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Forums » General Roleplay » The Best Tea Party Ever! (open)

Joot (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

"The more sugar, the better!" He exclaims, throwing his arms in the air in excitement, before pouring Harcourt a cup of the sugary tea.
Joanne Harcourt (played anonymously)

Harcourt smiled, and took a sip. "Oh! Very sweet!" He gasped, but laughed. "It's still good though. Thank you very much..."
Tenebris Fraus (played anonymously)

Suddenly, a black portal appeared and spilled out of it, was tons of Hellish Ink, before Tenebris popped out, floating a few feet above the floor before gently landing on his boots, and the portal closed behind him. He stared at the Hellish Ink puddle then just kind of snuck off, ignoring it. Someone else could deal with that.

Tenebris took a teacup, not even asking whether he could join or not, mainly because him and Joot aren't really the.. best of friends, then he sat down and grabbed the teapot, pouring some tea for himself. "Nice tea party you've got." Tenebris stuck his tongue out in-between his sharp teeth, seeming to be mocking Joot, and then set the teapot down. He drank a sip of tea and nearly choked on the damn thing.

"Oh gosh, what the hell, this is extremely.. sweet?!" He gasped, coughing, furrowing his brows as he quickly set the teacup down.
Joot (played by Jooters) Topic Starter

Joot was about to complain about the sudden appearance of Tenebris, until he took the sip of the tea.
"Heh! Ya like it?" He asks. "I can give you some more!"
Tenebris Fraus (played anonymously)

Tenebris bared his teeth, "No! No, I'm good, thanks." He said, his nose scrunching with disgust.
He glared at Tenebris. He was already annoyed given what he was wearing, and it taking his daughter to show the seven-foot and nine-inch tall redeemed demon how to hold the cup, but Tenebris's foul attitude had compounded his annoyance, but punching a child was so beneath him, it disgusted him to even know that child abuse exists.
Tenebris Fraus (played anonymously)

(( Oh! I feel like I should note, that, Tenebris can actually be a sweetheart, though a bit stubborn sometimes. He's mainly just acting like an ass because it's Joot, he and Joot don't like each other LOL ))
((Drael is just a bit testy right now. More than usual)

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