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Forums » Art & Creativity » Summer Art Trade 2024

Kim Site Admin

artist_Elf.pngWe're doing an official RPR art trade. Please read the rules carefully before signing up!

In this art trade, artists post information about a character (or characters, if they want to give the other person a choice of things to draw) they would like to receive gift art of. At a specified cut off date, submissions stop and each artist is randomly assigned someone else in the exchange. Then each artist draws the thing they got, and on a certain day, everyone exchanges what they drew. So you do art for someone else, and someone else gives you art. It's like secret Santa, but with art!

This particular art trade is for full color, full body pieces of art.

This isn't to say that other types of art are less valuable, just that they're not the focus for this particular art trade. In the past, we've done mono color art trades, bust only art trades, and I'm certain we'll have other themeing for others in future.


If you're not sure, just play it safe and don't enter. There's always next year!

I repeat:


Check your calendars carefully!

There will be a one week grace period for posting art in case of emergencies. If you don't turn in your art by the end of that one week grace period, you might not be able to participate next year. It's only fair that everyone who does art should get art in return.

This art trade is open to artists of all skill levels!
We are no longer dividing artists into "dabbler" and "devotee" categories. We do ask that this not be your first or second attempt at drawing, but if you've been drawing for roughly a year or more and are willing to do your very best, you're welcome here. Participants should go in with the expectation that the art they receive will be in an unknown style and completed by someone with an unknown skill level, and be excited to get a nice surprise whatever it turns out to be. If you think you may be upset if your gift art turns out to come from an artist who is not as experienced as yourself, or who uses a style of art that is not to your taste, this is not the art trade for you.

Remember, the art you will be given is a GIFT. Someone did their very best to capture your character to brighten up your new year. Please don't get angry if they made mistakes; they did their very best to the best of their ability and understanding to make you something nice, just like you are going to do for whoever you are assigned. :)

I'm not good at drawing (humans/animals/robots/reptiles/something else), can I specify that I don't want to be paired with someone with a character like that?
Nope. If you get thrown a curveball, you're going to have to do your best. Stretch out of your comfort zone! ;)

Is there a risk I could be paired with someone I have blocked?
No. Our matcher is largely random, but it DOES take into account people you have blocked and will not give such assignments. Please be certain you have blocked participants you want to be certain you are not assigned to draw for under any circumstances, and leave them blocked until you receive your art trade assignment.

What are the requirements of the artwork?
  • The following types of artworks can be submitted:
    • Digital drawing/painting/3d modeling
    • Hand-drawn or hand-painted items, so long as you have a method of taking a well-lit photo or good scan of your artwork
    • Sculpture/models you have created from scratch and painted or otherwise colored, so long as you have a method of taking a well-lit photo of your artwork and the artwork is in good condition - paper that's been crumpled at the bottom of your book bag does not count as taking care to produce a nice piece for your assignee!
  • Please do full body artworks, unless the person you're assigned has specified they are okay with receiving a bust/head portrait.
  • Drawings should be in color, unless there is a strong, articulated reason why you made an artistic choice to do black and white. It needs to be something like "it matched the noir flavor of the character and I was really trying to capture that mood," or "I am legally color blind and was afraid I would use the wrong colors," not "I ran out of time" or "I didn't want to."
  • Backgrounds are not required, but you're welcome to include one if the muse moves you.
  • Please make sure your artwork is appropriate for posting on the public forums, so PG-13, non-nude, etc. :)
  • Artwork you submit must be your own original work. If your piece is found to be:
    • Directly stolen, or simply a recolor of an exisiting piece of art.
    • Traced in part or in total
    • Dramatically over-referenced
    • Produced in whole or in-part via AI
    You will be banned from the art trade for at least two years, and possibly permanently.

Does it have to be a surprise? What happens if I want to ask my assigned person questions about their character?
Many people like to keep their art trade assignments a surprise, and do a big reveal on the final day. If this is you, you can have me pass on your questions anonymously to your art trade recipients.

However, that's not required. If you prefer, you can ask your assigned person questions about their character directly. You're even free to post your art trade artwork early if you like! This is especially encouraged for those of you who are afraid you will forget or not be online around the time of the final art trade due date ;)

What happens if I did my part for the art trade, but the person who was assigned me goes AWOL?
If you did your part of the art trade, but don't receive anything in return by the deadline or after the grace period, we'll find another artist who will make sure you get a piece of gift art too.

What happens if I sign up but then have a BIG HUGE EMERGENCY that is going to prevent me from participating?
If this happens, please let me know ASAP so I can figure something out.

Do I have to have existing art/reference sheets for my character to submit them?
No, but in this case be certain they are very clearly described.

I've read the rules and I'M IN! How do I sign up?
To enter, fill out the following form for each character you'd like to offer as a possibility for the artist assigned to you. Remember, no matter how many characters you submit, the person assigned you is only required to draw a single character.

[b]Character Name:[/b] [b]Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:[/b] [b]Species:[/b] [b]Gender expression:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]I prefer to receive:[/b] (full body art/bust/either) [b]Brief physical description of the character:[/b] [b]Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background)[/b] [b]Anything else we need to know:[/b] [b]If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no)[/b]
Claine Moderator


Comic Characters

Character Name: West
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender expression: Cis-Male
Personality: Reserved, Struggles to connect with others, violent + rude as a self defence mechanism.
I prefer to receive: any
Brief physical description of the character: Short with a stocky build, short white hair and red eyes (these are features of his homeland). Has a distinctive scar under his eye and across his lip. Not very fashion forward, but wears both neutral colours and garish pink. There are loads of reference images on his profile and in the comic.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Cars, vibrant cities, cyberpunk-ish.
Anything else we need to know: I am perfectly okay with a little violence/blood in any artwork given to me!

Character Name: Barame
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender expression: Cis-Male
Personality: He's a man with two sides. Friendly and sociable in day to day life, yet he's able to hide how effortlessly cruel he is in his work.
I prefer to receive: Any
Brief physical description of the character: He's a little on the shorter side, but he has a somewhat lanky build. He has long white hair (usually tied back) and red eyes (these are features of his homeland). His eyesight is very poor so he always wears glasses. He dresses like a 10 year old who has suddenly been given $1 million spending money. There are loads of reference images on his profile and in the comic.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Vibrant cities, cyberpunk-ish.
Anything else we need to know: I am perfectly okay with a little violence/blood in any artwork given to me!

Character Name: Adael
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Spirit (who usually appears Human)
Gender expression: Usually appears male
Personality: Adael can come off as somewhat cold and calculating and driven by revenge. He is skilled at big-picture thinking and managing people and resources. He's not an emotionless creature, and he is soft in his own way but his time is overwhelmingly occupied by working towards larger goals.
I prefer to receive: any
Brief physical description of the character: Adael is somewhat tall and muscular with brown hair. He wears an eyepatch over his right eye, the exposed one also brown in colour. While usually hidden by his clothing and eyepatch, Adael has many black scars and a magic seal on his body betraying his non-human nature. Here is an image showing them. There are plenty of other images on his page and in the comic.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Vibrant cities, cyberpunk-ish.
Anything else we need to know: Do you like body horror? I like body horror! Feel free to go wild! + as above I'm fine with violence and blood.

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your
characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no)
Yes! Adael and Barame are in a relationship and West is a close friend. I'd love to see any of them drawn together :)

D&D Character

Character Name: Beatrice
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender expression: Cis-Woman
Personality: Reserved, Kind-Hearted, Loyal with a bit of a cheeky streak.
I prefer to receive: Any
Brief physical description of the character: Beatrice is somewhat on the short and stocky side with a brown bob-cut, and brown eyes. She also has a magic pink gemstone embed into the back of her left hand.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Fairy forest, Fantasy city, Spiders also make for good theming
Anything else we need to know: Nothing I can think of, but feel free to ask :)
Alright, I haven't drawn for a while but I wanna get back in the game before Art Fight starts so here I am!

Character Name: Corvette Crow
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: Rpr profile here, Toyhouse profile here
Species: Human (Elf in some AUs)
Gender expression: Female
Personality: Most often comes across as abrasive, pissy, confident and flirty. All these things are largely a mask meant to hide the hurting, intelligent woman desperate for validation and affection festering underneath.
I prefer to receive: Either
Brief physical description of the character: Fit but still curvy, Warm cinnamon colored skin, Naturally brown eyes but they usually wear blue/purple contacts, Red rope tattoo on their right shoulder, Stretch marks on her tummy, hips and thighs
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Drinking in a club or studying in her room where no one can see her
Anything else we need to know: Vette doesn't have art with clothing on yet (her ref art is barbie doll so no worries), For ideas on what she would wear feel free to check out her pinterest for ideas (link on her rpr profile) or ask me, She mostly dresses like a biker chick/rocker chick/cliche bad girl

Character Name: Rev Ellisica
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: Rpr profile here, Toyhouse link here
Species: Human
Gender expression: Gender Fluid, accepts all pronouns happily
Personality: Calm, gentle and seems vaguely sad at all times
I prefer to receive: Either
Brief physical description of the character: Slim and fit/muscular but not overly so, Pale sun kissed skin, Light blue eyes, Long wavy dirty blond hair
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Forests, Performing his magical puppet shows in a town square or carnival
Anything else we need to know: Feel free to draw them on their own or with their familiar Kuli in either of her forms (honestly if you're good at drawing furries and only want to do Kuli, feel free I don't mind), Rev is deaf but is able to see anything said to them written out in the air in front of them, feel free to incorporate that if you'd like

Character Name: Honey 'Bunny' Coella
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: Rpr profile here, Toyhouse link here
Species: Human or Cold slime depending on AU
Gender expression: Female
Personality: Bunny is generally a happy, cheerful, optimistic young woman. She's very studious and book smart, but lacks a lot of street smarts and can come across as sheltered and naïve. Anyone that hurts or kills any sort of animal will earn her eternal ire. Bunny tends to be really insecure about her physical appearance, specifically her weight which doesn't seem to want to go down no matter what she does, and her eyes, which she's been teased about and stared at for all her life.
I prefer to receive: Either
Brief physical description of the character: Human version: Pudgy soft and round, Pale skin, Dyed icy blue hair with pink and purple highlights, Oddly diamond-like eyes (it's a rare genetic condition), Most noticeable scar is on her left cheek, Slime version: Ice blue 'liquid' contained within a clear synthetic thermoregulated containment unit complete with built in bunny ears and a blue/pink/purple wig
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Anywhere cold and snowy for either version
Anything else we need to know: Feel free to draw either versions of Bunny or even slime Bunny without her containment unit though it has to be cold or she won't be able to maintain her form and will just turn into a puddle! If you want to draw sci-fi Bunny and have questions about her design feel free to message me :), Her cat Irwin aka Chunks can be drawn with either version if you are so inclined

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your
characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no)
Vette and human Bunny could conceivably meet at some point, but beyond that no, these are all very different characters in very different universes
Character Name: Currach Rua
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: RPR page here.
Species: Swamp Fairy
Gender expression: Female
Personality: Feisty and wild with a healthy dose of naivety thanks in large part to her only friends being frogs and other animals.
I prefer to receive: (full body art/bust/either) Either
Brief physical description of the character: Red skin with long ears and a light creamy red vitiligo. Her hair is an absolute messy moss green and completely covers her eyes.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Swamp
Anything else we need to know: Always has her froggy companion Gerald with her.

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your
characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no)
Yeah. They could probably meet up at the Cafe Warwick works at.
Character Name: Warwick Foster
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: His RPR page
Species: Orc
Gender expression: Male
Personality: He's a hardworking Barista. He's fairly shy around girls but very friendly.
I prefer to receive: (full body art/bust/either) Either
Brief physical description of the character: Warwick has green skin, tusks, and long dark hair often up in a ponytail, and is usually in casual clothes or his cafe uniform. Also has a very neatly trimmed beard with a mustache. Three simple tattoos around the biceps and throat.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) cafe, forest, city. Really anywhere.
Anything else we need to know: Not that I can think of!

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your
characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no)
Yeah if you feel like it.
Character Name:Ant
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Originally Draenei from WoW, now a Teifling
Gender expression: Male
Personality: Deadpan, been there, done that, got the (many) t-shirts
I prefer to receive: (full body art/bust/either) Either
Brief physical description of the character: 7’2” absolute unit dressed in full plate armour. Is missing the
skin on his cheeks exposing the teeth and gums. Completely blank, blue glowing eyes, generally with a bored expression.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) He travels, so any fantasy setting
Anything else we need to know: He loves his dog, she is best girl

Character Name: Mahava
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Mutt
Gender expression: Male
Personality: Nervous, skittish lad
I prefer to receive: (full body art/bust/either) Either
Brief physical description of the character: tall, lanky with a stupidly long tail. Anthro creature with long ears, covered in white fur
with four arms.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) originally from a cyberpunk-ish setting
Anything else we need to know:He used to be a thief and a runner for gangs

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your
characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no)
So excited for this!

My characters:
(both pages contain sensitive content, photographs appropriately tagged.)

Name: Yamajit/Death
Species: Personification of death
Gender expression: nonbinary/gender fluid.
Personality: Death is often hard to put in a box, for obvious reasons. Having 'lived' so long they tend to cycle through many personality traits over the centuries. Depression can set in and their demeanor is cold, quiet, and very loner-esque. A stint of enjoyment can kick in and make them one of the most lively people you know.
I prefer to receive: Either
Brief physical description of the character: Death's preferred humanoid form is that of a 5'9" androgynous figure with a lithe but broad shouldered body, very small ambiguous chest, medium brown skin, perhaps too vibrant golden blonde hair that seemingly glows in the night, amber eyes, and depending on the time period little brown antennae that stick up from their vibrant hair.
Suggested environments: graveyards, gardens, night time, night club

Name: Abel
Species: Demon
Gender expression: androgynous male
Personality: Sassy, temperamental, ambitious, determined, hedonistic, resentful and vindictive, flirty, protective.
I prefer to receive: Either
Brief physical description of the character: dark blue skin, medium to light blue hair cut in a shoulder length mullet, bright amber eyes, mouth that is possibly only capable of a crooked smirk. He stands 6'4" and while he is still visibly masculine and strong in this form, he is more feminine than form 2 with defined muscles and broad shoulders but softer curves.
Suggested environments: night club, fancy lounge, anywhere Yamajit is.

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your
characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no):
Yes! They're 'just friends' wink wonk, with very not platonic feelings.
Character Name: Kellie
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: Kellie’s RPR page.
Species: Kelpie
Gender expression: is agender but usually appears feminine
Personality: to any standard person, Kellie will blend in. Smile, wave, be polite and friendly. However Kellie is cold blooded and does not show mercy, frequently growling when irritated or on edge. They enjoy biting anything that moves but also can purr when content (yes they’re a giant watery house cat)
I prefer to receive: Either though I would like a nice image to use for their page

Brief physical description of the character: Kellie is a shapeshifter but their default is a 1950’s housewife. Black mid back straight hair, fair skin and dark blue eyes. Usually seen wearing a pale blue dress of that timeline with water stains along the hem.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background): marshlands, cities or bars are places they frequent
Anything else we need to know: they’re learning to play the violin so if u wish to torture yourself, you can add one in somewhere (rip ur sanity if u do). If you would like more art feel free to ask (they have an au with cute murdery children UwU)
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Still about 9 days to sign up for this, everyone! :)

Character Name: Sonia
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Werecat
Gender expression: Female, she/her
Personality: Obnoxious and chaotic generally. Very clever and likes getting on other's nerves.
I prefer to receive: Fullbody preferred!
Brief physical description of the character: Tall and lean, she stands at 5'11" (180 cm). She looks like a regular person, if not for her cat-like features, which include long ears, a short-furred tail, and slitted, yellow-green eyes. Her hair is sandy-blonde and cut short just above her shoulders, and she usually wears bright-colored clothes that are easy to move in. Has an animal form: a small housecat with darker points like a siamese cat and ears like a lynx.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Any urban environments, especially places like the rooftops, alleyways, or run-down buildings that she probably isn't allowed to be lurking in.
Anything else we need to know: Feel free to draw her in her animal or human form--or something weird in-between. Examples are in her profile!

Character Name: Russel
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Dragon
Gender expression: Male, he/him
Personality: Generally very kind and a little nervous. Gets excited by cool new things and easily exasperated.
I prefer to receive: Fullbody preferred!
Brief physical description of the character: In his human form, he stands at a very short 4'5" (134 cm), has shoulder length ginger hair and draconic green eyes. He usually wears a golden scarf and warm, long-sleeved clothing. In his dragon form, he has red scales spotted with dark freckles, two pairs of small yellow wings, and a pair curly black horns on his head.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Flying in the sky. Sitting somewhere drawing (can be at home on a couch, outside on a bench or rock). Any sort of urban environment works too.
Anything else we need to know: Feel free to draw either his dragon or human form, or something in-between! Examples shown on his ref and profile <3

Character Name: Shahra
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Wyvern
Gender expression: Female, she/her
Personality: A stern, old soul, who is very good at reading people. Despite first impressions, she has a motherly disposition and very protective and caring of younger folk.
I prefer to receive: Fullbody preferred!
Brief physical description of the character: Large aqua wyvern speckled with dark teal across her back. She stands at 14'3" (434 cm) at the shoulder. She has hybrid feathery and leather wings, and a prominent crest of feathers on her head.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Flying through the sky. Taking a break at the top of a cliff. Gliding across a vast plain in search of prey. Any kind of wilderness environment works.
Anything else we need to know: Her saddle is optional. Also, please make sure to use the design on her reference, she went through a major redesign recently and doesn't have much up-to-date art!

Character Name: Bryn
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender expression: Female, she/her
Personality: Golden ray of sunshine! She'll help anyone in need and is consumed by an endless wanderlust.
I prefer to receive: Fullbody preferred!
Brief physical description of the character: She's a stocky, chubby lady who stands at 5'6" (167 cm)
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Any kind of wilderness environment! Stoking an campfire in the evening. Exploring a dungeon. Climbing a tree. She likes to adventure :] Medieval-style villages and cities are also perfectly valid.
Anything else we need to know: Nope~

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your
characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no)
Shahra and Bryn are travel buddies, and definitely can be drawn together! The rest don't know each other, so no to the others.
Ooo! Art Trade! This should be fun, and good practice for ArtFight coming up!

Character Name: Traveler
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender expression: Female (S/h)
Personality: Trav is bubbly and mischievous, a little overconfident with herself and is a little cocky. She has an overall "I'll be fine" attitude when visiting worlds, and it very rarely ends up well for her, because she's a bit of a trouble magnet. She holds those she calls friends close but when interacting with them she usually lightheartedly refers to them by idiot or dumb*ss.
I prefer to receive: Full Body
"Brief" physical description of the character: She is relatively thin and young and she has short fluffy auburn hair (flat on top, puffs out near the bottom), and sparkling blue eyes that glow when she creates a portal. Her portals are also blue, and have a galaxy like shape. She can be seen in a variety of outfits, but her most common outfit consists of a purple crop top and jeans, as well as a black overcoat that hangs low in the back.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Anywhere. She can quite literally make a portal to any location imaginable, so you can draw her anywhere you'd like. However, a common hand out spot in her own world is this city plaza with a fountain that she likes to visit.
Anything else we need to know: Well, besides the fact that she can create portals to any fictional world imagined, not much else to her. I mean, she's good friends with the Underverse cast, especially Ink and Dream, that's interesting I guess. Like I said, not much else to her.
Character Name: Hazesh

Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:

Species: Yuan Ti.

Gender expression: Masculine.

Personality: Observant. Intuitive. Mischievous. Cunning. Ruthless. Opportunistic. Driven.

I prefer to receive: (full body art/bust/either) Any

Brief physical description of the character:
Age is early to mid-40s in appearance.

Dusky/medium tanned skin with golden scales on his cheekbones, shoulders, back, elbows, hips, thighs, and lower legs. Dark brown hair, partial waves and partial dreadlocks. Hair can vary to without dreadlocks, with teal streaks, and with an undercut on the right side. Moderately greyed through 'overburning' himself magically in combat. Facial hair ranges from clean-shaven to a short beard and goatee. Gold pupilless eyes with a crimson ring around the edge. Broad-shouldered; well-muscled, verging towards lean. 'Beefy'.

Piercings (visible) - central lip ring, Medusa, tongue, nose stud on both sides, bridge.

- Heavy diagonal facial scar from the middle of his forehead to just below his left cheekbone - basilisk attack
- Heavy lash marks on his back
- Branded 'K' on the nape of his neck
- Teardrop scar in his upper right arm (c)
- Back to front, heavy thick piercing circular scar (c)
- Blackened charring like lighting on his right forearm. Last two fingers of his right hand missing (c)
- Two heavy stab scars, right side
- Three deep claw marks over his left pectoral (c)
- Severe bite marks encircling the upper part of his neck, and on both sides just behind his jaw (c)
- Three deep claw lacerations on his chest, over his sternum (c)
- Through-and-through 2-inch wound, just below the left clavicle (c)
- All of his fingers and thumbs are black, from the tip to midway between the first and second joints

Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background)
- At sea (ship reference)
- In an abandoned temple or ruin
- Desert camp

Anything else we need to know:
- He is a warlock. His magic appears like red lightning.

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your
characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no)
Ilmarinen Moderator

I've been doubling down on my book, so I'm offering up my protagonist. :)

Character Name: Ivian
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: human
Gender expression: masculine
Personality: Stoic, quiet, subservient, haunted
I prefer to receive: Try a full body! If you really can't, then a bust is okay.
Brief physical description of the character: A medieval human man in his 30s with a stocky build and lots of scars.
Suggested environments: Castle, dungeon, training yard or barracks, forests, mountain trail, tavern, wandering out on the open road
Anything else we need to know: Notes for artists can be found here!
Character Name: Valdemar Shadowspun
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Shadow Genie
Gender expression: Male
Personality: Grandiose, vain, and fussy. Talks big, but will probably cry a little if you’re mean to him.
I prefer to receive: Either full body or bust is fine! Or whatever!
Brief physical description of the character: Val is very tall for a humanoid, with an abnormally long neck and limbs—like someone took a jpeg of a guy and just stretched it. He has sharp teeth and nails, his ears are long and pointed, and his eyes are completely black (like a hamster’s). His “hair” is sort of flamelike, and tapers off into insubstantial smoke near the end. His skin is an ashen blue-grey. Regardless of whatever else he’s wearing, a large reddish gem is always embedded in his chest, just below the collar bone.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Star/night themed stuff is his jam, or anything with a decadent amount of fancy throw pillows.
Anything else we need to know: THIS is his most up-to-date reference image, but pop him in whichever outfit calls to you. Or make something up, even! :>
If I'm stil in time...

Character Name: Reyn
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: Character Sheet | Costume Study (WIP)
Species: Anthro silver fox/maned wolf hybrid
Gender expression: Wilfull, mischevious, playful, rambuctious - ONLY if going with fancy clothes, terrified and miserable
Personality: A hurricane of a kid, he's very curious and easy going, but also somewhat shy around strangers. He absolutely adores scary things and has a morbid sense of humor. Adventurous and bold, he holds secret a more sensitive side, that he really only reveals when he can snuggle in his mother's arms.
I prefer to receive: (full body art/bust/either) Either
Brief physical description of the character: A two-years-old anthro fox kid, he has the fur coloring of an ordinary silver fox but with some brown and white additional markings similar to those of maned wolves. He has brown hair, and a tuft of dark-blue hair falling over his hair in a fringe. Wears mostly casual outfits, always ready to kick out his shoes, pull off his socks and leave muddy footprints everywhere.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Parks, gardens, or some futuristic high-society backdrop.
Anything else we need to know: His clothing items (eg. t-shirts, berets, etc) can range from kaiju-inspired to "Halloween" themed or feature SuperTonino (a rottweiler with a hero cape)
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin


Everyone should have a match now, so check your inboxes! Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Ilmarinen Moderator

I have a convention this weekend, so I'd like to share my piece early. I drew a scene for Skyran of Bryn trying to convince Sahra to take this underground shortcut. I apologize that Sahra isn't quite full-body here!

Ilmarinen wrote:
I have a convention this weekend, so I'd like to share my piece early. I drew a scene for Skyran of Bryn trying to convince Sahra to take this underground shortcut. I apologize that Sahra isn't quite full-body here!



This is SO COOL!!! you drew both of them!!! they're adventuring!! I love this little interaction between them, Shahra is so displeased by the cave idea that Bryn's offering. the lighting and the TEXTURE is gorgeous, its perfect!! no worries about not drawing both of them fullbody, you drew TWO characters and that more than makes up for it <3
I actually found it hilarious that RPJEANS was roleplaying Valdemar at the fae summer soiree and chose my character, Kellie, to dance with XD
Sorry its not my best work lol, but I had fun with mr lanky genie (if you want the image without my signature just dm me and ill give you it)

I am also not gonna be around when July 7th ccomes around--I'll be out of town--so gonna drop off my piece too!


For cri86titanium: it's Reyn! Making a mess with his paints and drawing cool dogs :]
Thank you sooo much!! I absolutely love how you drew him! The playful spark in his eyes, the love for bright colors that end up more on him than on the paper - it's perfect!!! And of course he's already managed to discard his shoes and socks, how else!! XD You did such justice to him, I'm overjoyed!! :D Can I include him in his profile page pretty please??

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