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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Dragon's Minion

Altiuiri (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Altiuiri starts gathering a large amount of purple lightning in their hand, slowly shaping itself into the shape of a spear about half the size of their body.
"Please exit the premises. I am not exactly fond of combatting another dragon."
Bahamut (played by Drake_Lie)

She would shrug and laugh, before the platinum dragon would slam his knee into her, knocking her back quite a ways as he growls "she said leave dear sister"
Altiuiri (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Altiuiri stares on, waiting for the two to leave, not letting go of the lightning spear until they are gone.
Bahamut (played by Drake_Lie)

Bahamut would stay as his sister left, sighing softly and looking at the dark dragon, offering a steak "I apologize for my sisters behavior"
"Told ya. Drael stunned her just by kissing her hand." He chuckled
Pow (played anonymously)

she'd put her fingers in her ears "I CANT HEAR YOU LA LA LA LA LA–
Altiuiri (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

"Well now, for your assistance, I guess you should be paid your due." Altiuiri says as they grab a small bowl of silver and run it through their horde like a baker grabbing sugar before handing it to Pow. "Here. Consider yourself accepted, goblin."
Bahamut (played by Drake_Lie)

Bahamut would look confused at this point, being ignored
Pow (played anonymously)

Altiuiri wrote:
"Well now, for your assistance, I guess you should be paid your due." Altiuiri says as they grab a small bowl of silver and run it through their horde like a baker grabbing sugar before handing it to Pow. "Here. Consider yourself accepted, goblin."

She'd prance around with her prize running off... probably to show Drael
Altiuiri (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Bahamut wrote:
Bahamut would look confused at this point, being ignored

"Oh, apologies. I thank you for the meal, Bahamut, and for getting your sister out of here."
Bahamut (played by Drake_Lie)

He nods and walks over to the dragoness, smiling softly at her "your scales look beautiful"
Altiuiri (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Altiuiri smirks before suddenly changing their voice to their deep, gruff, masculine one.
"Why thank you." They say.
Bahamut (played by Drake_Lie)

He shrugs a bit and pokes her nose "most dragons can change gender at will sweetheart"
Altiuiri (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Altiuiri pushes Bahamut away, summoning back the spear of lightning.
"You bastard!" Shouts Altiuiri, pressing the spear almost to his neck. "Touch me again and I will make sure there is no body left to bury."

((Seriously stop. I am a minor and this is making me very uncomfortable.))
Bahamut (played by Drake_Lie)

He would back away and shrug a bit
Altiuiri (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Altiuiri follows him, spear in hand. Their typical half open eyes and slightly smug smile replaced by an expression of anger.
"Begone. Now."
Bahamut (played by Drake_Lie)

He would leave and sigh a bit
Altiuiri (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

"And STAY out!" Altiuiri roars as they throws the spear out after him, before sighing and returning to laying in their horde.
He went to the dragon "Listen, I may be a warrior, but I am also a chef. If you'd like, I can cook something up for you...."
Altiuiri (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

"Hmph... Very well, human. I will give you the honor of cooking a meal for the great Altiuiri Whedab!" Altiuiri states. They figured why not let this human cook for them? Despite not needing to eat anymore, it could be a good way to destress.

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