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Forums » Smalltalk » Do you have a character you’d consider ‘Atypical’?

The title says it all. Of course, we all how our own views of something that’s ‘atypical’ to each other. I played some games with bald female characters and I realized that’s not something you see often. While I don’t really have anything ‘atypical’ in my roster yet, are there any characters you’d consider as such?
My main OC, Joot, was originally a male witch! Although I recently changed him to a sorcerer.
Kupid (played anonymously)

Not sure if this counts as Atypical, buuuuut-

Kupid here is supposed to be Cupid with a twist.
Instead of bow and arrows, he uses a pistol LOL
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

A Belgian Malinois
I would say as I was growing up, I had one character that was "atypical" considering the players and characters surrounding me at the time.
I played an ace Friesian horse. His backstory was pretty tropey otherwise, but not many in the equine forum rps had ace characters. Again, not many around me that I could see.

I feel...bad? Because at the time, I didn't give the character the time he deserved and now I don't rp with animals quite as much.
Once I get my head out of the gutter, and I properly finish writing its details, the "City of Dawn" is definitely my most atypical OC yet. Both PC, Npc and GM.
My OC, Jason, was a therapist before he was drafted and became a soldier. The point was to have both of his careers conflict, so I suppose you could say he's atypical.

My OC Nyx is also a disabled drummer and uses a wheelchair sometimes, but he's mostly based off of me. Still, don't see a lot of disabled characters.
I play a lot of nonhuman characters, which could be atypical, or not, depending on the setting. Eldritch dream monster, advanced AI, just some demon, there's a vampire, a cyborg half-werecoyote thing?? Most of them are meant to be played in urban fantasy settings, so depending on the specifics, they may or may not be seen as unusual.
Out of my human characters, one summoned a demon, one serves Cthulhu and buys merch of him, and one is a mute, intersex dimension hopper. Decide for yourself who is atypical XD
I think the most unusual thing I could do at this point would be to make a completely mundane human character who has never experienced anything magical or supernatural.
(Most of the ones I mentioned here are hanging out in draft mode, in case anyone looks at my profile like "clickbait!!! where is the cyborg dog???" :>
AnonCarp (played anonymously)

Mmmm, that's up for interpretation on what's considered Atypical or not. But I have:

A guy named Dante who's Hard of hearing, autistic, trans witch that works at a daycare. (Which could be considered Atypical since most of my autistic friends dislike children, as well as having not all of his hearing could be considered negligent. But the hard of hearing helps prevent him from getting overstimulated by the children's sounds, not completely but most of the time.)

I also have a trans Naga named Damien who also happens to be an enforcer for a gang, which could be considered atypical considering he doesn't have legs. But he does his job well, despite people assuming he's slow.

A certain amount of my characters are atypical, in the sense that you either: don’t see that often, or never seen that before, they are easier to roleplay as than any popular categories.

I just love characters that are trully unique, they have the best, even, memorable personalities ever seen to date.

I'd like to think that most or maybe all of my characters have something atypical about them. Trying to pinpoint what that'd be exactly, for each of them, might be an ordeal because as mentioned by AnonCarp, it's a case-by-case matter of interpretation.
Good question. Actually no--except maybe internally. Externally they all fit pretty well into some well-established tropes, at first glance. A maniacal werewolf is the most atypical character *for me* to have, but that's only because it's so different than my usual characters.

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