This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
I don't have a particular plot in mind for ol' Jonny. He's just a guy living in either medieval or Victorian eras, so if you have a character in either of those time periods, we can make a specific plot that would work for our characters C: adventure's fun, friendship's awesome... Either gender can try for romance, but no promises either way~ Humans are preferred, but humanoids (wizards, shape-shifters, etc) are welcome! I'm hesitant for furries or nekos (sorry) unless they're disguising themselves as humans. Also, I've an option open for Jonny to be captured or something to that effect, so that's always a fun start xD
Righto. Sorry for that super quick intro and such, I'm just itching for some RP with him! I prefer 3-5 sentence PM RP, and I'm online pretty much 24/7, but sometimes I'll be slow due to school/hw. Reply here or shoot me a PM if anyone's interested C:
Righto. Sorry for that super quick intro and such, I'm just itching for some RP with him! I prefer 3-5 sentence PM RP, and I'm online pretty much 24/7, but sometimes I'll be slow due to school/hw. Reply here or shoot me a PM if anyone's interested C:
I have a character ^.^
Awesome! Do you have a certain plot in mind, or would you rather discuss via PM? C:
Hi I have a character I can use. PM?
I'd be interested. I currently have a female mage, but I can make a new character depending on what kind of story line you want.
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Medieval or Victorian RP? C: (closed)
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