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Forums » Introductions » New member (yippee!)

Hi! My name is Nicci, but I go by Wicked ^^ I've been roleplaying for many years now, so I know a thing or two! I tend to rp mostly fantasy, horror or romance. I like to rp in 3rd POV and I try to write at least 1 to 2 paragraphs per reply. It's very nice to meet you all!!

Edit: TYSM all for the welcomes!! you guys are so friendly I'm so excited to make friends ^w^
Oooo a lot of good genres! I can tell you'll fit in well here!
Hello Nicci! Welcome to RP Repository! :)
<3 Welcome to RPR! <3
I hope you'll enjoy it here and have a lot of fun!
If you ever need help or is unsure about something, feel free to ask someone or use the Help forum!
Hello hello! Welcome!
Hey, hope you have a wicked time here!

Welcome to RPR! 🩷
Fantasy and Romance are the best, the rest is only filler. Totally kidding. So happy you're here.

I hope you find some amazing stories to write with friends here.
Welcome to RPR!
Hi there! Welcome to RPR!
Hiya! Nice to meet ya and welcome to RPR! :D
𝑊𝑒𝑙𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑅𝑃𝑅!
~Warmest Welcome to you here at RP Repository~

Hello, welcome to RPR
Welcome to the RPR, Wicked! 📝✨
Hello! Welcome to RPR! I hope you enjoy your stay. ^^
Welcome to RPR!

Hello and welcome to RP Repository! I love the username -- gives me Don't Starve feels. I know a lot of people have no clue what that is, but it's a cute little survival game. Anyhoo! I hope you enjoy it here and find what you're looking for in a role-play! If you have any questions or what have you, feel free to reach out to the community and let us know what we can help with! :)

Check out all the forums, by the way! There's where the action is and I'm certain you'll make friends there! :D
Welcome to RPR! It's great to see so many new folks showing up!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » New member (yippee!)

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