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Forums » Introductions » New and excited!

Hey there! I'm SilentSilva, but my friends refer to me as silent. I've always been fond of writing stories and making up characters. Roleplaying has always been something I've been interested in.

As English is not my first language, I use roleplay as a way to improve my English language skills. I'm excited to see what experiences await me and hope I meet interesting and fun people to interact with. Interacting with the characters or getting immersed in the world-building of others is what I'm most looking forward to. I enjoy a range of genras, whether it's Sci-fi, fantasy, or steampunk, I'm always open to experiencing new things.

Well, that's my introduction. I'm not sure what else to say other than thank you for taking the time to read my post! I hope you're all doing well and I look forward to new experiences with you all. ♥
Helo! Welcome to RP Repository! :)

Welcome SilentSilva! Using RP as a way to practice is so smart I need to start taking my language learning seriously and try that out :D

Hope you have an awesome time here!

Welcome to the party! Hope you find some cool people and have a good time!
As a fellow non-native speaker, I also learned English by watching movies, reading novels and finally roleplaying. My poor fellow players! :D
It is a fun way to learn and I'd like to think it worked rather well! Hope you'll be successful with it as well!
Welcome to RPR!
Hello and welcome to the site! :) I hope you enjoy your time here!
Hey welcome to RPR!
<3 Welcome to RPR! <3
I hope you'll enjoy it here and have a lot of fun!
If you ever need help or is unsure about something, feel free to ask someone or use the Help forum!
Welcome to the RPR! 📝✨
Welcome to RPR!
Hiya! Nice to meet ya and welcome to RPR! :D
welcome, silent!
Warmest welcome to you here at RP. Repository. May you and your characters find a loving home here and your writing skills evolve, flourish and thrive.
Hello Silent and welcome to RPR! :)
Welcome to RPR! I hope you have a wonderful time here. :)
Have fun experiencing new things here!

Welcome to RP Repository! It's got a multitude of things its great and geared toward! If you're looking to build a manifest of characters, this is a safe and perfect place to archive your lot! I love the profile building experience myself the best. You can be as vague or as off the wall as you want and it's great for linking to other sites you may play in. If you check out the forums you can run into other fellow writers and that's where you really hit it off. You'll be able to find your niche and write and collaborate with folks with like interests.

If you're really set on something specific, I highly suggest you put in an advert to lure them out of the wood work. :D Either way, there's a lot of opportunity here -- yah just gotta but ready to put yourself out there a bit. I'm shy so I know how hard that can be sometimes, but the majority of us are really pretty decent folk, lemme tell you!

Have a good one out there and if you have any questions feel free to ask any one of us!
Welcome! Happy yo have you here. :)
haha, hey you also know the alt codes?? 8D ♥☺☻♦♣♠
Welcome to RPR!

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