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Forums » Smalltalk » Pride Month 2024

Ultimate.Gaymer wrote:
LeDuc wrote:
Oh yeah absolutely, I meant specifically romantic love, my bad, I'm ESL and in French the word "amour" is more specific than the English "love", though it still isn't so specific as to only refer to romantic love, so that was a mistake of semantics on my part :>
that makes sense! also I'm sorry if I came across as rude or high-horse-y or anything, I didn't mean to so hopefully it didn't seem that way ^-^

Oh don't worry, thanks for helping make myself more specific x3
alright gays, pride month is over, back to the abyss with us
Pride month is over but I was like, “oh well, I’m only one day late. It’s not like it’s July 27th or something.”

Just wanted to remind everyone that it’s okay to be unsure and to change your gender. Gender isn’t a one way path, sometimes it takes a while. For me, I thought I was transgender for the longest time until I realized I was Agender. It’s okay to be unsure and it’s okay to change your mind about things. Remember you’re loved and beautiful no matter how you identify in the LGBTQ+, everyone is valid. <3

Oh crap, I'm late... Guess I need to be cis-het now...
Jokes aside though, I'm going to post here anyway, 'cause... I can! ^_^
I'm overall just very queer, I guess. My gender is "ehh, whatever *shrugs*" and I'm fine with any pronouns being used for me; I'm not a guy or girl but typical binary pronouns don't bother me and I try to present however I want without caring how others perceive me, though admittedly dysphoria and anxiety do get in the way of this. Nonbinary and genderqueer both fit me just fine, but I like the genderqueer flag better, so I tend to go with that ^_^
As for my orientation, well... I'm definitely asexual, and for romantic attraction I find it a bit hard to label, but it doesn't bother me that I don't have a specific word for it; queer is fine. I think I'm mainly attracted to other genderqueer/nonconforming/nonbinary people, but I can't say for certain that I'd literally never be interested in someone with a fully binary gender. So... I'll love whoever I love, and it'll always be kinda gay^0^
I used to be pretty concerned about finding the perfect labels to describe what I'm experiencing and who I am, but I've found it's caused way more stress than is worth it, so I'm trying to let go of the idea of having words for everything. Of course, there's nothing wrong with having labels if they help you or make you happy, but it's also important to remember that you can just be... You, and leave it at that.
Ultimately, I hope people with no labels and people with some labels and people with lots of labels and people with any number of labels ever all stay safe and take care of themselves and others as best as they can <3
Happy Pride, even though it's not June! Let's be gay and do crimes 24/7/365!
Hehehehe, where I live, scheduling issues and wanting to give proper space and respect to other groups drove the local Pride organizers to move most of our Pride events to July, so I've still got plenty time here. B-)

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