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Forums » Forum Games » Hippocampus raffle!

Ilmarinen Moderator

Happy Epic Week, friends. I find myself the owner of an extra twilight roan hippocampus who badly needs a home.

Look at this cutie. Who wouldn't want to clean up its poop and take it to the vet and all that fun stuff?

To enter this raffle, just post your favorite riddle from this year's Epic Week. If you didn't do any riddlin', what's your favorite of the new enemies? I'll draw a winner whenever the snow construct is slain!
Hmmm mine is a tie! I really liked the Vampire the Masquerade one for its hilarious bonus clue outright stating it wasn't a Warhammer thing and the fact that I got the answer right just didn't have the words in the correct order. I like being able to look up something I know nothing about and get to the answer like that, it was good fun.

I also liked the warrior cats one because I got two of the clues unlocked and was at least on the right track with my thinking even if I didn't get to the right answer. This is also blatant pandering so it's two-fold. 😉
Oooohhhh! Cutie! I shall pet him and hug him and call him George!

I sucked at riddles this year, but I love the creepy haunted hands from the ice. They looked very cool.
Not the best with riddles but I did like those group of penguins.
Ilmarinen Topic Starter Moderator

Yowza, we are tearing this bloke up. Keep your entries coming!
I think my favorite is this Abominable Snow Construct. I'm feeling so bad for him right now! (As I smack him again with my pickaxe!)
Dunno why, but the grasping colds are vaguely threatening and interesting... I like them.
My favorite riddle was the Champion Symbol, despite how painfully hard it was to solve. XD
But I think that's also kind of the fun of it lol
Obviously the champion riddle was my fav, I love pokemon...and now to celebrate I have an alolan ninetales in my main party in my newest playthrough of pokemon shield~
Ilmarinen Topic Starter Moderator

I'm gonna give it until we solve the last 2 riddles :)
Ilmarinen Topic Starter Moderator

Ok! I'll be rolling 1d10!
  1. AndoCommando
  2. Dndmama
  3. KingTai
  4. Juls
  5. Nayrulianas_Blessing
  6. PK-Lucas
  7. Orrik_Zynn_x2
  8. Reroll
  9. Reroll
  10. Reroll
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 10.
Ilmarinen Topic Starter Moderator

rolled 1d10 and got a natural 6.
Ilmarinen Topic Starter Moderator

Alright, that's PK-Lucas :) I'll send the cutie pie along to your inbox all wrapped up in bows.
I shall try to be happy with it being a sticker on my gym water bottle. 😔

Kim Site Admin

AndoCommando wrote:
I shall try to be happy with it being a sticker on my gym water bottle. 😔


If I saw this in the wild I would die happy XD

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