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Forums » Smalltalk » What do you do with all your character pages....?

I bought the little party pack for epic week and got the epicenes I was looking for but in it was also a page torn from a magic book.

I have a character that's 2 in one (An elf and his dragon) and even then never used all five pages, so I was wondering, for those of you that do add character pages, or have a lot of information... what do you put on their pages?

In addition
If anyone wants it... You can have it. I certainly don't wanna just toss it if someone will put it to good use.
Claine Moderator

I struggle to use the page allotment for characters! But groups! It's easy to burn through pages with groups!
I usually use three or four pages: one for basics/appearance/personality, one for a biography, and one for random other info (I like keeping lists of a character's favourite things, trivia, sometimes their usual inventory, etc.) And if they have magical, supernatural, or other kinds of abilities I often give those a separate page. I could almost certainly fit all of this onto one or two pages, but I like separating it for organization, I guess.
Sometimes I add a page for a guestbook, recent activity, the connection widget, and that kind of thing, almost like a social media page for the character?
My only character with five pages has all of the aforementioned things (with their sort-of-abilities squished onto the "Extra Information" page), plus a "Fun Stuff" page for artwork, memes, music, and other things that aren't necessary, but I enjoy anyway. (Here's a link to their profile for anyone who wants to check it out and see what I've done.)
Another thing I have seen people do, although I don't do it myself, is make a page entirely for roleplay information, such as listing what they will and will not use that character for, possible prompts or starters, etc.
Or, if the character is from a specific setting or of a species of the creator's own making, they might have a page for information exclusively about that. I've done this before.
I actually will use at least four or five pages for a single character. More for certain characters with lots of extra baggage or characters that share a profile. First page is standard information. Second page is backstory and things that require longer descriptions (power sets, places of origin, species information, etc), I then have a page dedicated to OOC information, another labeled NSFW so that any important spicy information is labeled appropriately and out of the way for those who do not want to or should not see it, and then the last page is usually plot ideas and Lf rp information. I'll also add pages for any npcs associated with the character (spouses, children, businesses, etc) or anything else that may take up a significant amount of space to write out. Do they worship a god I made up? Do they work for a secret government agency I made up? Do they serve the king of a country I made up? That sort of thing. It helps cut down on clutter, keeps things nice and organized, and (I hope) helps people find the information they want about my characters without too much trouble or faffing about.

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