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Forums » Smalltalk » Crafting Material Locations

I remember there being a thread like this last year but haven't seen one. I figured people can share what they've found and where, so we'llhelp each other out! I for one am a little stumped.

I'm looking for more empty bottles, since I have a ton of crafting material but no bottles! Is it in the sunken ship (62,6) that we find those or somewhere else? I've had my boys go there several times but I haven't found any 🤔

Edit: Oh my god it took me until now to find the Event Forum tab, I see the thread now. Will take my questions there!
(if anyone else don't find it, here it is: Walrus Game Guide )
Min-ya Topic Starter

I can report that the sunken ship definitely has cannons though 😂 I've found so many oh god

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