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Forums » Smalltalk » Pride Month 2024

'tis the season

I'll be honest, I might be too autistic for gender. I don't understand its purpose besides social constructs I don't fit into anyway and the performance in my case is forced and artificial.

Pronouns are just a function of language to me, and no different than someone's name. Which isn't great, because I'm bad with names, too. It takes me a bit to connect name/pronouns with specific people and I still assume pronouns with voice, which is not great when someone's not binary or has those fancy neopronouns the kids are into these days. Maybe it would be easier for me if I fit somewhere on the gender spectrum at all, but I just let people use she/her for me even though I don't personally attach anything to it and use they/them when speaking about myself. (Which I also attach nothing to.)

Either that, or I'm some kind of gender grognard and I'm slow to unlearn habits but I'm doing my best.

Anyway, talk about queer stuff.
Actually, I'm bi, but you get the idea.

Happy Pride Month to all you guys, gals, and nonbinary pals out there!

Uhhhh, I don't know what else to say- My partner Rain and I have been together for well over a year now, so that's neat! They're my favourite cryptid and I love spending time with them ^.^

Speak of the devil- Rain, if you're reading this (which I know damn well you are):
oh hi Hades :3 love you toooooo <3 <3 <3
I am so ridiculously excited for the Mother Mother concert, which isn't inherently queer but like. yes it is, all the no-binies are listening to the funky moth band these days. like my face may be -_- right now but inside I am internally screaming (positive) because the day is rapidly approaching.
now I'll do that thing I do in every pride month post where I say what I am... I think agender is the most accurate label for me. gender? I didn't get it, I have the oldest XBox known to man. but I generally just default to calling myself nonbinary :3
I'm also asexual and... the specific term would be polyromantic, which means attracted to multiple genders but not all (in my case, nonbinary people and women, but not men or anyone too masc-presenting/identifying), but this is often confused with polyamorous, which I'm not, so I usually would just say gay, queer, or something like that. I used to consider myself a nonbinary lesbian but that feels a little incorrect? it's complicated for me in ways I don't really know how to explain... but I'm still attached to the lesbian flag XD basically I don't know if I'm a lesbian, but I'm... not NOT a lesbian?
but I've gotten to the point where I'm less concerned with specific labels. I know who I am, and I don't need an exact specific word for it, when the words only confuse most other people. so yes, I'm agender, asexual, and polyromantic in a vaguely sapphic and definitely not straight way, but the simpler explanation is I have no biney and am suuuuuuper gay
oh and I have good news! I've been on a gender care waitlist for a loooong time, but I should most likely actually get to speak to someone this summer! I could be getting surgery before the year is over, if I'm lucky :3 (pretending I'm not absolutely terrified by this)
gender wizard please call me soon so that I may face the mystical blade of gender removal (they're multiclassing as a fighter, as a friend said)
okay, happy pride, be gay do crime!!!!! :3
Hi hi! I have a love/hate for identifying as bi for myself.
I know it stems from a lot of weird stuff, and that feels silly to be "bovvered" about.

I just like people who I like.
All types and for all sorts of reasons. Most of which are just "being oneself".

Also, Thanks for your Posts!!!! I enjoy them: :-)
Happy pride month everyone :D
This is a great topic and I'm happy to get to know all of you a little bit better!

I'm a lot gayer than people might think, because I'm still pre-transition and don't know when I can finally feel safe enough in my social environment to actually change my "disguise" to the person I feel inside.

While I am still learning to feel accepted in my queer identity myself, I really wanted to let people know that even if you're not ready to come out, you are who you are, you are valid and important just as you are!

You don't have to "prove" yourself to have a place in the community and I'm proud of every single one of you <3
Stay strong and take care of yourselves!

loot rainbow flag

I got on here to reply to RPs, and Milk replied to this post - so I got distracted.


*Shows up in gay stuff*

I would like to send my homage to all the bi's out here myself, to all of us who've been corrected on our own sexuality, because of who we were in a relationship with.

Me: "I'm bisexual."
Someone know knows my sexuality better than I do: "But you're with a man, and you're a man."
Me: "I'm unsure of your point."
Someone: "So you're gay."
Me: "No, I'm bisexual. I just said that."

i think it happens more with women in a relationship with a man, but still. It's happened to me, too.
Four wrote:
I got on here to reply to RPs, and Milk replied to this post - so I got distracted.


*Shows up in gay stuff*

I would like to send my homage to all the bi's out here myself, to all of us who've been corrected on our own sexuality, because of who we were in a relationship with.

Me: "I'm bisexual."
Someone know knows my sexuality better than I do: "But you're with a man, and you're a man."
Me: "I'm unsure of your point."
Someone: "So you're gay."
Me: "No, I'm bisexual. I just said that."

i think it happens more with women in a relationship with a man, but still. It's happened to me, too.

Literally so legit.

Anyone else here have the "Yes, I am Bi and cool with monogamy" conversation 100k x with, you guessssssed ittttt, extremely insecure cishet white dudes?
Happy pride!!! Aaaa

You're all great! (Also Hi Four d: )

Somehow I was never really that confused about my romantic orientation, I never really cared, but perhaps because I was lucky to grow up with a mom who didn't care what people were in that sense!
I'm Asexual Panromantic heh
The ace part was definitely a bit of a journey with confusion haha so much stuff started making sense when I found the word and started learning about it

Gender on the other hand.. I almost gave up on it multiple times, just trying to accept the discomfort of gendered words, but.. it's unfortunately not that simple, and so hard to explain to people?? At this point I suppose I'm some sort of gender queer/non binary thingy lol I definitely prefer more gender neutral terms! And they/them^^
People irl don't really know yet, it feels like a lot to explain <-> maybe one day!

Hope everyone is safe and happy <3
Auberon Moderator

My gender is "indifferent," and I'm hella bi, so my sexuality is also gender indifferent. My pronouns are he/she/they, preferably a mix instead of any one of the three all the time.

I am also aro-spec, probably somewhere around demiromantic, but I prefer to just say queer to cover the alphabet soup that is me.
.the.MILK.theef. wrote:

Literally so legit.

Anyone else here have the "Yes, I am Bi and cool with monogamy" conversation 100k x with, you guessssssed ittttt, extremely insecure cishet white dudes?

What like... is it an assumption that all bisexual people are not monogamous or don't support it? :|

Hi Echo :)
Auberon Moderator

Four wrote:
.the.MILK.theef. wrote:
Anyone else here have the "Yes, I am Bi and cool with monogamy" conversation 100k x with, you guessssssed ittttt, extremely insecure cishet white dudes?

What like... is it an assumption that all bisexual people are not monogamous or don't support it? :|

I'm bi and poly, but I know maaaaaaany friends who are bi and mono. The conversation I run into more often is "well you're dating/married to the opposite gender, so doesn't that make you straight?" Bonus points for awful if both people in the relationship are bi.

(I'm AFAB and have only romantically been with men, so this one has plagued me.)

This is my friendly reminder that het-passing bi/pan/etc couples still belong at Pride. uwu
Four wrote:
.the.MILK.theef. wrote:

Literally so legit.

Anyone else here have the "Yes, I am Bi and cool with monogamy" conversation 100k x with, you guessssssed ittttt, extremely insecure cishet white dudes?

What like... is it an assumption that all bisexual people are not monogamous or don't support it? :|

Hi Echo :)

I have unfortunately seen people thinking that yeah, that since you're into more than one gender, you can't keep stuff in your pants and "be faithful" or monogamous.. it's ridiculous to say the least <->
Ayyyy lads! Still very much a raging lesbro, still very much butch, an' still very much in love with the cutest, sweetest & most adorable girl in the universe, AKA my girlfriend! Just put her on a train home (she lives across the country 'cause why on Earth would sapphics even date someone that doesn't at least live 2 hours away from them), and, yeah. We've gone through a bunch and been talking a lot lately, but really, I'm her rock and she's mine, and I think that's a wonderful thing.

Our love for each other is so strong and magical, and I really do think that queer love in general makes the world a more beautiful and bearable place. To all my closeted or less-loaded-on-luck Alphabet Mobsters out there: things will absolutely get better when whatever is wearin' you down (dumb family members, queerless environment, etc.) moves aside, and you are just as deserving of love and happiness as everyone else. Better yet, one day, you'll experience it too. That's a threat. You cannot resist.

Anyway, got lots of uni work on my plate these days, so prolly ain't gonna stick around much for a chat. Happy Pride Month, suckers. Take care of yourselves!
Jaws in the building! I'm bisexual and mono but had to correct people before about my sexuality. Apparently even if you tell people you're bi, at least in my situation, you get called a lesbian (they are cool btw). Major respects to the poly peeps or anyone here for feeling comfortable being who they are. I haven't found my special someone yet, but I know I'll meet them along the way.
My friends here call me "Verse".

Screw it. I'm coming out.

VoliminalVerse wrote:
My friends here call me "Verse".

Screw it. I'm coming out.


Congrats Verse, Im happy you felt comfortable enough to come out here!
I am a proud bisexual (with a slight preference towards men) poly and genderfluid man who has the most wonderful partners in the world!

I am genderfluid, but only go by he/him. I just happen to feel a bit masculine some days and a bit feminine others!

I am also a furry, if ya couldn't tell! Which isn't LGBT, but it gives me extra gay vibes and I am proud of being one!
*waves* I am Asexual! I actually came out through a pfp I made a while back, and funnily enough, I don't think anyone noticed, lol! Not that I mind! XD I just found it funny.
GarnaalProductions wrote:
To all my closeted or less-loaded-on-luck Alphabet Mobsters out there: things will absolutely get better when whatever is wearin' you down (dumb family members, queerless environment, etc.) moves aside, and you are just as deserving of love and happiness as everyone else. Better yet, one day, you'll experience it too. That's a threat. You cannot resist!

VoliminalVerse wrote:
My friends here call me "Verse".

Screw it. I'm coming out.

. Happy Pride and Congrats!

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