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Forums » General Roleplay » The Best Tea Party Ever! (open)

Joot (played by Jooters)

(Thanks to @KansasVenomoth for inspo!)

Joot can be seen setting up a small table while wearing a small pink dress covered in stars and frills, a pink bow tied around both ears with one big one tied on the end of his tail. He then reaches into his deceptively small bag and pulls out a good amount of plush toys - Rabbits, kittens, puppies, all wearing equally cute outfits as himself, and a plastic tea set to complete setting it up.
"Hehe! Perfect!" He exclaims. "Been a while since I had one of these... Surprised this dress still fits!"
He then sets down a small plastic sign a little bit away from the table, with pink marker reading: "Joot's Tea Party! All invited!" After which, he takes a seat in his throne, kicking his legs, and then puts on a golden, jeweled tiara, feeling extremely pretty!
Fumizuki happens to notice the sign, and makes her way over. "Oh cool, fwend is doing tea party. Can I join in?"
Joot (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

"Hi Fumizuki!" Joot exclaims.
"I, Princess Jooters, hereby declare you can come to my tea party!" He says in a high falsetto voice, before letting out a giggle.
Fumizuki giggled as well at Joot's princess bit, and she takes a seat at the table. "I am quite honoured." She smiled.
Joot (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

He picks up a tea cup, pouring out some tea for her. Surprisingly, it is in fact real tea! Real sugary, but still real.
He walked in carrying a tray of pastries "hey Joot. I got your order. Where do you want it?......oh, hi Fumizuki"
Joot (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Joot tilts his head.
"... Huh? I didn't order anything..." He says. "Was there a mistake...?"
"Well I'm still leaving these here, so where do you want it?"
Todd's backseat door opened and Luke climbed out and pushed the door closed. He waved at his dad and he ran inside. He was wearing a black 3-piece suit and light-blue shirt and tie, with glossy black shoes. He had a pocket watch clipped to his vest and in a pocket. His hair was lightly gelled and combed back.
Joot (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Well I'm still leaving these here, so where do you want it?"

Joot gets an excited smile. "Wait really?! Well then uh... Can you put them on the table, please?" Joot asks politely. "Thank you!"
Dr. Todd Swordson wrote:
Todd's backseat door opened and Luke climbed out and pushed the door closed. He waved at his dad and he ran inside. He was wearing a black 3-piece suit and light-blue shirt and tie, with glossy black shoes. He had a pocket watch clipped to his vest and in a pocket. His hair was lightly gelled and combed back.

Joot waves at Todd. "Hey Todd! Wanna join?"
He chuckled "sorry, no. I have things to do, but Luke got your invitation"
He set the tray of pastries and mini-cakes on the table before ruffling Joot's hair "y'all be good, okay?"

He would pick Fumizuki up and hold her for a few seconds before putting her down "I should tell your papa to come..."
Joot (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Dr. Todd Swordson wrote:
He chuckled "sorry, no. I have things to do, but Luke got your invitation"

"Aww... Alrighty then!" Joot says. "I invited Axel but he said that tea parties were too girly... I don't get how though!" He adds, fixing his tiara.
Fumizuki smiles at Todd and Joot. "Would certainly be fun if Papa Drael joined in."
Joot (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Joot grew a smirk. "I have some extra bows and a tiara he could wear!"
Riddle Rosehearts (played anonymously)

When Riddle expected a Tea Party, this was not what he was expecting, but he was already here and supposed he couldn't back away now.

"Do you have all the proper permits for this.. tea party?" Riddle looked around, before gently sitting down on the floor nearby a few plush toys. "And are you abiding the laws?"
Joot (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Joot tilted his head in confusion. "Huh? Uh... What's a permit?" He asks. "I think I'm following laws though! Do you wanna join?"
Riddle Rosehearts (played anonymously)

"I suppose I shall." Riddle said calmly. "If a law is to be broken, I'll fine you for it." He took a plastic teacup.

"Oh, these are of plastic. Do you not have real teacups?"
Joot (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

"No... Mom said I couldn't use any real ones in case I break them..." He says, a bit disappointed. "But that's okay, these still work!"
Fumizuki wrote:
Fumizuki smiles at Todd and Joot. "Would certainly be fun if Papa Drael joined in."

"I'll get him then"

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