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Forums » Smalltalk » How do you change your username!!

Hello! I've been using this site for years and I took a big break and now I so badly want to get rid of this old cringe ass username. How do I change it?
You need a Masquerade Mask which costs $10.

cuterasacorpse Topic Starter

ohhh okay thank you!! Looks like I'm stuck with my username then lol
Xx_Ashy_Bear_xX wrote:
ohhh okay thank you!! Looks like I'm stuck with my username then lol

You might be able to contact Kim, the moderator? If you explain the situation.
There's still a chance Kim'll say no, but you can always check and see!
cuterasacorpse Topic Starter

PK-Lucas wrote:
Xx_Ashy_Bear_xX wrote:
ohhh okay thank you!! Looks like I'm stuck with my username then lol

You might be able to contact Kim, the moderator? If you explain the situation.
There's still a chance Kim'll say no, but you can always check and see!

Tysm for letting me know! I actually had somebody really nice give me a masquerade mask, but ty!!!

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