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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Space Adventures in Space (private)

The Doctor (played anonymously)

Jet seemed immediately deflated... for a few seconds. He pressed the button to cause a metal cot to slide out from the wall. They were designed to be vandal proof. Made of a rare space titanium, they were nearly indestructible and there was no way anyone could yank one out of the wall...

Before The Doctor could explain any of this, the kenku seemed to do the impossible and had the metal plank dislodged from its slot. Wasting no time, the bird person flopped it down on its side, pulled out his improvised concoction and set it by the door and hopped behind the barrier.

"Hey kid, what are you...," The Doctor started to ask before he saw Jet's blaster. Instinctively, he dived behind their make-shift cover as Jet blasted the vile. There was a minor explosion, some smoke and lots of coughing. While the kenku had managed to somehow yank out the indestructible bunk, he didn't put a scratch in the door.


1. The explosion does not draw attention
2. A trooper is watching the cell from a camera and guards will show up in a few minutes
3. A passing trooper hears a strange noise behind the door and opens the cell to investigate without thinking and surprised.
4. A guard, who is prepared, opens the cell a moment later to give the prisoners food but doesn't expect Jet to be armed.
5. A fire alarm is set off, causing a light on a control panel to blink outside but the guard isn't paying attention and has the sound muted.
6. An alarm sounds, a light flashing in the cell and the sprinklers are set off. Guards will be on their way shortly.
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 2.

Note: Consequences

The Doctor (played anonymously)

"Amateure," The Doctor mutters. "Now yas done it, boid brain! The guards're gonna be here any second. Sheesh!"

The Doctor hops over the makeshift barrier and grabs his sonic screwdriver. Waving it around the door, for a moment, he finally passes over the controls through the wall and the door raises.

"Come on, let's skedaddle and find this dame," The Doctor urges.

Guards will show up:

1. Immediately
2. In about 30 seconds
3. 1 minute later
4. 2 minutes later
5. The guard has no intention of checking himself and it takes several minutes for him to call someone to check for him
6. The guards decide to hang back, either they are waiting for the right moment or are trying to figure out how to cover the breech up rather than deal with it, so the coast is clear for the moment.
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 1.

Note: Result

The Doctor (played anonymously)

How many troopers are charging toward the cell as soon as the door slides up?

A gun fight is about to break out as soon as The Doc and the kenku try to leave their cell.

"Well this is a fine mess ya caused my fine feathered friend," The Doctor says ducking back behind the wall hoping Jet is a good enough shot to deal with the troopers who have taken a sudden interest in their particular cell.
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 3.

Note: Troopers

Jet-Roar (played anonymously)

Space stations and ships seldom had too many space windows. For one, space linux worked just fine, and on the other hand, having windows meant you had to darken those if a sun came around and blinded everyone, you couldn't even open those for fresh air without causing an incident, and even if they were there, the majesty of space lost its shine after living almost a whole life there.

It was a curse and a blessing. A curse because Jet would've loved to dive though a windows in a dramatic shard of glass, a blessing because it meant the lights where artificial - and those were big, glowing targets, so Jet just shot those, dipping the floor in darkness.
Then he grabbed the hand of the Doctor and started to run, hoping the dark would cover the two escaping.

Jet's genius plan had one small problem: He didn't have his nightvision googles on him either, so he ran straight into the next door, but until there it worked out fine!
The Doctor (played anonymously)

The Doctor had everything under his control in his mind. The baddies were playing right into his hands as far as he was concerned. Unfortunately, he still had not adjusted to having a kenku as a partner. He'd had many impulsive and strong headed companions in his time. Besides Ace, Leela came to mind.

Nonetheless, from the moment the pair had been placed in their cell, the bird person had gone into full chaos mode and the passing moments had not only derailed The Doctor's space train, but sent it completely off the space rails and plunging down a cliff into the abyss. Before he could be stopped, Jet had yanked his metal bunk from the wall, set off a bomb, nearly choked them to death from the smoke and now the guards had been alerted.

The Doctor was about to share his displeasure regarding their current predicament, but the chaos bird wasn't done yet. He fired wildly and seemed to miss all of the guards who were equally bad shots. The kenku was such a bad shot in fact, that he managed to shoot out all of the lights in the ceiling. It took The Doctor a moment to realize that this was intentional.

On a positive note, other than the light coming from their cell, he had plunged the main detention area into total darkness. This was good as it made the troopers' already terrible marksmanship even worse since now they couldn't be seen. The part Jet had not considered, however, was he and The Doctor were now also blinded as well. What further complicated things was they did not know the layout of this place putting them at a further disadvantage.

Worse still, they were here to rescue The Operator whom The Doctor hoped was in one of these cells. The problem was, there were no windows and impossible to see inside any of them. The good news was a key was not needed. There was a control panel that had a button that opened the door on the outside of each individual cell and a master control panel in the center of the room.

Even more worse was the fact that they were being shot at and re-enforcements were likely to arrive. The Doctor had never played the game 'Find The Operator' before. There was no time for a tutorial and they were playing their first round on the super advanced expert mode. Jet grabbled hold of The Doctor and began tugging him along.

As Jet took off, he ran into a door and...

1) Nothing happened other than it hurt.
2) He stuns himself for a moment.
3) He hits the button on the cell door next to theirs containing a blue alien in a suit.
4) He hits the button the cell next to theirs and The Operator is inside.
5) " it's empty
6) A giant, mean looking alien is inside.
The Doctor (played anonymously)

What's behind door #2?
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 6.

Note: Inside the cell next door

The Doctor (played anonymously)

A large, brown ball of fuzz with bright red shoes, 2 huge angry looking eyes and no other facial features is standing in the door towering over Jet. The light behind him from his cell makes him look all the more menacing. He looks down at the bird person. Meanwhile, blaster bolts continue to fly all over the detention area.
Jet-Roar (played anonymously)

Find the Operator After Dark wasn't, as the name suggested, adult themed, but rather an even more, extra-difficult spin-off of the main game. Well, the Doctor probably would be learning by doing.

Jet looked at the fur, then slowly dared to lift his eyes to meet the angry pair of the guy he just disturbed.
"Have you seen my mummy?" he asked the guy, choosing the voice of a gas-mask wearing child. In lack of a photograph to hold up, he just threw out one of her typical voice samples.
"The time is fish. The temperature is both, a million degrees and minus 5,000 degrees. TTC asks you not to call while being trapped in the middle of a space-time anomaly, it is bad for our instruments. I wish this was a recording."

The Kenku hoped the guy was helpful and would give him a quick answer, as it became statistically more likely that even these guards would hit him on volume of fire alone. After some consideration, he decided to quickly take cover behind the Doctor, while waiting for an answer.!

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