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Jet-Roar (played anonymously)

Jets eyes followed the the sight line of the little droid. He stopped as he spotted the space van. Blinking lights, space traffic cone, a maintenance vehicle.
"This bucket of bolts is never gonna get us past that blockade." Jet decided, quoting some space princess, before aiming at the door again.
Then he stopped. Slowly, he lowered his weapon and squinted at the van again.
Wait, that was a Telephone Company van. They might just be doing some local repairs, or making sure the sound system worked properly during the presentation, but Jet had a hunch.
Slowly, he approached the van. They did sponsor the event, right? He at least saw a "Vote Beeblebrox"-banner at the side of the van. One that looked like someones superiors had forced them to attach it to the vehicle, so they did such a bad job at it that there was at least a chance the space airflow would rip it off during driving.
Jet knew one person that drove such a van and was forced to participate in hyping up their candidate.
Instantly, the Kenku switched back into fanboying-mode. He approached the vehicle with some small happy bird hops, then he stopped in front of it and nodded.
Just for a moment he stepped back to drop his gun next to Yoo-nit. "Cover me." he quoted some old sarge from a military movie - any military movie, take your pick - before hopping back to the space van, pleasantly unburdened by thoughts about Yoo-nits capabilities, or lack thereof, of using the blaster.
After all, to use arms, you needed arms.
But he wouldn't dare to blow this van open. Instead, he once again leaned down and applied his lock pick, this time he was properly motivated after all.

(If the detail about the poster wouldn't fit, tell me and I'll edit it out :D)
U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Just for a moment he stepped back to drop his gun next to Yoo-nit. "Cover me." he quoted some old sarge from a military movie - any military movie, take your pick - before hopping back to the space van, pleasantly unburdened by thoughts about Yoo-nits capabilities, or lack thereof, of using the blaster.

"Um...," The droid replied not breaking its gaze from the Kenku.

After all, to use arms, you needed arms. But he wouldn't dare to blow this van open. Instead, he once again leaned down and applied his lock pick, this time he was properly motivated after all.

"Um...," The toaster repeated. There were some beeps and whirs and the red bulb above the robot's eyes flashed for a moment. The antennae on its shoulder extended. The van suddenly chirped, lights flashed and there was a click. Before Jet could react, the side door opened and a ramp popped out. Yoo-nit zoomed up the ramp, maneuvered between the front seats and plugged itself into a port below the dashboard. Its eyes telesoped high enough to see out the windshiled and then turned around to face outward so it could see.

The side door shut as the ramp retracted. Yoo-nit sat idle waiting for the bird person to get into the driver's seat.
Jet-Roar (played anonymously)

Jet stood there for a moment, then he blew the dust off his lock-pick, whirled it around his finger and returned it to his pocket.
'Look at me' his body-language said 'I've opened the van while barely touching it.'
Truly, Jet was a god among Kenku.
Although even still, he gave Yoo-nit a very curious look. Was that the robot of the Operator? Uh, maybe it could ask for a signature! Or even more dirty words, maybe a limerick this time!
The kenku tilted his head as he entered, then he sat down at the helm.
He flipped some space-switches. The right kind of switches, he was an ace pilot after all.
As the Van slowly unglued itself from the ground and started to hover, Jet tapped on Yoo-nit, then pointed toward the shut gates of the station, as if Yoo-nit could somehow miracle those open.
U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Yoon-it let Jet think he was in control of the ship. The little droid didn't think of it as a van and would often argue with The Operator over this point. It didn't say a word as the van lifted off its wheels. They folded under the vehicle as hover mode engaged. Slowly, the hover van floated a foot or two off the ground out of its parking spot but not before a robot arm reached out and grabbed the orange space traffic cone and replaced it on the bumper where it belonged.

They didn't get far before they realized the bay doors were closed and locked. This caused certain complications, particularly the fact that the pair were unable to get the van or themselves out of the parking garage. The Kenku tapped the droid who flipped its eye stalks toward him. Jet stared expectantly as if Yoo-nit could open the doors preventing their escape.

"Ummmm...," The droid replied rotating its eyes to look back out the front of the van. "Error!" Yoo-nit's red light began flashing. The van continued to float in place unmoving.

OOC: Please continue to post as normal. My responses may continue to be delayed until further notice but I'll reply as I am up to it and able.
Jet-Roar (played anonymously)

Jet pointed hard at Yoo-nit, then at the door, as if he just hadn't made his point hard enough.
After a few attempts, he threw his hands up. It was no use. For a moment, the Kenku let his hands and shoulders hang, disappointed. It was as if the gift of flight had been taken from him all over again!

Then, after a moment, he sighed and looked up. Slowly, a smile crept up his face. He set the van down (if it let him) and quickly ran out of the back, grabbing the almost forgotten rifle from the ground as he went.

This time, he went for the other old space-van, and he did so with intent - one shot, and the lock of the van's door was open. At least that was how Jet would tell the story, it was more like 6 or 7 shots.
The Kenku ran in and started hot wiring the van. He had a plan - start this van, set it to autopilot, crash it in the gates, jump out of the back at the last second, look cool while doing it and get back in the Operator's van to flee through the hole.
Well, or the gate would still be closed and there would be the smoldering remains of a space van in front of it, only one way to find out…
U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Jet had no trouble setting the van back down as the wheels unfolded. Whether or not his actions made this happen or it was in fact the droid was unclear. "Um...," Yoo-nit repeated as the bird man exited the van and dashed off. If Jet looked back, the van sat where he left it un-moving. There was no issue retrieving the blaster rifle nor did the Kenku have difficulty in breaking into the other vehicle and hot wiring it. So far, so good.

Meanwhile, Helmet was having a meltdown in the main chamber. There was a major shortage of space rope, space duct tape, space cuffs and anything else that could be used to bind the many hostages in the room and his grunts had given up. It appeared the fact that their captors had large shooty things that would really hurt if used and the captives did not was enough to keep them compliant. Helmet was clearly growing impatient with the lack of progress in locating those that were missing.
Jet-Roar (played anonymously)

Jet had just too much energy to spent, now that he had a ship again. He inhaled as the second Van lifted off. The steering drew a bit to the left, but that would hopefully no problem on the small space.
The Kenku whistled, as his hand searched the cockpit for the box with the collision-detector, then ripped it out. A few red lights started blinking in the cockpit, and a lot of error messages went up all over the van's screen, but that didn't matter.
Jet steered the ship right before the gate, then a bit back, as if to wind up.
Then he hit full speed, crammed the plasma rifle on the space gas-pedal and then opened up the side door to jump out and roll over the floor, leaving the van to (hopefully) crash the gate.
U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

The subsequent explosion was both loud and flashy in the way one would expect an explosion to be. It was the kind of explosion that would be expected when someone intentionally crashed a hover van into a wall or in this case, a closed bay door. Regardless, when the smoke cleared, Jet realized he had not accomplished the thing that he had intended which was to put a large hole in the door so he could escape in the van.

Instead, his effort was rewarded by a very loud and annoying siren likely triggered by the smoke and now burning hover van. Further adding to the Kenku's misfortune is this would likely get the attention of the Rhino men and Lord Helmet, beings that Jet was assumingly hoping to avoid. This misfortune was confirmed when a group of rhinomen with very large shooty things appeared at the far end of the garage.

It was at this point the other van, the one with the blinky light that Jet believed to be The Operator's, pulled up in front of him and the door opened revealing an empty pilot seat. Yoo-nit's eyes rotated toward the birdman.

"Um...," it said it is monotone voice.
Jet-Roar (played anonymously)

Jet laughed like a maniac as the van exploded. For a moment, he threw a wide shadow, as the firey explosion lightened up the room.
The kenku raised his hands, then made fists, laughing and laughing…

Then,the smoke cleared. The door was covered in sooth, and there were glowing remains of the van still gliming on it, but it was very much still a very closed door.
Slowly, the laughter faded. Jet tilted his head.

He sacrificed a plasma rifle for this! What kind of uncaring and cold universe was this, taking his weapon from him, teasing him with an awesome explosion and then snatching victory away from him?
There was no justice left in this world, thought the space pirate.

Luckily, it was hard to retain dark thoughts while people shot at you. And that was just what the rhinomen did as the stormed in. Luckily, Lord Helmet didn't seem to select his goons for precision, and the hanger was wide enough so the first volley of laser blasts missed Jet.

"Come with me if you want to life." he told the robot, then, with a quick jump, he entered the space van.
Frantically, one of his hands searched for weapon controls, while the other already started to pull the ship out of the line of fire.

"Big Bada Boom" he asked Yoo-nit (using the voice of a space taxi driver) as if he would know what Jet meant.
Not finding weapons yet, Jet went for another strategy: he drove the van in a wide circle, using other vehicles as cover before suddenly charging right at the Rhinos, hoping they would dodge something as big as a space vehicle!
U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

"Come with me if you want to life." he told the robot, then, with a quick jump, he entered the space van.
Frantically, one of his hands searched for weapon controls, while the other already started to pull the ship out of the line of fire.

"Um...," the toaster replied in its droning monotone voice.

Much to the Kenku's dismay, there were no weapon systems to be found. Perhaps it was the fact that this was a repair vehicle and was not intended for combat. The other possibility was they were extremely well hidden. Regardless, there were no shooty things available on the van at this moment.

"Big Bada Boom" he asked Yoo-nit (using the voice of a space taxi driver) as if he would know what Jet meant.
Not finding weapons yet, Jet went for another strategy: he drove the van in a wide circle, using other vehicles as cover before suddenly charging right at the Rhinos, hoping they would dodge something as big as a space vehicle!

Although Jet didn't know it, he had just created a new sport that would be talked about for space decades: Space Goon Bowling. It became a popular sport in several systems in the galaxy years later. How this was shared is unclear.

Although the hover van was not equipped for shooting, it was amazing resilient when it came to taking damaging. After all, the vehicle had to travel through space and in a variety of environments when it went dirt side. The laser bolts that did hit the van bounced off or did very minimal damage.

That was not the case, however, when the van struck the occasional goon who did not get out of the way fast enough. For those particular rhino men, their inability to dodge was going to leave them rather sore (or dead) in the morning if not sooner.

A few rounds later, it seemed there were no more grunts to chase or run into. How many might have escaped to warn Dark Helmet was unknown, but several had been incapacited.

Yoo-nit shifted its eyes to Jet. "We must save The Operator," it informed the Kenku in its monotone voice. There was a more immediate problem that must be dealt with first; that was how to get the bay doors open to get the van out of the garage and into space.
Jet-Roar (played anonymously)

Jet did formidably. According to the official ruleset of Space Goon Bowling, he got around 200 points, enough for an advanced game.

Especially the finish was nice: he raced at three rhinos, who were about to dodge in different directions, as Jet suddenly turned the wheel, sending the Space Van at the three sideways.
All three were hit by the vehicle and thrown against the wall. Two fell off, one remained stuck in it due to his horn, earning Jet five points extra.

Space you-tube would really be exploding with the recordings from the cameras of the parking deck!

Sadly, all good things, including a nice game of Space Goon Bowling, had to come to an end, and so, Jet landed the Space Van. With renewed spirit, he jumped out of the vehicle.
"We must…" he repeated in Yoo-nits voice, before switching voices "Open this door! Police!" he suddenly shouted. Three guesses where he got that voice-sample…
He pointed at the gate, but then paused.
Both objectives would lead the duo further into the belly of this space station anyways, they could quarrel about the details on the way. Jet collected two oversized laser-pistols from the lifeless hands of two oversized and under-breathing Rhinos. After all, he had two hands. With his new weaponry, Jet walked at the hanger door in a true trailer moment.

Only to stop and turn towards Yoo-nit. "Ok Space-Google. Navigate me to…" he started, before splicing in a new voice sample again. "Central Door Control." he added, in the computer voice of an elevator.
U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

"Ok Space-Google. Navigate me to…" he started, before splicing in a new voice sample again. "Central Door Control." he added, in the computer voice of an elevator.

Yoo-nit parked the van and rolled out. There was a chirp as the hover van closed the doors and locked up. Yoo-not projected a 3-D map upon request. It was the building interior and had the space Google logo in the corner. It floated in front of the Kenku. A dot appeared representing the duo's present location as the droid zoomed into the parking garage.

A preview of the path showed the route to the controls and the map began to list a series of steps below it in Basic. It appeared the central control room was several stories up at the very top of the building. Another dot appeared representing the end destination once the entire overview was revealed.

The map suddenly vanished as sounds were heard. More grunts were on there way! Yoo-nit shifted its eyes to the birdman. "Um...," It said waiting for instructions from Jet.
Jet-Roar (played anonymously)

Jet just had studied the map, rubbing the underside of his beak with two fingers, as the heavy fall of boots (or just rhino-feet, they always sounded like that) outside alerted him once again.
Like the experienced gunslinger he was, he twirled one of the guns in his hands.
Having forgotten how heavy the rhino weaponry was, he almost lost balance trying to show off, but after stumbling two feet, he had managed to catch the gun by it's barrel, holding the grip out towards Yoo-nit.

Jet gave the brave little toaster an expectant look, as if he just waited for him to take the gun. Then he remembered that the little guy had nothing that really passed for arms.
"Um…" he said in the voice of a yoo-nit, possibly in sync with just that yoo-nit. Alright… Plan B!

The B stood for blasting. A second later, Jet ran down the floor they came from, firing both guns. It was impossible to aim like that, so he didn't even bother - he didn't even wait to see if there were actual things he wanted to aim at, he just tried to rush forwards in a barrage of laser-fire.

His aim: reach the air-vent duct once again. For the last few yards, Jet went into a slide, shooting one gun in each direction - it looked cool, but the floors here had way more grip then he thought, and he came to a halt short of the duct.
U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Yoo-nit did indeed say "Umm," in unison with Jet. Was it possible they were thinking the same thing or maybe had a psychic connection? It was more likely that Yoo-nit was just very predictable or maybe just sheer coincidence.

The Kenku boldly rushed forward, guns blazing and it seemed to work. A few grunts were hit and the rest retreated. Yoo-nit raced after Jet. It only took a few moments and he was at the air duct. Yoo-nit tilted its eyes to the airduct.

It was clear there was a problem; the little toaster droid had no way to get inside the duct. Yet, there were no other options at least for Jet. Yoo-nit weighed about 80 lbs (editor note: to quote Romana Flowers, 'I don't know what that is in kilograms'). That would make it very difficult for Jet to get the droid into the air duct.
Jet-Roar (played anonymously)

There was a military theory that said every combatant reacted to a situation in four steps: Observe, orient, decide, act.
Doing all of that quicker than the enemy gave one an advantage - one could change the situation or create a new one, which gave a proper advantage.

Jet, in his eternal wisdom, had just decided to push that advantage another way: he had shortened the loop, and basically discarded the first two steps for the moment.
He didn't even knew there were enemies down the corridor as he decided to go in guns blazing. It sounded like it, but he didn't stop to check.
He also didn't check if he had hit anyone or anything, he just kept up covering fire - that was how the military called it when you didn't aim - and rushed forward.

Only as he suddenly was surrounded by the air-duct, Jet started to actually think again. It gave the illusion of safety, as if a thin piece of metal could stop laser-blasts. He looked outside, too yoo-nit.
Yoo-nit, who was even more ground-bound than him. Jet pointed in the direction of the hanger, where they just came from.
"Run! Go! Get to the choppa!" he cried out in an Austrian accent, hoping to get the little robot to safety. After all, they had some kind of psychic connection for sure!
Jet threw the robot a gun so he could defend himself.
While it was falling, he suddenly remembered the arms-thing.
"Ummm." he said once more. Why did he keep forgetting that? He himself turned around to vanish into the air-duct.
U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

"Run! Go! Get to the choppa!" he cried out in an Austrian accent, hoping to get the little robot to safety. After all, they had some kind of psychic connection for sure!

"Ummm," Yoo-nit replied staring at the kenku blankly.

Jet threw the robot a gun so he could defend himself.
While it was falling, he suddenly remembered the arms-thing.
"Ummm." he said once more. Why did he keep forgetting that? He himself turned around to vanish into the air-duct.

In unison with Jet, the droid repeated his monotone "ummm" a second time. Its eyes rotated to the gun it was unable to pick up now lying on the ground. Jet disappeared into the vent and having nothing else to do, Yoo-nit zoomed off. The timing worked out just so that when more Rhino ment showed up, neither the toaster nor oversized bird were in sight.

Yoo-nit found a conveniently placed service door for a droid about its size. The droid that normally occupied this space was a cleaning robot that just so happened to be out servicing a restroom when the chaos broke out. Since it wasn't home, Yoo-nit decided to make use of the space.

Yoo-nit sent out a signal and the door opened. The little toaster wasted no time in rolling inside and closing it quickly. There was a charge port which Yoo-nit decided to make use of. Much like the USB ports of early 21st century Earth, the charge port also provided data and access to the entire network of the building. Yoo-nit began to explore the data.

Meanwhile, unknown to Jet, the little droid had also placed a space Airtag (tm) on the kenku that it had attuned to using space bluetooth. The droid began to track Jet's movements through the vent. It had also established a secure channel to his comlink should the birdperson think to try to use it to sync up with the droid.
Jet-Roar (played anonymously)

Well, that sealed it. Yoo-nit and Jet where telepathically connected, and obviously were blood brothers, fated to do battle together and die back to back, as they make a last stand against a horde of enemies.

Wait, that wouldn't work. Still no arms.

Jet ignored the thoughts of greatness and instead crawled down the vent, before someone asked themselves why there was a gun on the floor.

Following an old pirate tradition, he clammed the gun in his beak, so he had both hands to crawl. Usually, he would prefer to do that with a cutlass or a dagger, but he had no cutlass and the laser-dagger he had… well, it wasn't ideal for that use case.
And neither was the pistol. It was far too heavy and bulky, and Jet didn't get a proper hold on it. After a moment, he gave up and just spit it out.
It also didn't fit in his waistband, so Jet just deserted it, as he went on.

Jet had no idea Yoo-nit was following his every move, while the poor cleaning robot was out, probably stuck on tidying up the mess the running gunfights had left all over the station.
It was obvious that Jet also had no idea where he was going - without Yoo-nit to space-google him though the place, he went for random ducts that seemed to lead in the right direction. He totally overshot his goal, as he finally went for an exit.
U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Yoo-nit closed the little garage door sealing itself inside its new make-shift command center. Hopefully, the cleaning droid that resided here didn't come back anytime soon. With the place on lock down, it was unlikely that even droids would be permitted to roam about the building no matter how mundane their tasks might be.

The darkness was illuminated as the little droid projected the 3D map in the air. The kenku hadn't found the tracker which was good for both of them. Yoo-nit processed where the dot was in the ventilation system and zoomed in. Jet had already moved passed the most opportune and safest place to exit the ventilation shaft.

"Ummmm," Yoo-nit said. Jet probably heard the voice in his head unless he realized the comlink was on. There was a flurry of whirs and beeps. Yoo-nit processed where the next likely exit was and began navigating after a beep, a ding and a lot of smoke. Fortunately, the light on top of its head was concealed behind the door in the darkness of the janitor closet and the robot didn't require oxygen as the air had become quite hard to breathe suddenly.

"Go 500 standard space units forward and left," The little toaster narrated, hoping the bird guy had his comlink on and turned up just loud enough for him to hear it or his space Air Pods in. If they were both even luckier, they were connected via a secure space Bluetooth connection and not discoverable by anyone or anything else nearby.
Jet-Roar (played anonymously)

Well, the "Ummmm" could Jet missing his little buddy and subconsciously thinking the same thing as the robot once more. As he slid out of a vent, he heard words that he usually wouldn't make up on his own.
He hadn't any space Air Pods, but his comlink was at least turned low enough that it wouldn't be a problem. Luckily, space Bluetooth had quite the reach.
It had to, if linking space ships was one of the selling points.

Jet followed the instructions of space google, and finally opened the door.
That looked like a control room. At least there were a lot of computers and screens around, and most of them were showing targeted ads for horn-cleaners.

Jet quickly closed the door again, hoping the Rhino who he interrupted in slacking off work was too preoccupied with watching Space Youtube to notice him. Right. He was out of guns once more, how did this happen?

"Ok space google… Guns. Lots of guns."
Jet ordered, in the voice of people who were about to free Morpheus from the matrix. He just hoped it would either give him directions to the armory, if the station had one, or that the toaster would get him to the website of a space store that had same-day shipping.
U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

When Jet ordered space Google, the little toaster initiated a search both of the building and the intergalactic wide web (IWW). The following thing happens:

1. The Rhino notices an unarmed Jet when he closes the door. Time to improvise!
2. The Rhino stays distracted, Jet can try to take him out and realizes there are several guns in here he can take in addition to the Rhino's.
3. The Rhino fails to notice him and Yoo-nit gives Jet the coordinates to a space merchant* in the building
4. Jet gets a useless commercial to "Crazy Gloop's Space Gun and Pawn" the biggest arms dealer in the galaxy, but ithat won't help him right now.
5. A Crimebuster droid* comes down the corridor and targets Jet
6. Yoo-nit sends Jet to another location with "lots of guns" but its a squadron of Rhinos
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 2.

Note: Let fate decide!

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