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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » A Harry Potter role play

The day started like many others, with a slight bit of fog and rain coming into the Isles of Scilly off the southwest tip of Cornwall England. It was not uncommon for this time of year, or most of the year for that fact. The rains made the plants gleam of glow in multiple shades of green. The gardens were ripe with new growth and ran drops slowly raced down the glass panes. A small forest stood behind the house.

A young man sat in the bay window looking out while stroking the head of Griffey, the family's house-elf. Elliot was nervous about what was coming. His invitation letter to Hogwart had arrived a few days earlier and today was the day he was to leave home.

Griffey, the family's house elf, had its hands full watching over Elliot and his family, today had been extra busy with company and Elliot heading off to school. Even with Griffy’s best effort Elliot always appeared to be wearing rumpled clothes and his dark brown hair was always out of place. How much of this was due to his being a teenage boy, the effects of magic, or a curse of some type, no one was sure. If there was a shoe untied, a button missing, or mismatched socks being worn, it would be on Elliot.

Griffey had become close to Elliot and the two were friends.

Across the room, Liora Thorne was singing to herself listening to the radio. She was busy brewing healing potions for his older sister, Astrid, Elliot thought. Astrid was an apprentice healer studying to be a nurse as well.
“Are you excited,” Astrid asked as she watched Elliot.

His green eyes sparkled a bit and his pupils adjusted to the candlelight. They twitched and looked a little past his mother and sister.
“I guess so,” Elliot said looking up.His tone was a bit nervous and his body language showed more.
Going to a new school, meeting new people, and having to make new friends was not something he was looking forward to.

Turning back to the window, the neighbor, a girl always in a dress with long hair below her knees,was heading off to school. She had been born in Paris and had lived most of her life in France. She had leaned over and kissed Elliot’s cheek after he told her he was going off to a boarding school. The implications of that act evaded his male mind but not the rest of his body. His mind interpreted the surprise act as just something they do on the continent.

A sigh left his chest as he thought about his friends heading for the ferry to make the trip to school.
“It is not like I am going away forever,” the young man said hoping.

His father arrived home with sacks of things wrapped in brown paper. Cheese, meat, and bread were what he brought for the trip. Like most teenage boys he could eat then eat more five minutes later.

Liora corked the potions and called Griffey over to pack them in Elliot’s bags. Looking over at Alaric she signaled that Elliot was nervous.

“Elaine, stopped me on the way home to ask about the Blake’s new kittens,” his father,Alaric, said knowing that the neighbor girl’s name would draw Elliot’s interest.

In a teasing tone, Astrid asked, “I wonder if she will name it Elliot?”

Elliot tightened his hands to try to maintain control of himself and continued to look out the window watching his family's reflection in the glass as a blush came over him from his toes to his ears. A snarky retort brewed in his mind but did make it to his mouth.

Older sisters had a way of teasing to get a big reaction. Like most things he missed her smile that showed she was happy the boy was growing up. He was just happy that Elaine had noticed him. Elliot knew other boys in his class that were taller, more athletic, and even smarter than him.

Elliot's class was small enough that he was not bullied, but not always included. Like many teenages he did not always fit in. This was not to say that Elliot was not smart. His one hidden talent was that he could draw. His drawings, even the quick ones, were in intricate detail and the images came to life in his mind. It was like they were trapped there begging to get out. In his sketchbook Elaine filled a few pages. So did some birds, fish, flowers, fairies, and other animals.

His mother had watched the interaction and smiled slightly with a hand covering her mouth. She did not want to embarrass Elliot.

Reading the room and the exchange, his father came over and placed a hare hand on Elliot’s shoulder and announced, “Time to get going.”

The family neared the door as the two of them prepared to leave. Hugs were given including one for Griffey. Elliot then put on his best smile and grabbed his bags.

The walk down to the docks went quickly. Looking down, walked lost in thought. He tried to imagine what it was like when his father made this walk. He had never seen his father scared or looking awkward.

Within minutes a wizard ferry arrived and the pair boarded. It looked and smelled like a normal ferry but it moved much quicker through the water.
“We are heading to the top of Diagon Avenue,” Alaric said proudly to the ticket seller.
The ferry darted through the water appearing to pass through a cargo ship. It made four more stops before reaching their destination.

Diagon Alley was busy as students from the different academies would be all shopping for their supplies.

“How did you manage to wrinkle your robe already?” Madam Malkin asked after Elliot’s robe fitting. Elliot smiled slightly thinking his mother would ask the same thing.

Books, robes, supplies were easy to select and purchase, but the wands. They were special because they chose you.

After that, his father took him to catch the train to Hogwart. Before he gave his son a hug, he slid a small book into Elliot’s pocket.
“Some simple animal magic. It can be helpful to transform into a mouse or dog at times.

Elliot made his way to his seat in a cabin car. It looked like the train cars that he had ridden in before. But it smelled a bit different.
It was a normal day in Scotland, the sun rose and nature came to life. The greenery surrounding Anissa's aunt and uncle's house lit up. It was definitely a beautiful place to grow up, but sadly Anissa would not get to finish growing up there. Her aunt Leanne, was a cold woman, and hated the fact that she had to take care of her sister's magical baby. She had knocked on Anissa's door hardly before entering, Anissa had already gotten dressed since she knew she was headed to Hogwarts today. Leanne walked up to her and cleared her throat, and handed her a letter before leaving the room. Anissa took it from her, her hands shaking slightly as she feared what the letter could be.

She sat down at her desk and opened the letter. "Dear Aunt and Uncle of Anissa Griffis,
We are pleased to inform you that the headmaster at Hogwarts has accepted that Anissa can live in the castle until she is of age. Please give her the necessary materials and belongings before letting her stay in the castle.
Much Regards~ Professor McGonagall

Anissa's eyes began to tear up, so it was true then. The rumors she'd heard from her muggle Aunt and Uncle were true. Her bowtruckle friend, Ollie, jumped onto the table and looked up at her with a sad face. Anissa grabbed him and hugged him gently, he hugged her back. Everything that Anissa had been through, her only true friend and companion was Ollie, he was always there for her.

She got up and went over and grabbed the rest of her belongings and clothes, and put them in the trunk. She wiped her eyes and looked at Ollie "I guess this goodbye to this place huh? Come on, let's get out of here, I don't want to be here longer than needed since I'm not wanted here." She said, and Ollie sighed. He hopped onto her shoulder as she picked up her trunk and walked out of her room, not looking back. She made it to the front of the house and heard her Aunt and Uncle fighting, but she ignored it. Her Uncle Berny seemed to be the only one who cared about her besides Ollie.

The wizardly bus waited for her at the end of her driveway, and she flipped her long, curly ginger hair over her shoulder and out of her face as she walked up to the bus. "Diagon Alley please" she said and handed him some coins before going to find a seat. Suddenly the bus took off with immense speed and it startled her like it did every time she got picked up from this bus. Ollie held on for dear life.

Before she knew it, they were in Diagon Alley, she thanked the bus driver and got off. Luckily all she needed to get was her books and robes since she was taller since the last time she got new robes. She already had her wand, got that a few years ago when she had first gotten her Hogwarts letter. Once she was done, she headed to the train, her hair flowing behind her in the breeze as she made her way to enter the train.

Once she was on, she found an empty area and sat down after putting her trunk on the shelf above. She crossed her legs and grabbed a book out of her bag that was given to her by her friend Penny. She was excited to see Penny and hoped she'd be there this year, since there was talk of her moving. But when Penny never showed up to sit with her, she sighed and looked out the window 'great, besides my bowtruckle I truly have no friends, this is going to be a super year' She thought to herself. A part of her felt depressed, but she kept her head up. Anissa was a strong woman, she was brave too, which is probably why she got put in Gryffindor her first year at Hogwarts. No one loved her, no one cared for her, besides Ollie, and she supposed that's all she needed was Ollie. She decided to be open minded, and try and make new friends.
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As the train chugged along towards Hogwarts, the atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation. Students chatted eagerly, discussing their summer adventures and plans for the upcoming school year. Suddenly, a commotion broke out at one end of the train corridor.

A small eruption, shook the train car followed by shimmering blue smoke that drifted through the air, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps. Elliot Thorne, a young wizard with bright eyes and an adventurous spirit, came running down the corridor. His long, red hair flowed behind him as he chased after five blue butterflies fluttering around him in a playful dance. Other boys pushed pass fleeing the havoc that had been created.

"Whoa, what's going on?" someone exclaimed loudly.
Elliot weaved through the students and into find Annika and Ollie looking out the window. Boys continued to scatter fleeing the conductor. Laughter ringing out in the corridor. Butterflies twirled around him, leaving a trail of sparkling blue dust in the

"Sorry to bother you! Just a little magical mishap," Elliot said sitting down opposite her, his voice laced with excitement.
"I was trying out a new spell, and, well, it seems I accidentally turned myself into a butterfly magnet!" He chuckled, the butterflies fluttering around him in a mesmerizing display.

The conductor shot past, still yelling at the other boys. Elliot kept his head down and avoided her gaze.

“I am Elliot,” his said putting out a hand.
Anissa felt the rumble and she got up to look to make sure it wasn't anything serious. When she was sure that everything was fine, she sat back down and looked out the window. Suddenly she heard a voice and looked to see a boy standing there. "Sorry to bother you! Just a little magical mishap" He said and she gave him a friendly smile "not a problem, just startled me is all" She said. She watched as he sat across from her and she fixed her posture so she faced him fully. She watched as he stuck out his hand and told her his name. She took it and shook it "Anissa Griffis, this little guy right here is Ollie. Pleasure to meet you" she said, doing her best to look somewhat friendly. Anissa was awkward sometimes, but she usually knew how to stop awkward situations should they arise.

Ollie hopped off Anissa's shoulder and made his way over Elliot as they shook hands, and crawled onto his arm "don't worry, he's harmless, he seems to like you though, he doesn't do that to anyone. So, you excited for the new year, Elliot?" She asked him and let go of his hand and returned it to her side. She smiled softly at him "I'm surely excited, I have to admit, I am a little sad my best friend won't be at Hogwarts this year, but it just means I get to make new friends I guess." She said and shrugged "not that anyone wants to be my friend anyway." She sighed and looked back out the window for a moment, before looking back at him. Ollie sat on Elliot's shoulder and dangled his legs for a moment before looking at Anissa and nodding.

Anissa giggled "yeah, Ollie definitely likes you." She said and then held her hand out to Ollie, he grabbed her hand and she brought him back over to her. "Come on Ollie, let's not scare our new friend." She said and he held his arms out like he was trying to act big. "Don't you dare" she said and put him in the pocket of her robes. She heard him blow raspberries from her pocket "sorry about him, he likes to act big and tough sometimes." She said and covered her mouth with the tips of her hands to hide herself from laughing "I love picking on Ollie sometimes, he picks on me all the time. But yeah, anyways, you excited for the new year? I wonder if this year will be different." She said and looked at him and put her hand down.
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Elliot grinned as Ollie crawled onto his arm, feeling a sense of warmth from the bowtruckle's unexpected affection. "Nice to meet you too, Ollie," he said, scratching the tiny creature behind the ears before he settled on his shoulder. He turned his attention back to Anissa, intrigued by her mention of a best friend who wouldn't be joining them at Hogwarts.

"I'm excited, yeah," Elliot replied, adjusting his glasses. "But I'm sorry to hear about your friend. It can be tough being separated from someone you're close to." He paused, considering her words about making new friends. "Well, I'd be happy to be your friend, if you'd like," he offered with a friendly smile.

As Anissa playfully interacted with Ollie, Elliot couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with her. "Ollie seems like a fun companion," he remarked, chuckling at the bowtruckle's antics. "And don't worry about him scaring me. I think he's quite charming." He pulled out the animal book from his pocket.

He nodded at Anissa's question about the new school year. "I'm definitely curious to see what's in store. Hogwarts is new to me, first year and all," he said, excitement bubbling in his chest. "Maybe this year will be different in all the best ways."

As the train rattled on towards Hogwarts, Elliot found himself feeling grateful for the chance encounter with Anissa and Ollie, sensing that this year might just be the start of something magical.
Anissa heard him apologize that her friend wouldn't be there, and she gave him a soft smile "thank you" she said. Then she heard him offer his friendship and she nodded "sure, I'd like that, thank you" she said again. "I'm glad you're excited, trust me, you'll love it here. So much so that you'll be sad to leave." She said. Suddenly she remembered the letter her aunt gave her and she sighed and looked out the window. She wasn't about to dump all of her drama onto a first-year. "I'm a third year, Gryffindor, I was told my second option was Hufflepuff, but I think Gryffindor suits me well. I can't wait to see which house you get put in. Who knows? Maybe you'll be a Gryffindor like me, however if I were to guess, I'd say Ravenclaw for you." She said and smiled at him.

Ollie came out of her pocket and sat next to her on some books. He stared out the window before looking at Elliot and giving him a soft smile. Then he went back over to Elliot and sat on his shoulder again. "You seem to be familiar with magical animals, scratching behind his ear is like one of his favorite spots." She said to him. She sighed and looked back out the window again, trying to distract herself from the fact she'll never see her family's house again, the house she grew up in, the house her Aunt and Uncle inherited when her parents died.

She looked back at him and gave him a friendly smile before looking at Ollie "Ollie leave the kid alone" she said and held her hand out to him. He crossed his arms and stuck his tongue out at her. She threw her hand up and chuckled "fine, stay with your new best friend then" she said. Then she thought of something and took out one of his treats. "Ollie, you want it? Gotta come over here to get it" she said and placed it on the books he was sitting on. He jumped from his shoulder all the way over to Anissa and she caught him "hey, be careful! Last thing I need is my companion getting hurt, that'd make me sad" she said to Ollie. Ollie went over and picked up the treat and ate it before going over to Anissa and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Aww, Ollie" she said and hugged him "you're so sweet" she said and pet his leaves gently.
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Elliot felt a wave of relief wash over him as Anissa accepted his offer of friendship. Her warm smile and kind demeanor instantly made him feel at ease. "I'm really looking forward to it," he said with genuine excitement. "And who knows? Maybe I'll end up in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. Both sound like great houses."

When Anissa mentioned her own house and the possibility of him being a Ravenclaw, Elliot's curiosity peaked. "Gryffindor sounds amazing, and Ravenclaw has always seemed pretty cool to me," he said thoughtfully. "I guess we'll find out soon enough."

Elliot watched Ollie with a sense of fascination and amusement. The little bowtruckle's actions were endearing, and he felt a sense of camaraderie with the creature. "I've always been interested in magical creatures," Elliot admitted. "My dad is an expert in Magical Creatures, so I guess I picked up a few things from him."

As Anissa looked out the window, Elliot noticed a hint of sadness in her eyes. He didn't want to pry, but he hoped that their conversation could help distract her from whatever was troubling her. He smiled as Ollie came back to his shoulder, feeling a sense of comfort from the little creature's presence.

"You know, I'm really glad I ran into you," Elliot said, genuinely. "It's nice to have someone to talk to on the way to Hogwarts. And Ollie is pretty awesome, too." He chuckled as Ollie interacted with Anissa, the bond between them evident and heartwarming.

When Anissa offered Ollie a treat, Elliot watched with amusement as the bowtruckle eagerly jumped over to her. The affectionate exchange between them brought a smile to his face. "You two make a great team," he remarked. "It's clear how much you care about each other."

Elliot leaned back in his seat, feeling a sense of optimism about the upcoming school year. With new friends like Anissa and Ollie by his side, he felt ready to take on whatever adventures Hogwarts had in store. "Here's to a great year," he said, "And to new friends."
She smiled softly at him and nodded. "Well, whichever house you get put in, I'll still be your friend. However not many Slytherins seem to like me, mainly because of my blood status I found out. It is what it is, some like me, some don't, don't bother me any." She said. She listened to him as he explained his dad was an expert and she nodded "ohh, very interesting, that's super cool. I'll have to ask him if he knows anyone who wants a naughty bowtruckle!" She yelled the last word and looked at Ollie quickly, who was in the bag of treats. Head first into the bag, Anissa scoffed and laughed a bit and picked him up by his leg "what do you think you're doing?" She exclaimed. Ollie, hearing what she said, blew a raspberry at her, but then opened his mouth and pointed.

Anissa sighed "okay, do you think maybe if you're hungry you should show me that before ruining your appetite? Come on Ollie, we talked about this, you need to show me when you're hungry, which means grabbing my attention, now sit and I'll get you some food." She said and set him on the stack of books. Ollie sat down and crossed his arms, waiting patiently. She reached into her bag and pulled out some food for him and handed them to him "here you go, and I'm sorry for what I said, you know I could never give you away." She said and kissed his leaf as he ate. Then he smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up. She smiled and nodded looking back at Elliot.

"It's nice to have met you too, hopefully I can give you some guidance around the school, whatever you need, just send me an owl, or you can find me down by the Great Lake a lot in my free time. I'm always here for my friends" she said and smiled at him. She heard him talk about her and Ollie and she nodded. "I met him my first year at Hogwarts, although I almost had to give him away, Ollie refused to leave my side. He'd gotten kicked out of his group and he was still pretty young. I taught him everything he needs to know, and once I'm old enough I'm going to grow him his very own tree to protect. Bowtruckles protect wand-wood trees so I was thinking of just getting him an Oak. Oak trees are beautiful, but of course I prefer Cherry blossoms." She said and smiled.

Suddenly, the door open "well well well" she heard a male voice say and she looked. "O'Brian, nasty seeing you around here" she said to him. The boy chuckled, it was clear he was older than both of them. He looked at Elliot "oh look mudblood! You made a new friend! Is he like you? If he is then I've got another person to add to my list." He said.

Anissa rolled her eyes "No, he's not, I just met him can you back off? Why every year without fail, you come to pester me? You just hate that much don't you?" She asked him and crossed her arms and frowned at him. Ollie dropped his bug and stood up and started walking towards O'Brian. "Ollie, stop it" she said. Her eyes teared up a bit and she looked back at him. He laughed "aww she's gonna cry, what a baby, little baby mudblood with no parents! Not even your Aunt and Uncle want you" He said and laughed and walked away.

She looked down, tears escaping her eyes "how did he know about that?" She said and put her hands over her face. Then she stood up and ran out the doors and ran down the cart to the bathroom. Ollie looked at Elliot and did the sign language motion for "I'm sorry" as if he was trying to say he was sorry that he had to witness it. Then he went over and wrote something down, it wasn't very big but it was eligible. 'He's always mean to her for no reason' and showed it Elliot the paper.
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Elliot watched the interaction with O'Brian with a mixture of anger and helplessness, feeling a protective surge for his new friend. He had heard about the prejudices some students held, but witnessing it firsthand was another matter entirely.

As Anissa ran out of the compartment, tears streaming down her face, Elliot felt a pang of guilt for not stepping in sooner. He looked at Ollie, who was making sign language motions and then writing something down. When Ollie showed him the paper, Elliot's heart ached for Anissa.

O’Brian turned his attention to Elliot. First year students were good targets for being hazed and harassed.
"You are a bloody bully, plain and simple," Elliot said to O’Brian softly.
“What did you say to me?” The older boy said coming into the compartment in a more threatening way. With his right arm he swung, trying to knock Ollie into Elliot.

In the length of time he took a breath out a spell, Elliot changed form a large wild cat pounced hitting O’Brian in the chest knocking him back and on the floor. Elliot remained on top of him as the older boy fumbled to find his well. Elliot kept his claws on O’Brian’s skin and use his weight to keep O’Brian from getting and advantage on him. Claws were great equalizer. O’Brian let out a scream and the conductor came to check out the new commotion. Seventeen pounds cat moved off the older boy and sat there as the conductor started to yell at the two of them.

“Sorry, he tried to hurt Ollie,” the cat said with Elliot’s voice. The fur color was a bit off, but he had managed to pull off a fairly impressive cat.

“Both of you, back to your cabins. Be sure the Head Master will hear about this,” she said in a tone that indicated frustration.

Slinking back into the cabin Elliot hopped back on the seat and tried to change back. Not once, but thrice with no luck. He was stuck and now worried what others would think and say. He was mostly worried about what Annisa would think. He did not want to look silly.

Looking back to Ollie he said, “There is always a reason. He might like her or be jealous of her…”

Elliot could come up lots of reasons. None of them were good reasons.
Anissa didn't know what had happened after she left. But when she gathered herself and came back, she saw Elliot wasn't Elliot, and she looked at him "what happened?" She asked him. She went over and returned to her seat and Ollie went over and hugged her hand. "I'm alright, I promise." She said and sighed, wondering how to turn him back. "What spell did you use to change? Obviously you're not metamorphmagus." She asked.

She picked up Ollie and put him on her shoulder and he rested his head against her cheek and she smiled softly. "I'm sorry about O'Brian, he doesn't like me and he never has since my first year. Not sure why, blood status I suppose, I'm muggle-born." She said and sighed, then she looked out the windows. She hoped he wouldn't ask her about what he said about her aunt and uncle not wanting her. But if he did, she would just have to answer through the truth.

She wondered how to change him back, but she couldn't think of any spells to turn him back. "Do you have the book you got the spell from? I might be able to help you change back." She offered. She waited for him to show her the book, and if he did, she take it from him and skim through the pages, when she found it, she nodded "alright, I found how to help you." She said and took out her wand. She pointed it at him and did the hand movement, and suddenly he returned to normal. She shut the book and handed it to him "look at that, back together again, I just used a simple Untransfiguration spell. Glad to know it worked." She said and laughed softly before looking out the window for a moment "we're almost there." She said.
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Frowning as a cat, Elliot said, “O’Brian tried to hurt Ollie, so I made him stop.”
Pausing for a breath he continued, “I remembered how to change to a cat. Being angry made it easier. But changing back…”

Sheepishly he said, “Either O’Brian does not like anyone or he likes you a lot. It reminds me a of kittens playing, just meaner.”

The transformation explained why Elliot did not have a familiar yet.

Pulling the book with his claws, he allowed her to pick it up.
“back cover has the spell,” he added.

Other students walked past, pointing and giggling at the pair.

Elliot wanted to die. Feeling like he made a fool of himself.
“I wish I could have turned into a wolf ,or something bigger,” he added.
Elliot knew that magic was not always the best solution to solving problems, but he wanted to bite O’Brian for Anissa and Ollie’s sake.
When he gave her the book she turned to the back cover and looked at the counter-spell. She said it while aiming her wand at him, hoping he'd transform back. She heard the students walking by and laughing. Anissa was a hard empath, and she could pick up that Elliot wasn't feeling the greatest about it. She sighed as she looked back at the book "this should wear off by the sorting ceremony, you should be fine. I-..." She paused, then she looked at Elliot "look, the last thing you want to do is get the attention of the headmaster in a bad way. Let me deal with the bullies, okay? But thank you...for stopping him before he could hurt Ollie, I appreciate you stopping him. I normally don't leave Ollie alone, I figured he'd be alright with you, and I was right." She said and smiled softly.

She shut the book and handed it back to him. Ollie crawled into Anissa's pocket and hid. She looked down at Ollie "baby boy, come here." She said and picked him up out of there gently and held him in front of her. She turned him around "what do you say?" She said to him. Ollie looked at Elliot and did the sign language motion for 'thank you'. Then she hugged him "Elliot is our friend now, he'll protect you just like I do" she said and Ollie hugged her back and a tear fell from his eye. She lifted him back in front of her "you okay buddy?" She said. Ollie shook his head, Anissa could tell he was getting upset, and she hugged him again. Then she put him in her pocket "I'll leave you be for now bud, but I'm here when you're ready to talk." She said and he nodded at her, then she looked back at Elliot and sighed "I guess the bully tried to really do something, I'm glad Ollie has you now too." She said.
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Elliot, returned to his human form after a few moment. Taking a deep breath, his head spun and his thoughts with it. Reeling from the transformation and the chaos it caused, he grabbed for the arm rests to hold on. When things calmed dow, he ran a hand through his hair.
"Thanks, Anissa," he said, his voice a bit shaky. "I'm really sorry about all of that. I didn’t mean to make things worse."

He looked at her trying to figure all this out.
“I am use to being bullied,” he said with a pause,” I am not use to fighting back. I had been sneaking the book from my Dad’s library.”
A bit of a blush came over him.
“When I turn into a cat,” he said with a bit of pride, “I become a hunter, and no one bullies me.”

He turned to look out the window. He had not meant to share that much. He pulled his arms tighter to himself and turned his knees towards the windows.

As another group of magelings passed the compartment and whispered.
The look on Elliots face, conveyed the fact that he wished he could hurt them like the pain he was feeling from them.

“We are quite a pair,” he said in a tone indicating he hoped Anissa still accepted him.

Watching trees pass at speeds faster than they should.

“How long will it before before they teach us how to move things by spells? As a Cat, it is hard to get things out of pockets,” He asked with some real concearn.
His father told him the secret to being a good mage was to be prepared.

He looked and Anissa hoping she knew the answer.
"Well they do teach you about levitation, I bet you could ask to learn Accio, if you know what that does" She said and proceeded to take out her wand, she picked up a book and put it on the shelf above the seats, she pointed her wand, did the hand motion and said "Accio" and the book came right to her hand. "I think that's the spell you should need, I might be able to teach it to you too with the Headmaster's permission, which I'm sure he wouldn't mind." She offered and smiled softly at him.

Ollie later came out of her pocket but clearly wasn't ready to talk yet, so he just stared out the window. Anissa looked at Ollie and sighed softly, she was grateful that Elliot had stepped in to save Ollie, but at what cost? She didn't want him to get into trouble, so she'd be sure to head straight for the Headmaster and tell him what happened before the train conductor got to him. Besides, Anissa would be spending the rest of her childhood at Hogwarts, if she approached him, he'd have to listen.

She made that her first mission once she would get there, was to find the Headmaster right away. Eventually the train started to slow down, and kids were getting prepared to get off the train and head to the Dining Hall. She grabbed her bag and her books, and set Ollie on her shoulder. "I promise, you won't get in trouble because you defended Ollie from a bully, it's the least I can do, but I will be there to see which house you get put in." She said and smiled and headed out, but she looked back at him "I'll see you soon" she said and walked out and off the train.

She immediately looked around for the Headmaster, but figured maybe he was in his office. So she headed there and knocked on the door "Professor? Can I talk to you?" She asked and hesitantly opened the door, to find him already talking to the train conductor. 'How'd he get here so fast?' She asked herself. "Look, I know what this is about, Elliot was just trying to save Ollie from some bullies, especially O'Brian. He wasn't trying to get in trouble, he was defending his new friend." She said, Ollie nodded and looked at him.

Headmaster Dumbledore, looked at Anissa and sighed softly "Anissa, I assure you, he is not going to be in trouble, but he does need to be spoken to that what he did wasn't okay and made the train conductor upset. I will talk to Elliot, but I assure you, he is not in trouble. You may go" he said to her.

She looked at him and nodded "of course Professor, thank you" she said and left his office. She was relieved to hear he wasn't going to be in trouble, and Ollie seemed relieved too. She headed to the Dining Hall, and sat down at the Gryffindor table. She watched as the first years started to get sorted into their houses, and she watched Elliot the entire time, and she smiled when he stepped up to get sorted. She guessed Ravenclaw, it suited him.
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As Anissa moved the book Elliot’s mouth dropped. He was amazed at her spell and her as well. She had much better control that he did and she did not seem to let her emotions push and pull her magic.

“That would be helpful when I am a cat, no thumbs and all,” he said sounding awe struck and feeling like he was an idiot.

As the train came to a halt, Elliot gathered his things, his mind swirling with the events of the day. He felt a mixture of gratitude and apprehension, knowing that Anissa was determined to make sure he wouldn't get into trouble for defending Ollie. He took a deep breath, determined to face whatever came next with courage.

When Anissa promised she would see him soon, Elliot smiled and nodded. "Thank you, Anissa. I'll see you at the Sorting Ceremony," he said, feeling a bit more at ease.

He followed the other first-years off the train, his heart pounding as they approached the grand castle of Hogwarts. The towering spires and majestic architecture filled him with awe, but also a sense of belonging. This was where he would learn to harness his magic and make lasting friendships.

As the first-year student made their way to the castle, Elliot was nervious. He could not swim and he did not like being out on a lake. He tried hard to hide his apprehention.

Dumbledore, known for his wisdom and fairness, would handle the situation with a blend of sternness and understanding. Here's how he might address the issue:

As the First-year students followed their leaders, Professor Dumbledore called Elliot out of the crowd. This made some of the students snicker and whisper. That was the worst punishment.

As the entered Dumbledore’s office, Elliot stood nervously in front of Headmaster Dumbledore's desk, fidgeting with the edges of his robe. The room was filled with various magical artifacts, their soft glows casting a calming ambiance. Dumbledore sat behind his desk, his piercing blue eyes twinkling with a mix of concern and amusement.

"Mr. Elliot," Dumbledore began, his voice gentle but firm, "I have been informed about the incident on the train. Transforming into a European wildcat to attack a fellow student is quite an unusual and serious matter."

Elliot swallowed hard, his ears burning with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, Professor. I didn't mean to cause trouble. O'Brian was bullying Anissa and her bowtruckle, Ollie. I just... I had to do something."

Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully, steepling his fingers. "I understand your intentions, Elliot. Defending a friend is commendable, but violence, even in self-defense, must be handled with care. Magic, especially transformative magic, should never be used recklessly. It can lead to unintended consequences."

Elliot felt a lump form in his throat. "I didn't know what else to do. He was being really cruel to Anissa."

The Headmaster's expression softened. "Compassion and bravery are admirable traits, Elliot, but we must also strive to use our abilities wisely and justly. Bullying is not tolerated at Hogwarts, and I will address O'Brian's behavior accordingly."

Dumbledore leaned forward slightly, his gaze intent. "However, you must also understand the importance of controlling your transformations. Such actions can easily spiral out of control, putting yourself and others at risk."

Elliot nodded, feeling a mix of relief and regret. "Yes, Professor. I'll do better."

Dumbledore smiled gently. "I believe you will. To help you with this, I will assign you some additional lessons on control and responsible use of magic. Professor McGonagall will assist you with these."

Elliot's eyes widened. "Thank you, Professor. I appreciate it."

Dumbledore nodded. "One more thing, Elliot. Anissa spoke highly of you and your actions. Friendship and loyalty are powerful, but always remember to seek help from teachers or prefects when you encounter such situations. We are here to guide and protect you."

"Yes, Professor," Elliot replied, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders.

"Good," Dumbledore said with a kind smile. "Now, go and enjoy the feast. And remember, your journey at Hogwarts is just beginning. There will be many opportunities to learn and grow."

As Elliot left the office, he felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. He would make sure to learn from this experience and strive to be the best wizard he could be, using his powers responsibly and with integrity.

With a bit of a smile, Elliot gathered with the rest of the first-year stundent in the Great Hall, the ceiling enchanted to reflect the night sky. Elliot marveled at the sight, feeling a mixture of excitement and nerves. As the Sorting Hat was brought out, he watched in anticipation as each student was called forward to be sorted into their houses.

When his name was finally called, Elliot stepped forward, trying to steady his breathing. He sat on the stool, and the Sorting Hat was placed on his head. For a moment, everything went quiet, and then he heard a voice in his mind.

"Hmm, interesting. A brave heart, willing to defend others, but also a keen mind, always seeking knowledge. Where shall I place you?"

Elliot swallowed, hoping for Ravenclaw, where he could nurture his love for learning and magic. The hat seemed to deliberate for a moment longer before shouting, "Ravenclaw!"

Elliot's heart leaped with joy, and he made his way to the Ravenclaw table, where his new housemates greeted him with applause and smiles. He glanced over at the Gryffindor table looing for Anissa.

As the feast began, Elliot couldn't help but feel a sense of hope for the future. He knew there would be challenges ahead, but with friends like Anissa and Ollie, he felt ready to face whatever came his way. He made a silent promise to himself to always stand up for what was right and to be a good friend, no matter what obstacles he might encounter.

Looking around at his new housemates, Elliot felt a renewed sense of purpose. This was his home now, and he was determined to make the most of his time at Hogwarts.
When she saw Elliot get up to the hat, and got put into Ravenclaw, she was the only one who stood up and clapped intensely. She cheered at him and herself for getting it right which house he was getting sorted into. When the feast began, Anissa sat there and stared at the food. As good as it looked, she just did not have an appetite because of the morning. So she stood up, looking at Elliot and smiling softly before leaving the dining hall.

Ollie hung out on her shoulder as she walked, and made her way down to the Great Lake. Even though it was dark, she always knew how to get around people to get to where she wanted to go without getting caught. She headed to the Great Lake, grabbing her sketch book as she walked over to the dock and sat down, staring down into the dark abyss of water. She wished a part of her had been put in Slytherin, so she could see the creatures of the lake.

She laughed softly when she'd heard of the Slytherin's watching for a mermaid. Mermaids, she knew, didn't stray far from their abandoned ruins in the water, however seeing a mermaid down there wasn't unheard of. She wished she could meet a mermaid. She took out her wand "Lumos" she said and her wand lit up, she put her to her side as she dug out her sketch books and started to draw her parents home. She missed her parents, and wished she could see them again. She sighed and looked at Ollie "you ready to talk about what happened?" She asked him, and Ollie looked at her and started to tell her in sign language what had happened, and what could've happened. Anissa teared up, feeling even more grateful for Elliot. She picked up Ollie and kissed his head "I promise, I will never leave you like that again" she said, Ollie nodded and yawned.
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The Great Hall buzzed with excitement as the Sorting Ceremony concluded and the students enjoyed their first meal of the school year. Elliot sat at the Ravenclaw table, his heart still pounding from his recent conversation with Headmaster Dumbledore. As he finished his pumpkin juice, he looked around, taking in the grandiose surroundings and the lively chatter of his new housemates.

Once the feast ended, the prefects began to guide the first-years to their respective common rooms. Elliot followed the Ravenclaw prefect, a tall and confident seventh-year named Helena, through the bustling corridors of Hogwarts. As they walked, she pointed out various landmarks and offered snippets of advice.

"This is the Grand Staircase," Helena said, gesturing to the vast, shifting stairway that connected the castle's many floors. "Be mindful of the moving stairs; they have a mind of their own. And over there," she pointed to a painting of a bowl of fruit, "is the entrance to the kitchens. If you ever need a snack, just tickle the pear."

Elliot's eyes widened in amazement as they continued their journey. He marveled at the enchanted suits of armor, the ever-changing portraits, and the intricate architecture of the castle. Along the way, they encountered Nearly Headless Nick, the ghost of Gryffindor Tower.

"Ah, the new Ravenclaws!" Nick exclaimed, tipping his hat. "Welcome to Hogwarts! I hope you'll find your time here enlightening."

"Thank you, Sir Nicholas," Helena replied politely, leading the group onward.

Eventually, they reached the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room, located at the top of a spiral staircase in the west tower. Helena stopped in front of a plain wooden door with an ornate bronze knocker shaped like an eagle.

"To enter the Ravenclaw common room," Helena explained, "you must answer a riddle posed by the knocker. It's a test of wit and wisdom."

She lifted the knocker, and it spoke in a melodic voice, "What has keys but can't open locks?"

Elliot thought for a moment before Helena whispered, "A piano."

"Correct," the knocker replied, and the door swung open to reveal the Ravenclaw common room.

The room was a sight to behold. It was a spacious, airy chamber with arched windows offering stunning views of the grounds and the night sky. Blue and bronze decor adorned the room, and a tall marble statue of Rowena Ravenclaw stood in a corner. Bookshelves lined the walls, filled with countless volumes on every imaginable subject.

Helena turned to Elliot and said. "Professor Dumbledore has arranged for a special room for you, Elliot, follow me."

Curious and a bit apprehensive, Elliot followed Helena through another corridor. They walked for several minutes until they reached a small, secluded tower. Helena stopped in front of a door with an old plaque that Elliot could not read.

"This room overlooks the lake," Helena said, opening the door. "It's a quiet, peaceful place, perfect for studying and reflecting."

Elliot stepped inside and was immediately struck by the cozy, inviting atmosphere. The room was smaller than his room back home. It was comfortable furnished. The bed was comfortable bed, a wooden desk, and a bookshelf filled with various texts. The large window offered a breathtaking view of the Black Lake, its surface shimmering under the moonlight.

"Thank you, Helena," Elliot said, feeling a mix of gratitude and awe. "This is perfect."

Helena smiled. "You're welcome. If you need anything, just let me know. The password to access this tower is 'Eagle's Perch.' Get some rest; classes start tomorrow."

Elliot thanked her again and began unpacking his belongings, placing his books and wand in easy reach.

He sat in the bay window looking out at the water and the waves. This place sort of felt like home. A bit of anxiety gripped him, something was not right. It tugged at him from deep inside. There was no bubbling potions coming from the kitchen, no exotic pets getting underfoot, just him.

For a few moments, he was envious of Anissa having Ollie. He watched a small light errupted beyond some rocks. He sat wedged in the bay window and watched the night till he fell asleep.
Eventually, Anissa was starting to get tired, so she grabbed her sketch book and put it away, then grabbed her wand and made sure Ollie was nearby before standing up and going "Nox" and the light disappeared. She snuck her way back into the castle, suddenly the Gryffindor Prefect stopped her "where have you been?" She was asked. She looked at the Gryffindor prefect and chuckled nervously "I just needed some air." She said.

A hand was raised to stop her "the headmaster will be hearing about this, get to bed before you lose points or get detention, also you'll be having your own room since you live here now until you are of age." He said to her. She nodded and followed him to her room, and when they got there, it gave off a Hufflepuff vibe, and she loved it. "Thank you, oh this room is wonderful." She said and got excited. Her own space, where she didn't have to worry about dealing with people she didn't want to deal with.

"The headmaster refurbished it just for you." He said "sleep well" and with that he turned and left. Anissa looked at Ollie "Ollie look at this place! It's definitely better than my room at home, I suppose I could get used to staying here. What do you think?" She asked him. He smiled and nodded at her and she set him down on a cushion before plopping on the bed. She was nervous to start her third year, but she was a good student, always got her work on time, and always did extra credit. Anissa worked hard on her studies. She was top of the class in her first year.

She smiled as she stared up into the ceiling before closing her eyes and falling asleep for the night. When she woke up the next morning she got started on her first class, bringing her supplies as she waited for class to begin. Eventually it was lunch time, and she sat down waiting to see if she could find Elliot and invite him to come sit with her so they could eat together. It wasn't uncommon for different houses to invite other houses to their table to share a meal.
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Elliot woke up early, the first rays of sunlight filtering through the small window of his cozy room overlooking the Great Lake. The gentle sound of water lapping against the shore was calming, and he felt a sense of excitement for the day ahead. Today was his first full day of classes at Hogwarts, and he was eager to dive into his studies.

He quickly dressed in his Ravenclaw robes, the blue and silver colors giving him a sense of pride. After making sure his tie was properly knotted, he grabbed his wand and headed out. As he made his way down the spiral staircase, he encountered the Ravenclaw ghost, The Grey Lady, who nodded at him in silent acknowledgment.

"Good morning, Lady Ravenclaw," he greeted respectfully. She gave him a faint smile before gliding away.

Elliot reached the common room, where a few other early risers were chatting quietly or reading. He nodded to a couple of familiar faces, then left the Ravenclaw Tower. The halls of Hogwarts were still relatively quiet, with only the sounds of portraits murmuring to each other and the occasional distant clatter from the kitchen.

As he walked towards the Great Hall for breakfast, he passed by several important figures. Professor McGonagall, the Transfiguration teacher, was speaking with Filch, the caretaker, about some mischief that had occurred the night before. She gave Elliot a nod as he passed by, which he returned with a polite smile.

He entered the Great Hall, where the enchanted ceiling showed a clear morning sky. The long tables were already laden with a variety of breakfast foods. Elliot spotted a few of his fellow first-year Ravenclaws and joined them, helping himself to toast, eggs, and a goblet of pumpkin juice.

"Excited for the first day of classes?" asked a fellow Ravenclaw named Daniel, who was sitting across from him.

"Definitely," Elliot replied. "I'm really looking forward to Transfiguration and Charms."

After a hearty breakfast, Elliot made his way to his first class, Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall. The classroom was filled with the buzz of students eagerly anticipating the lesson. As the bell rang, signaling the start of class, Professor McGonagall entered, her presence immediately commanding attention.

"Good morning, class," she began, her voice crisp and clear. "Welcome to your first lesson in Transfiguration. Today, we will start with the basics, but remember, this subject is complex and requires your full concentration and dedication."

Elliot listened intently, eager to absorb every word. He felt a mix of anticipation and determination as he prepared for his first practical lesson. The rest of the morning flew by in a blur of wand movements, incantations, and the occasional spark of magic gone awry. By the time the bell rang for the end of the class, Elliot felt both exhilarated and exhausted.

He had a short break before his next class, Charms with Professor Flitwick, so he decided to head to the Great Hall for lunch. The hall was bustling with students, the long tables filled with an array of delicious foods. Elliot grabbed a plate and served himself some roast beef, potatoes, and a side of vegetables.

As he scanned the hall for a seat, he spotted Anissa waving at him from a nearby table. He made his way over and took a seat next to her.

"How was your morning?" He asked, smiling while waiting to invited to eat with her. He already looked overwhelmed.
Anissa smiled widely when Elliot saw her and headed over to sit next to her. She heard his question as she took a bite of her food "it was good, I had Astronomy for the first class, which I considered odd because it's the morning, but I don't question things, how was your morning?" She asked him. Ollie took a bite of his bug that had gotten loose and he caught it. "Ollie is definitely useful for insect control" she said and giggled softly and rubbed his head "good job Ollie, I hope it's delicious for you" She said and smiled at him.

Then she looked at Elliot and took another bite of her food "my next class is Defense Against the Dark Arts. I'm nervous, but I want to be a Auror when I'm older, and possibly a professional Care Taker for magical animals and beasts, so this class will definitely help, I'm glad I'm in it this year." She said and took another bite as she listened to Elliot's answer to how his morning was.

She was nervous for her next class, but she was dedicated. So she focused that anxiety on excitement as she was ready to fulfill her dream. She finished her plate and debated on getting a little more so she grabbed a few more potatoes. "Say, after our classes, want to do our homework down by the lake? I could help you if you have any, I know I'm going to have a boatload already, especially with History of Magic." She said and giggled softly.

Ollie, after he finished his bug, walked over to Elliot and sat on his shoulder happily. "If you want you could take Ollie with you, if you ever feel nervous, you can take him with you, I trust him with you. Ollie, you can switch between if you'd like, just make sure you stay within one of our sights and let us know you're going to find the other, okay?" She asked Ollie and he nodded at her. He made a symbol with his hands "yes you can use that to let us know you're going to the other person, just be careful while transferring okay? It's best if you stay hidden, don't need someone with malicious intent getting their hands on you." She said.

The thought of Ollie being on his own in a huge castle while switching to the other person, made her nervous, almost scared. But she figured Ollie deserved a bit more freedom since he already seemed to know the school pretty well and they'd be stuck there the rest of their adolescent years. "I trust both of you, so both of your be careful, please" She said and smiled softly at them and she finished her second plate as she waited for Elliot to speak again.

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