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Forums » Smalltalk » Pride Month 2024

PK-Lucas wrote:
*waves* I am Asexual! I actually came out through a pfp I made a while back, and funnily enough, I don't think anyone noticed, lol! Not that I mind! XD I just found it funny.

Well now I'm curious!
Uhh hi guys. i think im a trans guy and a demiboy (I genuinely don’t know anymore) (he/it/skull)

I also think I’m omnisexual with no clear preference. I’m also demiromantic yay

uh that’s it. bye guys
PK-Lucas wrote:
*waves* I am Asexual! I actually came out through a pfp I made a while back, and funnily enough, I don't think anyone noticed, lol! Not that I mind! XD I just found it funny.

You were one of the first I came out to. The thing is, I just don't discuss my sexual preference (or lack thereof).
Hi, I'm Ace, and I have Navy pride-

Okay, I'm bisexual, with real Navy pride after my short-lived service.

That's that?
Hihi, pplz!
Happy Pride Month! >w<
Not exactly sure on my sexuality, but I do know I have no preference on someone’s gender or pronouns, but I do prefer more romantic relationships that are more focused on simple things in life like hugs and cuddles and hanging out and sharing good times together, lolz. Asexual spectrum :3

I am biologically assigned female from birth, however have for sometime since around 2020 began using masculine terms, to test smth I have been curious about. Although I still use other terms, feminine and in between, I don’t exactly mind much being referred to She/Her. But I have noticed I do have a preference towards He/They, and other masculine terms. Dunno why, makes me happier(?), and that’s good enough for me ^^’

I uh, think that’s all, lolz
Love is love <3
✨Positive vibes for all✨
🏳️‍🌈 <3
.the.MILK.theef. wrote:
PK-Lucas wrote:
*waves* I am Asexual! I actually came out through a pfp I made a while back, and funnily enough, I don't think anyone noticed, lol! Not that I mind! XD I just found it funny.

Well now I'm curious!

Curious of the pfp? It was a sprite of Lucas from the video-game Mother 3, and I had placed him on an Asexual flag. :) Since *looks at my username* :)
Every time I see your username it's followed by an imaginary clip of the Smash Bros. Lucas voice, but saying, 'PK Lucas!'

Also, I'm bisexual and genderfluidy/queer. :D I feel like it's obvious sometimes 🤔 and other times I feel like it's obvious I wouldn't need to broadcast it for other reasons. XD
Uh hey guys, happy pride! Names Sockz, I'm bigender and cupio!

I'm still trying to figure myself out these days but i guess im just a certified pretty boy who has an obsession with skirts, bows, and the color magenta ehe, happy to be here!
Bluebeldy wrote:
Uh hey guys, happy pride! Names Sockz, I'm bigender and cupio!

I'm still trying to figure myself out these days but i guess im just a certified pretty boy who has an obsession with skirts, bows, and the color magenta ehe, happy to be here!

Pretty boys in skirts and bows supremacy!!
Shinyrainbowlithogra wrote:
Every time I see your username it's followed by an imaginary clip of the Smash Bros. Lucas voice, but saying, 'PK Lucas!'

I absolutely love that omg
Sadly I'm going to change it here soon, but like, I still absoluutely love that because I can imagine it too XD
okay I know I already posted here but I completely forgot something...
I'm demiromantic :)
I kind of always knew that I matched the definition for it (only experiencing romantic attraction after an emotional connection is formed), but didn't realize it was... different from the way some other people felt. I thought it was """normal""", but when I saw it was a label I commented to one of my friends that I didn't get it, because I thought this was just how romantic attraction works. apparently not, though? not for everyone
anyway, that's me, some nonbinary asexual-demipolyromantic (not polyamorous) gremlin XD or in other words, your local queer cryptid!
oh and in case it wasn't clear, nothing against polyamory! :D it's just not who I am, but I know the similar labels confuse some people, so I feel the need to specify
Yo. I'm queer soup.

To sort of explain... I'm genderfluid and abrosexual/abroromantic. Both my gender and my orientation shift around independently. Yes, it's weird and has probably contributed to some of the relationship issues and stuff I've experienced over the years. ^^;

Since becoming aware of and accepting these things, I've mostly gone back to sort of ignoring it. So far as I know, I spend most of my time in the triple-A zone: aro, ace, agender (or some other nonbinary variant). Occasionally I notice it's suddenly different when I experience an unexpected reaction, whether pleasant, unpleasant, or somewhere between; sometimes I'm also able to interpret whatever the reaction was more easily than others, too.

*jazz hands*
I can count the people I've come out to. I don't know if I want to come out publicly yet.
VoliminalVerse wrote:
I can count the people I've come out to. I don't know if I want to come out publicly yet.

Very valid. I think there can be a lot of nuanced reasons for people to not come out, especially in certain spaces.
I've never discussed my sexuality with my parents or like... work. But, I also don't feel the need to, personally.
However, I know I want to live in a world where people don't feel forced to be closeted or scared to be open, about anything.

Happy Pride, folks! I don't have a lot of coming out to do anymore, thank goodness. I did all that sometime ago being the old millennial that I am. Coming out to my blood relatives was a crapfest though and a very wretchedly traumatic experience. I won't go into detail of course, but considering all that happened, I was grateful to come across the two families who took me in and accepted me as I was and still am.

As we all tend to, I went through the whole finding myself bit and attempting to understand why I was so vastly different from everyone else. I never got crushes, I never had the "Oh look at them, they are so incredibly hot" phase, the intimate scenes in movies were squicky to me most of the times, and even well into my adulthood, I come across as super clueless. I oftentimes get made fun of (in a light-hearted way) when I don't catch on to flirtations, attempts at grabbing my attention, or understanding things of that nature as it were.

I didn't have boyfriends/girlfriends growing up. I had my interests and my hobbies and couldn't have been happier for it. I eventually "Web MDed" my preferences and come to find out I was very much a highly introverted asexual with a pinch of demisexuality. I probably could research further and find out more about how I came to be who I am, but I'm pretty satisfied with calling myself officially a demi-ace.

My partner is autistic and perhaps the greatest, smartest, most capable individual I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and being with. They are patient with my ignorance and tolerate my faults better than anyone. I mediate for them and we are a perfect match when it comes to knowing when it's time to cover for one another in social situations. We've been together for years -- married for 8 of them now and have been inseparable since. They've determined themselves to be demisexual, and we're both quite monogamous. Picture a pair of pining doves.

I suppose I have prattled on enough! I hope everyone finds the light in their life, the one or multiple individuals that help guide them, teach them to be themselves, accept you and open up to you. Be the safe zone others need and if you can't, find a safe zone -- a family or friend or other that will be the outlet you need to feel comfortable in your own skin.

Best wishes to everyone! Happiest of Pride!
Atheist wrote:
Happy Pride, folks! I don't have a lot of coming out to do anymore, thank goodness. I did all that sometime ago being the old millennial that I am. Coming out to my blood relatives was a crapfest though and a very wretchedly traumatic experience. I won't go into detail of course, but considering all that happened, I was grateful to come across the two families who took me in and accepted me as I was and still am.

Not Aro/Ace myself (quite the opposite ha, I'm very hyper), but one of my best friends is, and it's weird how people will take offense at the idea of... Not wanting sex, not wanting love, being unable (or much less able) to create romantic relationships etc.

Like, I know firsthand that Aro/Ace people can weave meaningful, close relationships and that soulmates can be fully platonic. That our society considers love to be the highest level of relationship is understandable (wrong, sure, but understandable), but why the hate towards people who can't feel it? That makes no sense!

Sorry for the rant, it's a personal peeve of mine ^^'

As for me, I'm transbian, been out for a few years now. Those were the best years of my life so far. Transitioning felt like opening my third eye, felt like a fog was lifted on my inner eye, too. I'm more creative, more driven, more outgoing. I do more things, I do those things with more passion.

Actually, a fog was lifted on my whole existence. It's like when you connect an HDMI cable halfway in and the screen comes out all bad. It's lisible, but it's buggy and you can't discern details. For me, transitioning let me plug that cable all the way and now I can experience the full range of my senses.

Living as a trans person has been like living with depression for me, though. You have to work on it every single day, like a wound that won't really close. People will use the wrong pronouns, you'll see your deadname or the wrong gender on files that aren't up to date yet, you will need some efforts to find clothes that fit.

Got a cool tattoo out of it tho, and I'm much happier. I would rather pass away from exhaustion with a smile on my face than live miserably 80 more years :p
sorry, this is probably semantical (is that a word? it is now), but I think it's important to emphasize that the word "love" doesn't just refer to romantic love, and that people who are aro and/or ace absolutely do still feel love. I'd argue that love, of some type or another, is the most important/meaningful type of relationship. for some that will be a romantic relationship, for others it will be the platonic love between close friends, then there's queerplatonic relationships, and for others it's the love of family members, or pets. (or any combination of these things, plus maybe other examples my sleepy brain forgot.)
Oh yeah absolutely, I meant specifically romantic love, my bad, I'm ESL and in French the word "amour" is more specific than the English "love", though it still isn't so specific as to only refer to romantic love, so that was a mistake of semantics on my part :>
Heyo! I have no idea how to properly introduce myself! but im Baryonvexx, you can call me Baryon or Bary.
im Homoflexible, kinda like bisexual but a bit less. its described as being attracted to mostly men, but also occasionally swinging towards girls.

guess thats it lol
LeDuc wrote:
Oh yeah absolutely, I meant specifically romantic love, my bad, I'm ESL and in French the word "amour" is more specific than the English "love", though it still isn't so specific as to only refer to romantic love, so that was a mistake of semantics on my part :>
that makes sense! also I'm sorry if I came across as rude or high-horse-y or anything, I didn't mean to so hopefully it didn't seem that way ^-^

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