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Forums » Introductions » new user (sort of a refugee?)

howdy folks, i'm *kind* of one of the refugees in the sense i had a quotev account but was only half active to begin with, found out about a forum for roleplays and was intrigued enough to take a peek. i've been roleplaying 7+ years and while i haven't quite set up all my characters yet i intend to once o get a chance. nice to meet you guys.

little question just for fun for anyone who wants to answer: what are your three favorite animals? mine are probably rats, cats and sea slugs probably.
Hi, welcome!

I particularly love Bunnies, Birds, and Deer.
Another refuge? Welcome! Stay a while, stay forever!

I like cats, raccoons and whatever the plural of moose is!
Hello! Welcome to RP repository! :)
Um... Cats, Dogs, Crows
REfugee enough. I don't even know what quotev is. I went to the website yesterday to get an idea and saw the changes that sent everyone our way, but... that's kind of all I did. I exited, and went back to whatever else I was doing lol.

Giraffes, elephants, and dogs <3

Hello, welcome to RPR
Welcome to the RPR! 📝✨

Mine would be dogs, bears and meerkats!
<3 Welcome to RPR! <3
Hmm.. probably dogs, rats and horses or cats! But I love so many animals haha Out of ones I can't exactly own.. I'd probably say a clouded leopard, and.. would dragons count??
I hope you'll enjoy it here and have a lot of fun!
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Hey, welcome! Mine are cats, wolves, and sharks!
Hellooo! Welcome to RPR!

And uhh, oh boy-
I love animals sm! But if i had to pick three at the moment, I’d have to say cats, chinchillas, and rats <333 ✨
Welcome to RPR!

My favorites are rats, manatees, and pigs!
StarsInTheWind Topic Starter

man i gotta say out of all the responses i'm surprised so many people also love rats. fascinating.
Hello StarsInTheWind and welcome to RPR! :)

Foxes, wolves and birds of prey! I love most animals, though I've developed allergies so I only keep a bird as a pet now. :)
Welcome to RPR! Glad to have you here!! <3
Hello! Welcome to RPR! I hope you enjoy your stay. ^^

I used to love Quotev too! Welcome to RPR! 🩷
Hello, nice to meet you. I am a new user to RPR and I am looking forward to RPing with you all!
Welcome to RPR!

HOWDY! Another one to welcome from a former site! I am sorry to hear that your Quotev is going down and causing such a mass exodus! I hope the transition over to RPR is an easy one for you and that you all find it a good experience. It's a great place to archive your worlds, your characters, your ideas, etc. I love the diversity here and it's just as easy-going for someone who isn't incredibly active. I'm the same way -- I have limited downtime so my access to fun is rare.

Anyhoo, if you have any questions, feel free to ask any one of us and I hope you enjoy it here! RPR is a great place for all different types! :D

OH! Addendum! My favorite three animals are cats (any and all kinds from big to small), sharks, and bees (if they really are considered 'animal').
Welcome to RPR!

I have a big soft spot for snakes and other reptiles. I also love bears. Currently a little obsessed with stingrays after getting to feed them at an aquarium.

Can't really settle on just three, I love animals in general.

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