that oversized toothpick scares me? Look me in the eyes and say that again. Go on, I dare you." They say, lowering their head closer to Drael. Their purple eyes gaining a slight swirl in the center and their reptile slit pupils disappearing.

He, with his deceptive strength grabbed her lower jaw and yanked her head so they were eye to eye.

"You are no match for me."

His gray angel wings ripped from his back.

Almost right after that, a piercing whistle sounded from the cave
" her go"

He walked up and he would scoop Azumi up and slip her into her cute papoose.

"If she was gonna hurt Azumi, she would have already done so. I've read all about her. Step away"
He spitefully let go before stepping away and turning and seeing Tiamat

"Oh for heaven's sake!!" annoyedly.

"I'm outta here....."

He would then walk out of the cave and flapped his wings once and took off.
Altiuiri (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Altiuiri looked at Drael on surprise. How dare this mere mortal make such a rude gesture?! They were planning to make one back by charging up their breath attack, but stopped after he was calmed by Mathius.
"And I will hurt you both if you do not do as I say." Altiuiri roared. "Rudely barging into my lair. One of you even attempted to sleep! How would you feel if I broke into your house and slept on your floor because it looked empty?!"

As for Tiamat, Altiuiri hardly gave them a glance.
Tiamat (played by Drake_Lie)

Tiamat would change to her dragon form, soon towering over the ungrateful brat that was Altiuiri. All five of her heads looking at the dragon
Altiuiri (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Altiuiri gives another glance at Tiamat.
"Do you mind? We're having a conversation here."
Tiamat (played by Drake_Lie)

"Do you think you are above the queen of dragons tiamat?"
Altiuiri (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Altiuiri thought for a moment, before gaining a smirk. They suddenly took to the sky, flying above Tiamat and near the roof of the large cave.
"Now I am!" Altiuiri says with a chuckle.
Tiamat (played by Drake_Lie)

Tiamat would wrap her tail around the smaller dragon and pull her down to the floor
Mathius had seen Drael tank hits from fallen deities in the past. Drael carried a blade that weighed as much as a neutron star. Drael would have quick work of Altiuiri, but now wasn't the time. He was taking care to shield Azumi.

Had either dragon harmed Azumi, he would use Altiuiri's skull to bludgeon Tiamat, but then again, he likes Tiamat's brother.
Altiuiri (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Altiuiri grunted at the sudden grasp.
"Heh, did I upset you with my little joke?" Altiuiri says, standing up. "Do you not have more important things to do than attack someone younger than yourself, Tiamat? Slow day in... Wherever you live?"
Tiamat (played by Drake_Lie)

"I was bored and was visiting some of my stronger minions. I decided that if any forgot thier place I would pound it back into their skull why I am queen"
Pow (played anonymously)

Pow poked her head in.. trying to wrap her head around the chaos she kinda just paused "I just wanted some extra cash-" she muttered

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