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Forums » Smalltalk » Music and other Character Flavor

What are artists, designers, styles, and Music you have associated with your characters?

Recently, my main group began a D&D 5e Eberron campaign.
We record our sessions, and one of the players wants to eventually animate them, and maybe make them into a ... shareable artful piece of entertainment.
SO, he posts them for us with fun little environmental additions. Some music that you picked for character intro, which was extremely funny at first, but then i totally loved.

I'm a Changeling Pugilist Who worked as an assassin in the most recent war.
She made great use of her face changing abilities to carry out covert missions. For one or both sides???
She was part of a small group of similarly gifted Changelings. Probably not related by DNA, but, they were safe together and could make money to survive by pooling their face changing for questionable but well paying personal gain.
Theft, Espionage, Wet-work. Easy in, easy out.
You KNOW....take the target on a long walk off a short cliff?
Disappear in the crowd.

I was heavily inspired by the fight scenes in Echo and the song Chitty Bang - by Leikeli47, so I stole that for my intro music.

Additionally, He gave me such a tickle to change her face any time I say it. Thus, my little character avatar updates anytime she changes, which I just love.
Azumi, Ren, and Finn are part of a virtual band I made (Look up Gorillaz, you'll know what I mean XD). All their songs (well, my songs) are inspired by two major punk rock influences, Green Day and Blink-182. No joke, it's like I can't escape doing that lol. As for something more on art style, I like anime so... my characters are, of course, drawn that way. I kinda deviate from the usually rather stylized anime and make it, kinda, simplified.

There's this concept album, I've been planning to make (Called "Ill City") that is essentially has the style of some of Green Day's best albums, American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown. They're similar in story actually and obviously would involve my virtual band's antics. My 2 song demos are on bandlab, but I haven't set them to public. I still gotta refine them XD.

American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown have one thing in common: Modern Day Rebellions, with each of those albums centering on different MC's that sought those goals in different ways. Ill City focused more on the latter and has one of the trio, Ren, take on the role of a rebel leader. Granted, he isn't a villain, more of a guy trying to fight for "good" in a world that accepts "injustices" or something along the lines of that.
Vince is somewhat associated with grunge rock. I consider "Sinners" by Barns Courtney his song, although I'm sure he would know a more obscure, more fitting song, or write one himself.

If I need mood music to play Rey I'm usually go with the Far Cry Blood-Dragon or the Ashes 2063/Afterglow soundtrack, although R.E.M.'s well known songs about the end of the world fit him very well, although it would be released a year too late for him to ever hear it. Well, I'm not too preoccupied with historical accuracy anyways :)

Some of my other characters have their own associated music, I like to use the Polemos-Theme from Killer Instinct for my Satyr for example, because it is just fun and mystical greek-themed. Game soundtracks usually work well, because they're mainly focused on creating a certain feeling, without being overly specific.
.the.MILK.theef. Topic Starter

Chaotic wrote:
Far Cry Blood-Dragon or the Ashes 2063/Afterglow soundtrack, although R.E.M.'s well known songs about the end of the world fit him very well, although it would be released a year too late for him to ever hear it. Well, I'm not too preoccupied with historical accuracy anyways :).

Oh the Blood Dragon is synthwavey or like... vaporwave? I meant to look for that.
It's on my list.
I think it is synthwave, I'm very bad at properly placing genres.
.the.MILK.theef. Topic Starter

Revereen wrote:
Azumi, Ren, and Finn are part of a virtual band I made (Look up Gorillaz, you'll know what I mean XD). All their songs (well, my songs) are inspired by two major punk rock influences, Green Day and Blink-182. No joke, it's like I can't escape doing that lol. As for something more on art style, I like anime so... my characters are, of course, drawn that way. I kinda deviate from the usually rather stylized anime and make it, kinda, simplified.

There's this concept album, I've been planning to make (Called "Ill City") that is essentially has the style of some of Green Day's best albums, American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown. They're similar in story actually and obviously would involve my virtual band's antics. My 2 song demos are on bandlab, but I haven't set them to public. I still gotta refine them XD.

American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown have one thing in common: Modern Day Rebellions, with each of those albums centering on different MC's that sought those goals in different ways. Ill City focused more on the latter and has one of the trio, Ren, take on the role of a rebel leader. Granted, he isn't a villain, more of a guy trying to fight for "good" in a world that accepts "injustices" or something along the lines of that.

The angsty teen in me loves this so much!!!
Mina Moderator

Oh man, each of my characters has a playlist that starts from the point of concept which grows in size as I play them and find out more about them, so to speak. Ultimately, I use these playlists to get into their headspaces more fully. Usually, I get my ideas from songs in general! Some of them however have been inspired by atmospheres in books or films, those still get playlists which typically include scores from any movies/musicals/associated stuff added in.

Vanya, who is not on RPR is my most involved and final 5E character. (Death domain cleric who became a god endgame.) Her playlist is heavy on Invadable Harmony's (Really) Dark Academia: Volume I and volume II, along with the must-haves, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Bach, etc.

Some info on Vanya.
A feminist love letter to "mad scientist" archetypes, the Edwardian era's visuals, Lovecraft, and classic gothic storytelling with specially featured dashes of Frankenstein. Gifted, intellectual twin to the disinterested but favored son of a celebrated surgeon/occult weirdo, her early life was full of chilly Edwardian corridors, forced gender roles, stolen books, and lots of petticoats. Vanya was denied a formal education in medical science of course, despite having talent that could easily have surpassed her father's if allowed. When presented with the options of being married off or taking a more delicate path via religion, she became a death domain cleric in service of a lich. Necromancy was close enough and could be science if she applied it.

She and the lich got on wonderfully, and so they gave Vanya some special collection tasks throughout the campaign. In secret, she collected artifacts (Lich's body parts.) and grafted them onto herself, ate a few people discretely, and ultimately piece by piece began gaining what she had wanted all along. Knowledge, and the means to weather any obstacles between her and that goal. She used science, nosiness, and critical thinking to save the world with her new friends, but at a cost that removed her from the material realm. Don't worry, she took Nurgle's place and is still kicking around doing what she loves. ;)
.the.MILK.theef. Topic Starter

Mina wrote:
feminist love letter...

💖💖💖💖💖. Any love for Penny Dreadful and Poor Things in there? I love this!
Mina Moderator

.the.MILK.theef. wrote:
Mina wrote:
feminist love letter...

💖💖💖💖💖. Any love for Penny Dreadful and Poor Things in there? I love this!

I loved PD! I am waiting to watch Poor Things since some letterbox'd discourse about it is still stuck in my brain. I want to wait until that fades from memory a bit so that I can watch it without considering those people's critiques. That way, I can enjoy it organically and form my opinion without those things in mind. If that makes sense? Haha, I'm an enormous movie nerd, so I may overthink it a bit.
.the.MILK.theef. Topic Starter

Mina wrote:
.the.MILK.theef. wrote:
Mina wrote:
feminist love letter...

💖💖💖💖💖. Any love for Penny Dreadful and Poor Things in there? I love this!

I loved PD! I am waiting to watch Poor Things since some letterbox'd discourse about it is still stuck in my brain. I want to wait until that fades from memory a bit so that I can watch it without considering those people's critiques. That way, I can enjoy it organically and form my opinion without those things in mind. If that makes sense? Haha, I'm an enormous movie nerd, so I may overthink it a bit.

Oh, HUNDO-P! 💯

I look forward to your thoughts when the time comes!

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