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Forums » Introductions » readgredients!

kitchen duty is boring. i bring laptop, be productive while potatoes boil. trouble in moscow, but the internet still works here in oklahoma so me and the roomy are going to wake, shake, bake and make jealous the bloc with how good that percolator smells, kona style blonde and if you don't get the reference that's okay too it's just coffee fandom hipsterisms

i pledge to be just as insufferably cringe and sincere as artists probably were in the 20s last century; i think that's our right as the displaced. you bring the turtlenecks and i will bring the jones soda empties and lighter fluid.

what, you thought we were going to cosplay steve jobs just to recite poetry at an ag hall full of farmers all dresst sans shirtsleeves? en esta climate change??

that's not what the turtlenecks are for, i just have an agenda against awkward beatnik fashion. don't do molotovs, either, i am just being extra chicago in my old age to spook the exceptionally imaginative.

I LIKE WRITING CRIME STUFF, IT'S JUST AN EFFECT, pls i don't even like jones soda ok come back with a warrant if they ever turn a Faygo can into an effective projectile cos right now all those destroy is your own teeth.

blackening teeth, by the way, is an old provincial beauty standard from a certain century in certain parts of china (and other places i assume). it means your family can afford access to sugar, which as a stimulant will have empowered you to scholastic achievement in a way lesser carbs previously could not. metabolic stimulants, like all medicines, can be abused by cycles of addiction, and so the sugar addict was first celebrated as a minmaxing powerhouse of brains and mood swings, and only some of them died from kidney disease, okay, they didn't stay employed in the kinds of jobs that demanded they blacken their own teeth on think-straight-cakes, they found other trades and moved on. for their health.

and my teeth are blackened in parts, but these are only blood scars from physical impact trauma, and not anything i want cosmetically erased on the classist or racist off-chance that someone might mistake my peasant's checkered grin for that of a criminal offender or addict. cos there's nothing wrong with being any of those, either, and this rugby brown has the skinwalking magic to prove things to anyone looking to argue, khyuck.

(cosmetic homogeneity will also be addressed in the revolution.)
*salutes all the tabletop comrades here to do fun*

(oh, play disco elysium! if ur 18+, it's a heavy one. don't play it alone, either, it's too scary.)
Welcome to RPR!
Warmest welcome to you here at RPR.
<3 Welcome to RPR! <3
I hope you'll enjoy it here and have a lot of fun!
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My li'l ADHD brain had a heck of a time processing all of that, but I gotta say, you are quite an eclectic individual with loads of references I'm sure I missed like crazy. I know for a fact that my partner would get a kick out of you though -- they're that kind of hyper intelligent that reeks of 'insufferable' and 'charming' all at once. I absolutely love it, and the historical refs to boot -- yep, they'd be all over that as well. You speak of antiquated times -- I feel you on so many levels with that being first, that I am also old myself, and secondly, knowledge of yesteryears kicks.

I suppose I should at the very least welcome you! I meant to do that right off the bat, but I had get my bearings after all that wonderful banter you put out there for us to enjoy and mull over. So a fine how-do-yah-do to you and welcome to RP Repository. I am also a fan of crime myself, but I've fallen a little off the train a bit due to the chaotic lifestyle I live between balancing work and downtime (what downtime?).

Anyhoo! I hope you really like it here. It's very good place for all those ideas tumblin' around in there, storyboardin', world-buildin', etc. I highly recommend if you want to scratch that RP itch, get your manifest built up and try the Forum Games. Some of the time a prompt games and really good for character development. If anything else, you can always build your profiles (my favorite aspect of the whole site, if I do say so myself), and link them to where ever else you play. Either way, I hope you find it suits your fancy here.

If you have any questions or whatever we can do, just ask and we'll be happy to help. I have been here for a long time and I've found this place to be one of the best communities out there. I sound like a salesman, but it's all truth, in my humblest of opinions! Take care, of course and have a good 'un!
Hello! Welcome to RP Repository! :)
Longest intro I've read in a while! Welcome!
Hiya! Nice to meet ya and welcome to RPR! :D

Hello, welcome to RPR
Welcome to RPR! :D
I read the introduction posts. Always look for the people that started off roleplaying the same place I did.

I don't usually comment on them.

But I got a whole kick out of this it was a trip to read start to end. Had a hard time following the main character though.. what is your status? Are you safe? Displaced? Hiding in a Walmart in Oklahoma?

Welcome 😁
Welcome! Hope you have fun here. :)
Welcome to RPR!
Welcome! Your writing is buckets of fun to consume!
Invicted wrote:
...what is your status? Are you safe? Displaced? Hiding in a Walmart in Oklahoma

Why did this give me John Dies at the End vibes with a little bit if Welcome to Night Vale? <3
Anyone keen on Disco Elysium is welcome as far as I'm concerned.
AndoCommando wrote:
Anyone keen on Disco Elysium is welcome as far as I'm concerned.

Apparently I need to explore this bc the name alone is magnificent, but also... I keep seeing it as a reference.
PersimmonPie wrote:

Why did this give me John Dies at the End vibes with a little bit if Welcome to Night Vale? <3

Welcome to RPR 🙂
PersimmonPie wrote:
AndoCommando wrote:
Anyone keen on Disco Elysium is welcome as far as I'm concerned.

Apparently I need to explore this bc the name alone is magnificent, but also... I keep seeing it as a reference.

Seeing the name might well have prompted me to play it some more soon, as funny as my first 'ending' was.

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