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Meleck Topic Starter

Elliot looked a bit puzzled and said, “I bet they will have some night labs after you get through some theory.”
It did not make sense to him either, but he figured the school knew what it was doing.
“My first class was Transfiguration,” he said, taking another bite of food.
“Professor McGonagall kept me after class and told me that I am not to change form till I learn the spell to change back,” he put the fork down and gave Anissa a puzzled look after smiling at Ollie’s antics.

“How does she expect me to learn the spell if I don’t transform?” he asked, not getting the point that the professor did not want him transforming.

“She told me she expected great things from me,” he said as he blushed.

Elliot ate a bit more, then added, “doing things her way seems a bit exhausting.”

“Charms made my head spin,” he added with a gasp as if his head was spinning.

“I have History of Magic and Herbology this afternoon,” he said with a glum tone.
“I heard some others talking about the Beast Class,” he said excitedly but then added, “but you need to be a third year.”

“I would help you with Ollie,” Elliot offered.
“My father told me that my familiar would find me,” Elliot said.
“Maybe, it will be a dire wolf or something cool like that,” he added not thinking about what might happen when he transformed into a cat.

Elliot looked up to notice Mrs. Norris was staring at the two of them.
“She has been following me around all day,” Elliot whispered.
“Filch keeps showing up. Two of O’Brians housemates were waiting for me between classes,” Elliot said.

“He started talking about having his eyes on us and something about the forbidden forest,” he added.

Just then a glob of potatoes came flying through the air at them and floated in the air.
Elliot flinched, expecting to have his robes messed up.
Anissa took out her wand quickly and stopped the potatoes from flying at Elliot, and she flicked it back to the sender. Then she giggled "that's what you get! Leave us alone!" She said before sitting back down and putting her wand away. "The bullying isn't ever going to stop if we don't do something about it, also, it's best to stay away from the forbidden forest, but I might go investigate if we get more info on what he said. For now, it's best to avoid them. Also I could teach you the spell you need to transform back, or maybe ask one of the professors to show you." She said and then shrugged.

Ollie hopped down and caught another bug that crossed the table. "Good job Ollie" Anissa said to him "just be careful, don't ruin your appetite for your snack later." She said and Ollie started jumping up and down all excited. She looked back at Elliot and smiled softly "I have Defense against the Dark Arts next and then I have History of Magic, which I'm not excited for." She said and chuckled softly "so many notes to take" She said.

She hummed softly as she gathered up her things "but did you want to meet by the lake later? Figured maybe we can do our homework together and I can help if you have questions." She offered and smiled softly before putting her things away. "Also, ignore Miss Norris, she watches all of the first years, she's trying to figure out who she needs to keep an eye on the most. I was that kid in the first year, until I learned how she moves so I could get past her" She said and laughed softly. "Just try to stay on her good side and you'll be fine with Filch" she said. Suddenly she heard the bell "aww man, alright well, I'll see you at the lake later then?" She asked him as she stood up and got rid of her plate.
Meleck Topic Starter

Elliot watched in surprise as Anissa deftly deflected the potatoes flying toward him. He managed a small, appreciative smile and nodded in agreement with her words.

"Thanks," he said quietly, glancing around to make sure no other projectiles were headed his way. "Yeah, the bullying won't stop unless we stand up to them, but I need to be careful too. I don't want to get into more trouble."

He looked at Ollie and smiled as the little creature caught another bug. "Ollie is definitely handy to have around," he remarked. "And about the forbidden forest... yeah, it's probably best to stay away unless we really need to go there."

Elliot's thoughts drifted back to his transformation incident. "I would appreciate learning that spell to transform back.”

He listened as Anissa mentioned her schedule and chuckled lightly. "Defense Against the Dark Arts sounds interesting, but History of Magic... yeah, I can imagine it’s a lot of notes. I've got first year History of Magic next, which I'm a bit nervous about now. I heard there is a lot of reading as well as the notes"

As she gathered her things, he considered her invitation. "Sure, meeting by the lake sounds good. It’ll be nice to have some company while doing homework, and I might need help with some of it."

Elliot glanced around the hall as she mentioned Miss Norris. "I'll try to stay on her good side. Thanks for the tip."

The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. He stood up and gathered his own things. "Yeah, I'll see you at the lake later," he said, feeling a bit more confident about the rest of the day with the promise of a friendly study session ahead.
Anissa smiled and nodded "alright, see you there" she said and looked at Ollie "you behave" she said before turning and making her way out of the great hall. It felt weird not having Ollie by her side, but she knew she could trust Elliot so it put her mind at ease. She headed to her next class and when she entered she sat down and took out her notebook. She waited for the class to start when she noticed someone giving her a look she'd never seen before, like they wanted something from her.

She looked away from them the whole time, but she couldn't shake the fact that she was getting stared down. She focused on the teacher as they taught and she took her notes. She looked over the homework and nodded as the bell rang. She gathered her things quickly and walked to her next class, and then she was done for the day. After her fourth class she headed to the lake with her homework.

Meanwhile Ollie sat quietly with Elliot and just observed how Elliot acted. He helped him too if he needed it, pointing to answers to questions for his homework and such. He was excited to see Anissa again, being away from her felt odd, but he was glad he gained a bit more freedom with Elliot.

Anissa sat down on the dock and started working on her homework as she waited for Elliot and Ollie. She hummed softly when suddenly she heard the water move near her. She lifted her head to see a mermaid was only a few feet away from her, she looked at the mermaid in shock before giving her a smile and a wave. The mermaid waved back but quickly disappeared at the sight of some other students by the lake and she smiled. She looked next to her to tell Ollie, but he wasn't there. She sighed, and supposed she'd just have to tell him when they got there.
Meleck Topic Starter

Elliot sat at his desk in the History of Magic classroom, Ollie perched on his shoulder. Professor Binns droned on about the Goblin Rebellions, his ethereal voice making it difficult to stay focused. Despite the monotone lecture, Elliot diligently took notes, determined to keep up with the coursework.

As he wrote, Ollie occasionally patted his cheek, offering small gestures of encouragement. Elliot smiled at his companion, grateful for the support. He glanced around the room, noticing a few students already struggling to stay awake. He made a mental note to review the chapter later in the library, knowing the material would be on the upcoming exams.

Professor Binns floated through a wall, continuing his lecture without a pause. Elliot found the topic interesting despite the dry delivery, and he made sure to jot down important dates and events mentioned by the ghostly professor. Ollie hopped off his shoulder briefly, exploring the edge of the desk before returning to his perch.

**Herbology Class**

The next class on Elliot's schedule was Herbology, held in the greenhouses. The air was thick with the scent of earth and plants, and Professor Sprout was in the middle of explaining the properties of the Venomous Tentacula.

Elliot found the class fascinating. He watched intently as Professor Sprout demonstrated how to handle the dangerous plant. When it was his turn, he carefully followed her instructions, managing to avoid any mishaps. Ollie peeked out from his pocket, equally intrigued by the various magical plants around them.

"Well done, Mr. Spencer," Professor Sprout said with a nod of approval. Elliot smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

Ollie, always curious, climbed up a small vine, earning an amused chuckle from Professor Sprout. "It seems your little friend has quite the green thumb," she remarked. Elliot laughed, feeling a deepening connection to both his companion and the magical world they were exploring together.

The class wrapped up with a brief quiz on the day's lesson, and Elliot felt confident in his answers. As they left the greenhouse, he took a deep breath, appreciating the fresh air and the beauty of the school grounds.

As the pair left the class a couple girls giggles as he walked by and looked down. He made a point of avoiding a group of first year students from Slytherin.

“Hey cat, where are you going?” Two boys asked on blocking his way and the other blocking his retreat.

One threw a ball of yarn while the other placed a collar around his neck.
Elliot made sure Ollie was safe as the one behind Elliot shoved him to the ground after the yarn.
A girl made comment about Elliot being Anissa’s pet cat.

Tears welled up in his eyes and Elliot wanted to fight back. Master Fich appeared and started yelling about demerits and punishments. Elliot and all the students in the hallway scrambled to get out of the area. Elliot made it to the dock with the ball of yarn, the collar and most important Ollie.
Meleck Topic Starter

Looking down, Elliot approached the dock. A rock moved down the path as he kicked it ahead of himself.

He flopped himself down letting Ollie work his way back to Anissa. “I think Ollie might be able to pass Magic History by himself,” Elliot said in a tone that expressed uncertainties and a bit of fear. If he could have turned into a bird, he would have flown home.

He let Ollie explain how the end of the afternoon went.

He wrestled with things in his mind. He needed to do something that would get the bullies off of him.

“Anissa,” he started his question then paused. “Is it always like this during your first year?” He asked.
“If I fight back, then I am as bad as they are.” he said.

“I need to do something impressive,” he said.
Anissa heard the footsteps on the dock and she turned and saw Elliot and Ollie. She smiled and waved as they approached, she scooted over for Elliot to sit down with her if he wished. Ollie crawled onto her and she giggled "hi Ollie, how was your day? I saw a mermaid! I think she was curious because my hair is reflecting in the sun and she must've seen it." She said and smiled widely at Ollie, then she looked at Elliot "how was your day?" She asked him. Suddenly she started to see what Ollie was saying about the bullies. She sighed and heard Elliot's question. "Sadly, yes, it is, but not being like them, makes you more like you, that in itself is important. I bet you will figure something out to keep them off your back, you wanna know what I did? I threw a ball at my biggest bullies face, and people have been leaving me since then, even O'brian has been staying away from me besides what happened on the train. Not saying that's what you should do, maybe just keep your head down for now until we figure something out." She said.

Ollie suggested telling the teachers and she sighed "Ollie you remember what happened last year? One of the students had to get someone to follow him, an adult, their entire year because they reported the bullying, sometimes it's just best to deal with it ourselves." She said and sighed again, setting him down on her lap. Then she looked back at Elliot "need any help with your studies? Or homework? If you have questions I could probably find the answer." She said and shrugged "Or it you think you've got it, that's cool too. I just finished up my homework." She said.

She looked back out at the lake, hoping to see that mermaid again. But she knew she was gone and she took out her sketch book and started to draw a bit, she drew the mermaid in the water and showed it to Ollie "this is what she looked like, she was pretty." She said and then showed it to Elliot. "I think she might've waved at me too, but I'm not sure, would be cool though." She said and put her school books back in her bag, which seemed to have endless space. She wondered if she should tell Elliot about her bag, and figured she should "Undetectable Extension Charm, my mom had it before she passed away." She said "I have Ollie's bedroom in here that I plan on setting up in my room, I got my own room since...well I'm not sure why I got my own room" She lied "maybe Dumbledore thought it was necessary" she said and shrugged.

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